Friday, January 8, 2010

Give me advice about domain name?

i want to make '; Mobile downloads'; site, on which will be mobile content, for example themes, ringtones and so on. and i want a domain name, i cann't think about it, please help me to find good domain for my site. thanx Ann.Give me advice about domain name?
Try and you will find many domains related to mobiles.

If you want ready made lists of the available domain names then check them out here: me advice about domain name? if it's not already taken is already taken!!!
Try domain name spinnes like and other domain name forums before you invest in your domain name.

I need advice about cutting.?

I know someone very dear to me who (used) to cut themselves.

And they recently went through some emotional hardships.

When I tried to talk to them they became furious and stormed away.

Obviously there is no way I am doing any good.

But I am fearful that they will start to cut again.

What do you thing would be the best way to handle this?

Go to the parents? Siblings? Or maybe a college councilor?I need advice about cutting.?
As a former cutter, just be their friend. And an honest friend, not just ';it's my moral duty to look out for you'; sort of friend.

And I HATE when my friends ask me about it. DON'T bring it up, and don't invade their lives trying to fix it for them. You just have to let them work it out for themselves, and be their friend.

Although, the best thing you can do is help them to become relaxed, help them not be stressed. Go out and do things together to help them get their mind off things.

P.S. I would say even if you do see cut marks, don't butt in. You can tell them you're worried and listen to them and still be their friend, but don't go behind their back and tell their mom, or something. Again, they gotta work it out on their own.I need advice about cutting.?
Only step in if u actually see cut marks otherwise its really going to ruin that friendship.

Need SERIOUS advice about some guy that ive been talking 2?

ok ive been talking to some guy right and after 2 weeks we were talking he tells me that he has a baby but his baby lives out of state and idk if i should even mess w/ a guy w/ a baby...but im kinda into him already and he treats really great and i think thats what counts....right??? he always includes me in his plans he calls me everyday and always brings me along w/ his friends so basically i know what his doin 24/7....and i know wat people say that they always go back 2 thier ex's when they have a baby what should i do???Need SERIOUS advice about some guy that ive been talking 2?
Just like woman don't want men to judge them just because they have a child or have been divorced, it's the same thing with us. He sounds like a nice guy, give the guyz that have been delt a bad hand of cards a chance, you might be surprised what has been hiding underneath a rock.Need SERIOUS advice about some guy that ive been talking 2?
Baby mamma drama can b a stressful thing trust me on this....but its jus 2 weeks, give it some time......u say he's really into you so jus go with the flow and prepare for anything. This probably wont turn out so bad
  • lips
  • Looking for advice about something?

    leave ur email and i will try to help u.

    or u can leave a link to a question on answers.

    happy to helpLooking for advice about something?;鈥?/a>

    thanks! and please only answer if you are going to answer my question. sorry haha but everyone has been trying to lecture me . thanks again!Looking for advice about something?
    im good for now but if i ever do need advice ill look u up

    Girl needs advice about b/f?

    I have been with this boy for about 3 yrs. I always tell him that maybe it's time for you to get me a promise ring and he alway put me down and say that that is something teenagers do. We both are 20 yrs old. But he always say that he in love with me and he don't want to be with no one else. But he don't want to get me one. What do you thinkGirl needs advice about b/f?
    You are both 20 yrs old. I know that three years is a long time to date someone, but considering you two are still pretty young, just give it time. Don't think that just because he doesn't give you a ring now that he doesn't plan on ever getting you one. He's just not ready yet which is not a bad thing at all. Guys still need some time to grow up too. Maybe he's just waiting until he knows he can support you. So don't be worried.Girl needs advice about b/f?
    well, consider this, try something other than a ring go over a few suggestions over him. or just say if you love me as you say you do and like for me to be happen give me something that express how you feel and show that you only want to be with me do the same for him
    I think that he will get you oneeventually but you should talk to him.
    He doesn't want to commit.

    You are both young and I can't tell you if it will work or not. Have you discussed marriage? If he's ';putting you down'; then he is disrespecting you and you deserve better then that. He doesn't want to deal with the question or situation.
    A promise ring? I think you should be able to be happy with a guy that wants to be with you without needing a material possesion to 'prove' it. The ring will not make him any more faithful/loving/caring. ';Oh, that's right I got that ring, maybe I should cuddle her more';. Be happy with what you have.
    You particularly asked for a Promise Ring, he is not promising anything. He loves you accept it for what it is, the here and now. If he wants to ask you to get married then he should provide an Engagement Ring which is a symbol of legal promise to marry.
    I really hate to say this, but I don't think he's as in love with you as he says he is. If you have been saying this to him a lot and he still doesn't do it, then there's another reason behind that. Either he doesn't have the money, he really thinks is stupid and doesn't care about your feelings in this matter, or he doesn't believe in material gifts.
    Why would you need a ring to believe he loves you? Sounds like you are being materialistic and bratty. Let him show his love in other ways. A ring is just a ring, anyone can buy one, but true love can only be given by someone who means it.
    maybe he just doent want to rush it. or maybe hes the kind of guy that just doesnt get married or anything like that. i would ask him.
    i'd talk 2 him and see WHY he doesn't want 2 get them, and tell him why it means so much 2 u, he might respond better if he knows how much it means 2 u!

    just talk 2 him and see what's up

    good luck!
    Relax. He is showing that a ring doesn't mean anything and your relationship does. You are mis viewing the message he is sending you. If you are in love your in love you don't need a ring to prove it.
    I think he's cheating.
    ask for engagement instead. I had a promise ring once and the guy cheated on me two weeks later Point? these days a promise is nothing but engagement is commitment
    Dont push him too hard,He says he loves you and being going out for 3 years tells you he does,How about buying him a ring or pendant that way he might think the same way as you and no you are never too old to give a promise ring.Best of luck

    I need advice about my parents plz?

    So my parents are divorced.. have been for 11 years. I am 14. But my dad punishs me when he is angry with my mother. He always puts me in the middle of it. He lets his new wife talk bad about my mom and tell me how horrible i am. My mom is so upset with this. she wont even talk to him. I am so caught in the middle i need to get out it is depressing me. I need ot know how to talk to my parents with out being rude or upseting them.. please help me a 14 year old should not have to go through this considering i have been for like5 yearsI need advice about my parents plz?
    This is what you should do i don't know what kind of man you dad is but you need to take him somewhere so that its just you and your dad and talk to him and let him know how you are feeling and also remind him that he sets the example of what a good parent is suppose to be and you also need to let him know that you don't think it is right for a step mother to be telling you how terrible you are she is also suppose to set a example of what a parent is suppose to be i would hate to see what can take place in 4 years when you turn 18 and don't want nothing to do with your dad cause he is to busy thinking of him self and his needs when it comes to your step mom. When it comes to your mom and dad you need to remind both that parents that have issues with one another are to act like adults and resolve them like a adult don't stick your children in the middle and don't punish children for what your ex has done and yes dear that is a form of abuse and when it comes to your step mom telling you how terrible you are is another form of abuse by law you should copy this and have them read it i have been through the same thing as you i also became a foster parent and a parent of 11 kids so yes i have plenty of experience of being a parent and if they so choose i would be more then happy to talk to them and get them information on counseling please remember that you are not at faultI need advice about my parents plz?
    since confronting your dad about the subject face to face hasn't worked i would try writing him a letter to express how you fell. i have done it before and its worked they seemed to listen and understand more.

    i hope it works out.
    when they do this again try to talk to your dad and tell him that u do not have any relation to that problem and tell him plz not to involve me in that and about your step mum when she talks to u about your mum in a bad way tell her sorry that u can not hear this bcz thats your mum and u love her and do not want anyone to say any bad word about it and then go to your father and explain that to him and how it annoys u
    i have been through it all before exactly what you are going through my parents divorced when i was three I'm 15 now and i went through exactly what you are going through for twelve years the best thing you can do is just keep out of it don't let them use you do what you want to, not what they want you to do. if you want your parents to stop fighting theres not much you can do just tell them to leave each other alone its the best thing for them. its a really difficult time when this kind of thing happens if you want to talk you can email me.
    tell his new wife she can go to hell and not to talk bad about u cuz its tickin u off and tell ur dad u dont apreciate him and his new wife talkin about ur mother and tell him if u dont like her thats fine but shes my mother and i dont like hearing u call her or say ugly things about her.and maybe u should tell him that if they dont change ur gonna stop visiting him and tell him hey u say im horrible well ur horrible tell him wut kind of father lets his wife talk rude to his daughter wut kind of father tells his daughter shes horrible....say im not the horrible person here u and ur woman are and for ur mom being upset tel her to stop sulking and to giv the father a peice of her mind and hang up on his dum butt before he has a chance to say sumthing stupid
    if the letter doesn't work try to talk to your school counsler or a therepist in your phone book and they can help you with your problem
    you might want to think of going through a counselor, they can help.
    you might want to think of going through a counselor at your school because they can help you express yourself to you parents better like having a meeting with them where you can tell the both of them how this is affection you

    Need some advice about adopting...?

    I'm 29 and just graduated from uni as a primary teacher. I'd like to go travelling but I also want to adopt (please dont give me any advice regarding this my mind is very made up!) Anyway I was wondering about the best way to go about it. Do you think I should go travelling come back and then do it? Also I am unsure about where I am going to adopt from.......its very expensive to adopt from abroad, and I am thinking more along the lines of adopting with my local authority. Another problem is that I am still in student accomodation, so may need an established home environment before even trying it. Oh and Im also gay*. So as you can see everything is simple and easy with me!

    *And get lost if you dont agree, my friends and family know I will make a great Dad!Need some advice about adopting...?
    My husband and I adopted our daughter (from China) with the idea of taking her everywhere we went... and we do. Now we have 3 adopted daughters,(two adopted from foster care) and one more China adoption in the works. (It's too risky to adopt in the US, the birth mother and father still have rights to the child even after the adoption is final.) You want to make sure you are settled before you adopt, traveling is easy with kids, MOVING is not. Most adoption agencies require that you have a more or less permanent home, I don't think student accommodations would qualify, but an apartment probably would. You need a steady income and health insurance for the child. I totally promote traveling with your kids, why have them if you're gonna leave them with a sitter? My husband and I formerly traveled with one backpack, two bathing suits and our tooth brushes, now we travel like we're on Cleopatra's barge... but it's SO MUCH MORE FUN with the kids.

    Your sexual orientation does not matter one bit in parenting. It's more important that you WANT to be a dad, and are determined to be a good dad and provider. Just be sure you're financially capable of the extra expenses they incur. Congratulations on your decision, Dad.Need some advice about adopting...?
    First I would think if you wanted to travel you should go ahead and do that before you adopt. Because once you have a child you won't be able to do all of the traveling that you want to do. And like someone else said I believe that it is cheaper (though not hardly cheap) to adopt a baby outside of the United States. Also I know that there is a few states that do not allow a gay to adopt. So you would need to check into that as well. But good luck with everything and I hope you get the baby you've always wanted!
    I think you a bit mistaken, adopting a child domestically is much more expensive than adopting from several other countries. It is also nearly impossible to get a young child under two.

    I have researched adopting from China heavily, and even for the week long trip their with minimal expenses, the total is 15,000-25,000k. There are many baby girls who are viewed as unwanted in their culture, and many die if they are not adopted.

    I'm not sure about their policy on adoption by homosexuals though, they are adopting stricter rules that go into affect May 5th.
    Yes, travel first and broaden your horizens. Life with a child is expensive so it may be a few years before you can afford to do it again. Also adoption is a long drawn out process so be prepared for a long wait.

    Good luck.
    do your travelling first - having kids especially adoptive kids who may have many issues of their own which will need consistancy to sort out may not be ones you could take on the road with you

    i could be wrong about the second point but if i am not then that would be good advice
    If you want to travel it is best to do so then get settled into your career and home before adopting. Once the adoption is legalized ( you may not be able to travel abroad without the adoption finalized for passport reasons) you could then take the child with you to expose them to different cultures. Being gay does not make someone a bad parent. I know several people that are gay that are better parents than some people that are not gay. China is changing their family limit laws, so it may be impossible to adopt from there now. It was just on the news a few days ago.
    You're not ready. No job, no home of your own and you want to travel ? I hope you're rich then.
    One thing to say.... Go travelling FIRST! Once you have children, (however you come about them!) travelling will be the last thing on your mind!

    ok so i have another thing to say!.... rid yourself of having the need to defend yourself about being gay + a dad! Any man can be a good dad, whether he is biological father, adoptive, step, gay, straight, or used to be a woman! being a dad, a GOOD dad, is about being there for your child/ren to rely on.

    Good luck with fatherhood, and enjoy your travelling!

    I need advice about a guy i met............?

    so he is really nice and sweet and good looking. i met him online. i have only seen him for tw weekends so far because he lives about 1hour and 45 minutes away, but we see eachother on the weekends and have alot of fun. i just don't feel a click with him. Should I wait or just give up? I always end up with jerks so I want to give it more time but I also don't want to waste our time in the process.I need advice about a guy i met............?
    I would say give it alittle more time, don't rush things, you don't want to miss out on what might being waiting to come out. I would say give it some more time, and then if you feel a click then stay but if not i would say moving on, to someone who drives you crazy... good luck!I need advice about a guy i met............?
    If you have hung out twice and you don't feel anything for him, it seems pointless to continue seeing him. I met a guy who seemed ';perfect'; when talking online... then after hanging out with him a few times I realized I didn't feel anything for him. He was a great guy, sweet, fun... we had lots in common... I just didn't see it going anywhere. I think its better to end things before he gets attached so he doesn't get hurt. If there isn't chemistry with him... you'll find it with some other good guy. Don't waste your time settling for something less
  • lips
  • I need advice about a guy....?

    Okay so there is this guy that I really like and I almost think he likes me back but my best friend said that he told her he loves her and almost tried to kiss her. And I had told my other friend about what she said and the day that that happened, my friend was with my best friend all day. But they were at this guys house. Sorry, it's confusing! But all in all, I wish this guy would see that I like him... And maybe like me... Any tips?I need advice about a guy....?
    firstly before anything you need to decide whether or not your friend likes this guy. if you think she does-(strongly believe she does) then she is probably trying to throw you off course so she can have a better shot with him, this guy might not have even told her anything or tried to kiss her. If you know 100% that she is not like that and you fully trust her (but be careful, trust is a very hard thing to decide whether it is true), why dont you just ask him whether he like syou wehen no one else is aroud. if this thought scares you then get your friend to ask him whether he lies you (but not in an obvious way)-

    sorry for so much info-let me know how it goes?

    Advice about a guy?

    Hello everyone. I would just like to thank you all in advance for reading this and giving me any advice you have.

    For starters I've been talking to this guy on the internet for 6 years. We met through a game and immediately we swapped photos. I never gave him the right one and purposely went to protect myself, and gave him a picture of someone that wasnt me.

    We've been friends the whole time and it hasnt raised any problems. Lately though he has been wanting to come see me and visit. I'm beginning to develop feelings for him and I know its weird, lets try to avoid calling me a freak k? Thnx. Anyways, he wants to come see me and I dont know how I can tell him I lied about the picture and thats not really me. But hey.. I'd still like you to come see me.

    Any ideas? I thought about telling him straight-up then signing off cause I'm a wuss, leaving a journal entry he can read then hide.. or just telling him he cant because I'm afraid of what would happen.Advice about a guy?
    He saw the picture but has been chatting with you. In this instance i would advice you to use a skill that is becoming extinct, write him a good old fashioned letter explaining your actions and attach a picture.

    Be sincere when you say in the letter that you'll try not to lie to him again.

    Best regardsAdvice about a guy?
    Better tell him now before he wonders what happened to the other girl.You better be over 18yr if yall meeting.
    Well..its happened to friends of mine before but I'm pretty sure they weren't chatting with her for six years. If you guys were strictly FRIENDS over all this time, and thats quite a long time, the guy might be forgiving. But if you're a lot less attractive in real life than the picture you sent him I can see him being resentful, thats the only thing.
    How do you compare to the false photo you sent him? are you heavier, different color, how do you compare need more info ?
    tell him the truth and see wat he has to say if he feels the same way u do he'll understand and then u can send him a real pic and if he's real u can me him.
    depending how far off the picture is ,I would just tell him that your not ready to meet him yet and that you will let him know when you are ready or try sending him an another picture (depending on how far off the other picture is
    Well you are living proof that people don't tell the truth on the internet. You didn't put a true photo of youself and that's a minor thing, but you don't know anything about this character except what he's told you. I would not meet with him and I would change my email address and learn a lesson from this. Even if he is who he says he is, what business does he have emailing you for 6 years when he had a girlfriend?
    be honest b4 u 2 meet. if you are and he still wants to meet you, then great, if not, life does not end there
    No excuses be upfront, just write him and send him a REAL picture and tell him why , you know all your reasons and leave it in his hands then. You have to understand you cheated your relationship as friends with him by hiding something important WHO YOU ARE and sold him on SOMEONE YOU ARE NOT. In essence you have to be ready for the worse and hope for the best but be real and upfront....Good Luck!
    Meeting people from the Internet can be so dangerous now but six years is a long time so he might be OK.If you decide to go,meet in the daytime in a public place.Have a friend there somewhere and don't leave to go anywhere with him this time.

    Before you agree to meet him you have to tell him that the picture was not you because you were being cautious.When you leave,make sure you are not followed.I hope it works out for you.
    Just tell him that it really wasn't you in the picture because you were weary of meeting someone on the net. It's completely understandable. If he doesn't like it, I would say he isn't worth your time.
    maby you should just tell him that wasn't you and that you wanted to protect your self though
    I think he's interested in meeting you because he likes communicating with you online. If your picture were the reason, he would have tried to meet long ago. I think that you can be honest. Tell him that you were worried about giving your picture to a stranger online. If he's a decent guy he'll totally understand that. He might even laugh. If he gets angry, then you DON'T want to meet him.

    If he takes it as he should, then send the real picture.

    P.S. He might be married, which may be why he waited so long.
    well young lady,

    everyone wears some kind of mask, to hide our imperfections!! i'll say this for u, for the amount of time that has gone,';6yrs';.

    as a male , theres no telling if his pic was for real???!@#$%^%26amp;*, BUT BEING AS OPEN AS POSSIBLE WITH HIM,tell him that the pic of u was not u!!, and that u were protecting yourself then and still as of now..and the time has come tobe truthfull with him ,and send him the real pic of u, and chat with him as he receives it!!

    let me tell u right now, and that is he for a moment, is dissopionted or not interested in the way u look?? well he the donkey's rear and would have mist out on a bueatiful person!! so let this be a good thing for u more then it's for him!!! let this not nock your selfesteam!!!

    Uk re-mortgage advice. It asks about service charges arrears but haven't had a bill in the 3 years I have?

    lived there so technically there are no arrears. Should I tell them that or just ignore it and say no? I have asked for a bill repeatedly. ThanksUk re-mortgage advice. It asks about service charges arrears but haven't had a bill in the 3 years I have?
    Tell them. That way nothing will sneak up and bite you on the bum

    Advice about a weird friend.?

    Ok my bf has this friend (lets call him Tom) that doesnt really like me all that much (and to be honest I really dont like him either). Well the other day Tom calls my bf and asks if he will come over to give him advice on a job that he was looking at (my bf had just got in from work and it was 11 at night). My bf turns to me and tells me nicely that he is going to go over for a few minutes and I agree but ask him to try and make it quick, well Tom overhears my bf say this to me and throws a fit over the phone telling my bf that when he gets his life in order to give Tom a call and then hangs up. Well a few days before we had sent Tom some food because he was running really low and wouldnt be able to get any for a while, well after Tom hangs up he walks over (he lives right across the street) and bangs on our door startling us and then leaves the food we gave him on the door step. I thought this tempertantrum was a little too much. (see more)Advice about a weird friend.?
    any friend of a guy is gonna feel this way. guys never wanna see there guy friend get into a relationship because they lose all that time with their friend. but he sounds like he is immature and he needs to lay it out with him, that yeah, you are more important, you are practically family and his friend is just a friend. ya know. history shows that men tend to flock towards a woman anyway, that is how we reproduce, we put family first. if all guys only hung with their dudes and never settled down can u imagine what this world would be, our birth rate would be so low.Advice about a weird friend.?
    you were disrespected even the ocean has boundaries
    Sounds like your guy is decent and kind. Sounds like you're patient and trusting. Sounds like Tom is single, lonely, miserable, and needs your guy's friendship. I'd say he's downright jealous of you, but not in a sexual way.

    He needs to let Tom know who comes first in his life and set some boundaries. Also, your guy shouldn't apologize for anything.
    Your bf's friend finds you to be insignificant.

    It's up to your bf to set him straight. (that is if your bf has enough respect for you to do so)
    Did Tom just escape from the local loony bin? ANY of my friends disrespect the woman I love and they're gone.
    ok, well ur in a bit of a pickle. this is a tricky situation. i dont no u so there could be two possible answers for ur question.

    possiblity#1 dont take this personally but maybe u r trying to control ur bfs life a little bit too much.

    possibiliy#2 ur bfs friend is way too weird. he doesnt like u because he thinks that u r steeling time away from him ';bonding'; with ur bf. he wants u out of the picture so that he can have ur bf all to himself as a friend. ';tom'; doesnt have any friends.this i no of i can tell he doesnt have many friends) Because he doesnt have friends, hes becoming very attached to ur bf.

    i think possibility #2 is more accurate, but then again... it could be both.

    some of the best advice i have ever heard was this;

    ';Your enimy is your biggest crittic'; that means... well duh ur enimy is ur biggest crittic, but ur enimy will do anything he/she can to find sumthing bad about u. if u want to know if u look fat in an outfit (and u do) n u ask ur bf if u look fat in it...its not like hes going to tell u the truth n say yes he'll say no. but if u ask ur enimy, ur enimy will have no problem telling u the truth.
    Your friend ';Tom'; is jealous of you and the relationship you have with your BF. This happened to me and my best buddy. He met a girl whom I did like that much but he did so I went along with it. She began to get irrational whenever he and I went out. She once jumped on the hood of my car wearing nothing but a bra and panties to try and keep us from going out!! Since I was not dating her, I had the luxury of not playing into those games with her. My telling my buddy not to either did not work. So what I did was to begin to include her in some of what we would do. I even began to call and speak with her about whatever. After a while she began to calm down and realize that her man was not doing anything wrong. Just be patient, try interacting with this guy, and include him in some activites. Also letting your BF go out with this guy with out you being around would be a big help in making things improve. Good luck.

    Advice about sex?

    I have been married about a year, I really love my husband, but I'm not satisfied our physical intimacy. I was a virgin before I met my husband, so I didn't have any sexual relationship with any other person except my husband. My husband has lots of experiences. We make love usually once or twice month, because he has some health issue. I know he really loves me, we're always together, discuss a lot, kiss a lot, and cuddle a lot. We spend time together really a lot. Even we meet for lunch everyday. I sometimes ask him if he has any sexual fantacy or not, or what he likes....but always he says ';I like just normal sex, I don't have any fantacy, or fetish, or whatever...I like what we do'; Whenever we make love, I'm not really turned on, and I never had orgasm with my husband. Sometimes I feel it's close, but it never happened. I think I need something, but I don't know what I want to. Also I want to make it differently, but I don't know what to do, and also don't know what I like...Advice about sex?
    well it is nice that you waited either personal or religous whayever the reason.

    It took me a long time to figure out what I liked. Since you are married you could possibly buy a book. I don't know what country you are in and in some books about sex are banned. Try there are books there here is a link to the section鈥?/a>

    the womans section:鈥?/a>

    I also suggest setting up some alone time for yourself and get to know your own body. You have to find the right place first to know where it feels good and how to get there.

    If you do get a book you and your husband could read it together ( after you read it first of course) and pick out what you are both willing to do.Advice about sex?
    you need to be straight up honest with him and tell him you're not satisfied...but in a nonthreatening way. Then suggest to do a different position ( girl on top usually works :) ) haha. good to him!!!
    how do you know that you want more when he's your only? If he has problems let him know and go to the DR. I been with my wife for 9 years and we have sex 4 times a week at the least . and if he;s weak in the hips tell him to use his lips
    tell your husband what your feeling and see if he can try some thing different or do it your self ha ha hope all goes well darling
    So first know what you want and then decide how to go about it because you have many things to be addressed to.
    while ur husband may have a health issue, it is important that u understand what it is and exactly how it affects his sex life. if u don't have all the facts get to see a doctor together and ask all the questions u need to.

    if ur husband is as experienced as u say am sure he can see how dissatisfied u are and loves u enough to try harder. tell him u need more stimulation, more foreplay. change positions sometimes. give as good as you get and you will become better and better. most of all u need to be comfortable with yourself as a sexual being. there are lots of books, websites, therapists that can also help u. has an interview on how couples can communicate their needs thats very informative
    Just Do It!
    I think with you coming close that is a good sign firs of all. Have either of you thought about toys to get things going and to a little spice and excitement. Nothing is wrong with normal but use toys beforehand to please you first and finish the old fashioned way. Pick the toys out together so he feels involved but the clitoral toys are the best. Good Luck!
    Sex need two hands to clap, if one does not respond, then it is a total failure, I guess you have tried alot, so it up to your husband to do something, tell him that you do not get the orgasm that is the most important in sexual intermacy. If he really do love you, he must fulfil it as a husband.

    When I have sex, i will bring orgasm to a girl, seeing them orgasm, it satisfied my desire and make me orgasm too. Of course she also can make me orgasm at a later stage.

    Seek medical advices if needed, wouldn't mind to spend some for a lifetime sex enjoyment with hubby. Everybody sex adventure is different and unique in it sense, it can be good to other, but no feeling for you. So, get advices from the professional and perhap create your own sex behavior with your hubby and enjoy to the fullness.

    No good sex, no good fun ya.
    I suggest you tell your husband that you love him very much but you were thinking of wanting to try new things. You could play on his experiences. What i mean is say you have so much experience with different things I don't. There is body else I would want more than for you and I to have different positions or whatever it is your looking for.

    You can plan out the night a little different. Such as wear something sexy and add food into sex. Have ice cubes, wipe cream anything that sounds good. And take over the situation. Don't be scared to try something new. You dont have to rush into anything crazy. Go at your own pace but being your husband sounds like such a great man I really feel he would be open to making sure your happy in that department.
    your husband sounds like a great husband, but what you need is to work with him a lil on the before sex acts , i mean in order for you to get orgasm , you need to be aroused, so when you start intercourse what was close to happen will happen,also since your husband has experiences, you can make you sexlife interestion through playing on this field i mean ask him what is the most thing he loved during his experiences, how other women used to do this or that with him ,etc.... but if you have a fantasy you should make him love it, and u 2 would enjoy, as a matter of fact there is alot of things to be done to solve your problem , but needs books, i wish u happiness, and good luck

    1992 jeep when hitting about 50 miles per hour steering starts to shake any advice?

    That is most likely being cause by a loose front track bar. When the track bar bushing at the axle bracket or the track bar ball joint at the frame rail bracket becomes worn it will result in a shaking which has become known as the ';death wobble.'; It is caused by the front axle shifting back and forth. Even slight looseness in that track bar bushing or ball joint will cause a shimmy. See the track bar here:鈥?/a>1992 jeep when hitting about 50 miles per hour steering starts to shake any advice?
    it happened to me with my car, and i had a bad tire, but i didn't pay attention to it, and when i did, it had a big rip and i almost got stranded, so you should check your tires.1992 jeep when hitting about 50 miles per hour steering starts to shake any advice?
    Most likely a bad tire, also check to make sure your rims are not bent from hitting a curb or running over something
    Take it to a garage and do a full check up to be sure.

    I gather its the suspension needs to be adjusted.
    Bad Ball Joints. May also need an alignment.
    Check your tire pressure, if that is not it then you probably need an alignment.
    I would say you need to have your tires inspected and rebalanced.
    its called the death wobble. im not kidding there are alot of forums about this goggle it.
  • lips
  • Advice about moving on....?

    I was with someone for awhile, by which I really loved and cared for.. he offered for us to say friends.. he said because of his crazy life right now he couldn't got too serious.. I made to decision to move on... I am a junior in college.. and plan to continue my education after undergrad... It's so nice to have someone to love and care about... but right now I really don't have time to invest to people by which, in the end.. are going to leave/say it's too much/don't have time... I just want to move on... and put myself and the well being of my body #1.. It was upsetting to refuse his friendship.. with him having personals ads on 4+ sites.. i'm sure he has a line up of other guys he want to meet... I don't want to get tangled up with anyone for awhile.. possibly after i'm finished with all schooling/med. school.. hard to live with a broken heart.. Any advice about the situation/how to get over/stay single for a while is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance everyone!Advice about moving on....?
    Dont be too downhearted you are obviously very young and have the rest of your life ahead of you. Life is a journey and people will come in and out of your life, but stay true to yourself and you will never be alone.Advice about moving on....?
    I';m sorry your boyfriend hurt you, Henry, but life does really go on. Just concentrate on your studies for now and keep reaching for your goal.
    It sounds like you're isolating yourself, which is never a good idea. Also, if you know this guy has four personal ads, that means you're following what he is doing, which is also never a good idea.

    To make positive changes, you need to be around people you trust, like your family, and new people. Have you considered joining a new club at school or maybe volunteering some time in the community at a place where you will meet new people? That will have you feeling better in no time.

    Also, do not let yourself continue to monitor your ex. That is unhealthy and will only lead to heartbreak.
    When someone wants to separate from you just to be friends, this means it's over. I'm glad you recognize this. Concentrate on your studies, but all work and no play makes Jack (Henry32) a dull boy. Find at least one new hobby or other pursuit and make time for it. Socialize at least twice a month, if you can, should be easy at college to just hang with people at a local cafe, coffee house or the movies. Another suggestion is to start a journal, writing down nearly daily how you are feeling...not a diary that describes your day...this is to vent how you FEEL. Good luck, I'll be sending some strength your way, grab it and hang on.
    The intellectual is always showing off,

    the lover is always getting lost.

    The intellectual runs away.

    afraid of drowning;

    the whole business of love

    is to drown in the sea.

    Intellectuals plan their repose;

    lovers are ashamed to rest.

    The lover is always alone.

    even surrounded by people;

    like water and oil, he remains apart.

    The man who goes to the trouble

    of giving advice to a lover

    get nothing. He's mocked by passion.

    Love is like musk. It attracts attention.

    Love is a tree, and the lovers are its shade.

    ~Jalaluddin Rumi~
    That sucks, it really does, and I feel bad for you. The one boyfriend I've ever had was only interested in.... well I had to practically pry him off me... anyways it's beside the point, I thought he really liked me but... well time can only heal wounds, but sometimes they don't heal, it depends on if you're willing to accept it and move on or not, and when you're ready you will. Since then, I've tried to get into another relationship, but I've decided that, sometimes, when you stop looking for something, you find it. Point being it's your own decision if you're going to move on, and you'll meet someone when you choose to be ready. It all works out in the end.

    Advice about guys and why they do what they do!!!!!?

    i just got mi first boyriend and i dont kno what to do?? he tells me he loves me but im just afraid to do, act, or say something wronge, im afraid to ruin it. (we had our first ';fight'; last night which consisted of him hanging up on me and not calling me back or talkn to me for an hour and a half he has yet to tell me why) what do i do to make sure that i am not in the wronge or ruin what we have just started?? ( we have been talkn for about 5-7 months, he just asked me to be his gf like two or three weeks ago)Advice about guys and why they do what they do!!!!!?
    Quit feeling like you need to please him all the time. He likes you because you are who you are, not some servile maid who's there just as a booty call. Just ask him why he didn't call you back. He might actually have a reason, but if he's being retarded, forgive him for now...if it gets worse, then you'll have to dump him for your own health. There are plenty of other fish in the sea.Advice about guys and why they do what they do!!!!!?
    How old R U? Just try 2 go with the flow, really.

    Advice about cousin??!!?

    My cousin likes me and wants to have sex with me.

    Is that wrong?Advice about cousin??!!?
    ..... are you crazy, tell him to drop dead.

    do not consent.Advice about cousin??!!?
    If he were single, and you were close in age...I'm presuming your ID means that you are (now) 15, and he's in his 20's...the answer is... That depends.

    In some jurisdictions in North America, and in some places in Europe, you can legally and openly marry a First Cousin. (Ironically, in some of those self-same jurisdictions, it is illegal to marry a late sibling's spouse [charge: incest].)

    If he is a second or further removed cousin, there is nothing about it, outside of the shock that the families would have to deal with.

    Now, based on your circumstances, being 15 and him probably in his 20's...that is illegal on the face of it.

    Presumably you're a good looking young lady, so it is more for the notch on his bed post than to make you happy, since he is engaged... In short, it would be one last fling, and if his fiancee ever found out, probably be a deal breaker. Something like that can end relationships. Incidentally, YOU would end-up with the worse image among their mutual friends and the family. Even if he seduced you, the blame would be laid at your feet for tempting him. Bass-akwards, I admit, but it's Human Nature.

    Now...given my amoral (note: not immoral) nature, I personally don't see anything wrong with it, but would not personally pursue the a similar relationship (I have some damn HOT cousins!), as I still hold Family first.

    Good Luck!
    OK, how old are you? I know of young cousins (less than 6) who were curious about each other and about sex and they tried to have sex. But I take it that you are older than 6... maybe in High School?

    If so, your cousin is a jerk. I think that he wants to have sex with you because he thinks he stands a better chance with you than he would with other girls. Your cousin does not like you or he would not ask this of you; he is just horny.
    well yeah its wrong in many ways. Number one.. your related so it becomes a right away NO. number 2 if your cousin likes you then it means that they havent really been out in the world because there are way more people to have sex with. If they just want to have sex same thing dont waste the pleasure on a random person. Wait to have someone they truely care about instead of just a relative. Think about if you did go through with it and people found out.(which they will) how would you feel? what if word spread to your employer one day? or your career? is that really how you want people to view you?
    Wow. Sounds like your cousin is one light bulb short of a chandelier. He should know better. And sounds like you already know in your heart that this is a crumby situation all around. Imagine what kind of guy would want to have sex with his cousin...on top of which he's marrying someone else.

    Seems like the idea of having sex with someone is to bring two people closer together because they both want that to happen. If you have sex with him, he will be off and running with someone else, and you will be left with some pretty lousy memories.

    Think about it and hopefully you will see that the only person your cousin is worried about is himself. He doesn't like you... yes he may be attracted to you physically, but if he liked you he wouldn't have sex with you and marry someone else. Please stop and think what all this is about before you do anything you'll probably regret.
    YES.I hope he is a teen and he is attracted to you and i feel he don't knows the difference between love and attraction and may be you treated him with a bit of affection and he thought that it is love and uh...... how did he wanted to have sex with a cousin???weird guy!!!!!!
    Um, let me think.

    YES it is wrong. That is awful. He is your cousin, therefore a member of your family. Tell him to go find a girlfriend.

    He obviosly hasn't grown up enough yet. Please don't do it. Please.
    Yes, it's wrong. You didn't say how you feel about it, though.
    don't pay your cousin any mind because having sex is not right it is incess
    Um yes...sooooo wrong...
    yes. it is very wrong!!
    F*ck yeh
    Are you from West Virginia? That's called incest and it's SICK.
    don't do it.
    OMG YES! you need to tell him off!!! or tell your parents!!
    ummmmmmm....... What do you think?

    Advice about a guy??

    Ok I really like this guy but we haven't talked in a while at least since homecoming which was in october I had a huge crush on him last year but we lost contact during the summer and now I barely see him but when I do he always smiles and askes me how I'm doing how can I get him to like me or at least get a better realationship with?? You know try and keep in touch better. Thanks :)Advice about a guy??
    just keep on tlkin to him, get to know each otherAdvice about a guy??

    This is really a tough one because you are thinking that there is more here between you than there really is because you had a crush on him.

    You have to give a guy more credit than you are giving him. If he doesn't call you all summer.....if he allows himself to lose contact with barely see him....he isn't that into you.

    When a good guy likes someone, he pursues her. He calls her, asks her out...things like that.

    If he doesn't do those things, he just isn't interested enough to pursue you.

    Some guys, well...many these days want women to pursue them. I think that is awful. They are acting like females and they want you to act like the aggressive male. It is totally confusing. It can only work out for so long.

    Men....good men...secretly want to pursue the woman they admire until they catch them. They want you to be a hard catch. While you are not accepting every invite, playing a little hard to get, smile at them, make good eye contact with them, touch their hand for a second when you are with them, then let them chase you.

    The new way of women pursuing men has not worked these last 20 years. The old fashioned method of men pursuing women has worked very well for thousands of years. Go with what works.

    Smile at the guys you want to say hello to you. Make eye contact with them. It works better that way in the long run.
    Try and start getting in touch better. Ask if he wants to hang out or if he wants to something together.
    getting use to one another again

    Advice about my gf......?

    always want my gf to wear shot clothes...i want others to c her body...i dont know what is happin with there is some prob with me or its normal??? plz advice ...............i always want her to wear mini skirts or want her to wear deepnech top or i always tels her not to wear her bra when wearing translu. top......i want her to unhuk her first 2 buttons of her very confused about wht im doin....but few of my friends told me that its normal with guys.....and i dont know wht to do...dont know im doin right or wrong thing.....plz help me out....plz reply and give me ur will help me...Advice about my gf......?
    FREAKAdvice about my gf......?
    sounds like ur jus showing her off to everyone I say its natural for guys to do that but does she feel comfortable doing it watch out u might push her away or it might back fire n catch some other guys attention to much good luck
    its exciting but you are going beyond being a would you feel if your daughter was to show her goods to the world for the sake of a guy who supposedly was in love with her? this is not love..this is taking advantage of your women/girlfriend..most mature men would not do this..get some you have issues..grow up
    According to me, you should let her be. You should just let her do her thing and respect her opinion. She is the one who should decide what she wants to wear. I'm sorry but I don't know how normal or weird this is.

    Remember, everyone's comfortable in their own be in yours and let your lady be in hers...
    oh no.. i thought guys will want their girlfriends to be all wrapped up so as to not let other people see their gf's body? t ithink ur quite abnormal.. seriously..since im a girl and i had boyfriends before..
    woa.... u used to be like this before? with your previous gfs? first of all, do u like it when other men to LOOK and STARE at ur gf? won't u feel that ur gf is not for ur eyes only anymore?? didcha ask ur gf whether she is comfortable with it or not?? for me... it is enough for u to know that ur gf is hot, no need for other people to c... it is normal with men to make other people to look at their gurl and praise them for having such a hot gf, but FOR ME, if u really love her, u won't want other people to look and imagine(boys are full of imagination) 'stuff' bout your gf...
    dont worry your normal!!! lol. you just really like your gf and want to show her off to her friends! dont worry!!
    well the fisrt thing that comes to mind is are you getting any from her. cuz it sounds like you're not. but if you are i say it's all good. just don't make her feel uncomfortable. if in the case she like's to show off her body for you, be prepared for the perves out there trying to give her some attention. recently i've been dressing up a bit more than usual because i'm feeling good about my body and i like to look good for my man. i've also been getting hit on and in one case right in front of my man. he almost stabbed the guy, so i say... dont get yourself in trouble. it's normal. my man likes it when i dress sexy.
    u want others to see what a hot girl u have...and u want them to appreciate her body as much as u do...right?

    I need advice about a guy i met............?

    so he is really nice and sweet and good looking. i met him online. i have only seen him for tw weekends so far because he lives about 1hour and 45 minutes away, but we see eachother on the weekends and have alot of fun. i just don't feel a click with him. Should I wait or just give up? I always end up with jerks so I want to give it more time but I also don't want to waste our time in the process.I need advice about a guy i met............?
    I would say give it alittle more time, don't rush things, you don't want to miss out on what might being waiting to come out. I would say give it some more time, and then if you feel a click then stay but if not i would say moving on, to someone who drives you crazy... good luck!I need advice about a guy i met............?
    If you have hung out twice and you don't feel anything for him, it seems pointless to continue seeing him. I met a guy who seemed ';perfect'; when talking online... then after hanging out with him a few times I realized I didn't feel anything for him. He was a great guy, sweet, fun... we had lots in common... I just didn't see it going anywhere. I think its better to end things before he gets attached so he doesn't get hurt. If there isn't chemistry with him... you'll find it with some other good guy. Don't waste your time settling for something less
  • lips
  • I need advice about a guy....?

    Okay so there is this guy that I really like and I almost think he likes me back but my best friend said that he told her he loves her and almost tried to kiss her. And I had told my other friend about what she said and the day that that happened, my friend was with my best friend all day. But they were at this guys house. Sorry, it's confusing! But all in all, I wish this guy would see that I like him... And maybe like me... Any tips?I need advice about a guy....?
    firstly before anything you need to decide whether or not your friend likes this guy. if you think she does-(strongly believe she does) then she is probably trying to throw you off course so she can have a better shot with him, this guy might not have even told her anything or tried to kiss her. If you know 100% that she is not like that and you fully trust her (but be careful, trust is a very hard thing to decide whether it is true), why dont you just ask him whether he like syou wehen no one else is aroud. if this thought scares you then get your friend to ask him whether he lies you (but not in an obvious way)-

    sorry for so much info-let me know how it goes?

    I need advice about my credit card...?

    Okay well My brother cosigned for my credit card like 2 years ago... I had a 700 dollar limit and now its 1,700... I spent it all and he still thinks its 700... I'm in college and I needed to use most of it for my stuff... he didn't want any part in my going to college... So I didnt know what else to do... He is going to be furious.... I just need some opinions on how I should tell him because he has been asking me about it.I need advice about my credit card...?
    Why are YOU not paying on the card, you are the one who charged the items! Your brother will find out, you might as well tell him. I think you should get a part time job, like delivering pizzas or something to pay for the charges, and he actually should cancel the card. If you want a credit card that badly, you should qualify for it by yourself. (And your brother should learn not to co-sign for anyone.)

    Need some advice about a girl ?

    long story short i really like this girl but shes my sister friend and is dating one of my sister friend thing he is kind of a dick to her and there always on and off so im wondering because i like her do i even hint at it or do i just leave it alone...i also have low confidence and im a bit nervous i dont want to lose the friendship we haveNeed some advice about a girl ?
    i think you should tell her when you guys are alone and dont push it.

    just lay it on her smoothly.

    ';i just want you to know i like you,i know you have a boyfriend and im not trying to break you and him up, i just really wanted you to know that.'; then walk away, or do something, if your in the kitchen, make something to drink, if your by your locker, grab a book.

    dont make it awkward and stare at her waiting for an answer because she might not know what to say right away.

    but she will think about it everytime her and her dick boyfriend gets into an arguement. or when she wants to dump him.

    trust me. =]

    goodluck.Need some advice about a girl ?
    try to get close to her first. As in, talk to her about her boyfriend and the problems they have and try to help her with it. then she will become confotable with you. and if her bf arnt together one day mention to her about trying to move on and stop wasting her time one one guy when their are millions the are probubly better
    hell to the no!

    Dont ever date your sibling's friend!

    I need advice about this girl?

    there's this girl at college I like. we talk every now and then, so 'first contact' has already been made, we also talk on msn a lot. but she has a boy friend, who is in another country... like 3,000 miles away. Should I go for it? if so how? I mean her bf is on the other side of the world.I need advice about this girl?
    Get to be friends with her first. Long distance relationships rarely work out, especially so far away. If the relationship with her boyfriend doesn't work out you will be there as her friend. Believe me, starting a romantic relationship as friends first will make that relationship stronger.

    Blessings!I need advice about this girl?
    if she loves her bf then back off. i hate how people ruin other's's cruel. if it ends up not working out with the other guy for her, then you can move in. but for now, just be her friend...
    isn't there like a man code about not going after another man's girl? if not there should be

    be happy with the friendship or move on don't get in the middle of it or you may piss her off and certainly will piss him off and you never know when he will visit
    she loves her boyfriend dude back off!!!!!!

    i hate how people ruin relationships cuz it happened to me =[

    you don't want her to hate you do you???

    cuz i hate the guy that did that to me

    so if you want to be friends with her still

    BACK OFF =]

    BACK OFF . i don't understand how u can venture into some one Else relationship and bring it down. HOW WOULD U REACT IF U WERE 3,000 MILES APART FROM YR G.F. N SOME GUY LIKE U CAME THE SAME WAY U DID %26amp; SCOOP HER OUT.. UH? FEELS SO NICE DOESN'T IT.?????

    U _________________

    I need advice about a confusing email?

    My son had some questions about a music workshop he wants to attend so I emailed the man who runs them (I have known him for yrs), I sent the email to his work address and when he replied he sent it from his home address which he has repeatedly ignored me from in the past. He also addressed the email to my son, not me. I find this abit odd when I actually sent the email to his place of work but he has obviously forwarded it to his home address and as i said has ignored heaps of emails i have sent in the past. Do you think maybe it's ok to email his home address as he's not hiding the fact he still has it now? I'm just confused?I need advice about a confusing email?
    I think you should ask this guy why he ignores you.

    I need advice about a scar...?

    Ok so I'm a 16 year old guy. Last summer I had to have a mole on my chest removed. It's left a circular scar around the size of a quarter maybe a little smaller. It bothers me and I wanted to know if it's normal for a 16 year old guy to be worried about something like that. My mom wants me to go to a plastic surgeon to see if they can do anything to it. Should I even be worried?I need advice about a scar...?
    try this website!!!

    skin--care--supplies.blogspot.comI need advice about a scar...?
    Nothing to worry about. You're 16 and you wanna look perfect. Nothing wrong at all. Plastic surgery of that magnitude is virtually non-evasive, and shouldn't hurt you much, if that's what you're worried about.

    I had much more extensive surgery than that as a child, and it still bothers me the way it looks.

    [I had reconstructive ear surgery from age 5-8. Lost an ear lobe on a barbed wire fence.]
  • lips
  • I need advice about love making?

    my partner keeps going on about having sex i really dont feel like it cos im to tierd after looking after our 8month old baby i have talked to him but he doesnt understandI need advice about love making?
    typical situation, 1 person want one thing, the other doesnt. You need to compromise. At the moment, you are not having sex(so getting your way) and still moaning about it!! obviously you need to make an effort to keep a healthy relationship. so you need to make an effort and have sex with him at times. You shoud both make an effort about once a week at first. Both dress nicely, have a nice dinner, a few candles. But dont expect him to do all the running, he has been spurned for a while and you will both need to make a effort to get back to normal. No ';he or she should understand my needs more';. understand eachothers needs!!!!!I need advice about love making?
    You need to find a compromise. Men often feel neglected when the wife's attention is focused on the baby and they are pushed away.Try to arrange for a sitter once a week or so then you can spend time with each other. He needs to know that he is still important to you and that you want to be with him physically. Men really don't require to much to feel happy when it comes to sex I get that your tired but you don't always have to have marathon sex to keep him smiling.
    You have to remember that your partner needs attention too. Maybe you should try to either take a nap with the baby, so that you're rested when your partner gets home or maybe cut the baby's nap short so that he/she will go to bed earlier and you and your partner have a little time together. Is it possible for you to get someone to care for the baby for a day so that the two of you can have some one on one time? Becoming a new parent is hard on both parties but you have to remember to make time for each other just like he needs to understand that at times you are too tired.
    You need to tell him exactly what's making you so tired. Tell him you need some help, and be specific about what kind of help- he can provide.

    If he doesn't listen, or chooses to ignore you, then you have serious problems and should seek counsiling.
    A very good book ';Sheet Music'; by Kevin Leman, It's christian but has very sound advise. not for prudes
    Rainbow, believe me, I can relate. I have three children aged 4, 2 and six months,I lost my sex drive after every time I gave birth, and just when I'd start to feel like myself again, I'd get pregnant again. It's especially bad if you're breastfeeding, which I am (but I do NOT think this is valid reason to give up bf'ing)..You know what, I do not subscribe to this whole ';buy some lingerie, get a sitter'; crap. Your body will get back to normal,and so will your hormones, this is all temporary. Explain this to your husband. I was honest with my husband and told him that although he's gorgeous and I adore him, I don't have any sex drive whatsoever at the moment, so when we do make love, please don't expect much from me, but I still do it when I feel I can manage. When there's no pressure, I feel slightly more myself.
    Tell him that after having a baby it takes a woman a little while before she is in the mood for sex. Maybe you could get a family member or friend to watch the baby and you and your partner have a few hours to yourselves. When the baby is asleep, spend time together. Tell him that if he wants to a healthy sex life he needs to help wit the baby,not leave it all up to you. Some women after having a baby, just don't feel like having sex! I always tell my husband if he wants sex, he better help me with our little girl. I know what you are going thru. Men just don't get it. Cooking,cleaning, and taking care of the kids, we sure as hell don't feel like having sex. Good luck!
    if its a dude don't be surprised if he cheats on you, if you want to have a happy partner ship your going to have to learn to have sex, start exercising,and eating well and maybe some of your energy will come back, set down and have a talk with your partner let them no how you feel ,and let them no if you are willing to change if not let them go, if they like sex and you don't your are not a good match and you will only end up making each other sick, if this is just a stage let them no,and tell them eventually you will want to start having sex again,no guy joins into a committed relationship thinking that his sex life will be over.
    Im pretty sure we understand you, BUT you have to make an effort sweet heart. Try taking a nap or figure out something because thats one of the reasons theres infidelity. Just let him have and him do the work lol no but you and him could have some time together even just for an hour try, your husband needs the attention too just like your baby.
    try lying onyor side he penetrates from behind,he will be doing most fo the work,while you enjoy pleasure.But you will meet his thrusts with your buttocks making it pelasaurable for both of you.

    Simply lay on your stomach while he penetrates from behind.
    Tell him that when he takes his turn at looking after the baby and you get sometime to relax maybe then things will improve after all it is his baby ,you need your own space for a time
    This isn't just down to tiredness. You have lost your sex drive and that is perfectly normal in a person who has recently given birth.

    I recommend a Herbal Tincture of Damiana Root. It can be purchased from health food shops. 5 drops per 10mls of water twice daily. It won't work overnight, but it is a restorative tonic.
    I would be hurt adn won't understand either. Get a sitter, relax, and have wild sex as if it's your first time. Enjoy!
    Yes give time to your 8 month baby. But when the baby is asleep find some time for your partner. Or u may force him to become your ex-partner.
    You MUST make time for your partner...this is crucial in any relationship...Majority of men who cheat will say that they weren't happy in the bedroom (and then the women stil asks why)..Be thankful he still has a desire for you after the baby..many women are complaining their men are looking around because they gained weight or some or other reason..Please dont let this lead to a break up..Good luck sweety!
    Having a baby and then looking after the baby all day can leave you feeling tired and reduce your sex drive - a good idea is to kick start something for yourself to make you feel sexy - go to Ann Summers and buy yourself some sexy lingerie, or even just spend proper time with your partner - it's easy with a young child to not really talk any more or spend time with him. That should get things going a bit! Once you get back into it again you might feel like doing it even more and feel less tired!
    Rainbow love,your man has got to have some loving at home or elsewhere, which one to you prefer?
    I think most guys wouldn't understand - to me I could work 18hrs a day and I could still have sex but I know its different for women cause most have a lower sex drive and a take longer to be turned on - maybe get some one to take care of the little one for a day and night so you have the energy to go for it that night

    I need advice about a friends cheating problem.?

    Ok. Heres whats happening: I have two friends, and they have been dating for a while. Recently, the one friend ';joe'; told me that he really didn't like ';jan'; anymore and that he was going out w/ someone else ';christie';. I felt that it would be kinda bad not to tell ';jan'; about this, and when I told her somehow the word got out to everyone. After i told ';jan';, she broke up with ';joe'; until ';joe'; was able to convince everyone that I made everything up and that he still likes ';jan';. Now, ';jan'; thinks that I lied to her and doesn't like me, and also everyone else in highschool thinks im a liar. I know that ';joe'; still likes ';christie'; and now is deciding to break up with ';jan';, but is waiting. Since I'm kind of mad that ';jan'; doesn't believe me and right now isn't talking to me, what should I do? Should I just let her find out when ';joe'; decides to break up with her? Help please!I need advice about a friends cheating problem.?
    I think that this will be something she has to recognize by herself because it seemsshe doesn't believe you so you can't convince a person of something if they are not trying to hear it. You did the right thing by telling her and sometimes the right thing may not seem right to all people. Just be a friend and understand that she is more in denial then anything because when you are with someone in that way it is hard to believe what people say against that person. Forgive her for being blind and be there when she recognizes the truth. If she ever does. Good luck!I need advice about a friends cheating problem.?
    I don't really get you but... you should talk to her that what you said it's real or you should try making her laugh.
    Your so called friend showed her friendship toward you. Stay away from her because when he breaks up with her she will be coming back. Girls only seem to talk much or friendly when they do not have a bf. Stop hanging with girls get you something else to do because nothing but trouble in HS. You do not have to be cold--don't be available make-up reason why i can not go with you. I have something to do. As a matter of fact all those people got made at u. Not your friends. Be glad this happen to show you who your friends really are. Associates and friends!
    Loose lips, sink ships....keep your mouth shut and let them work through their own issues. **** floats..and all comes to the to stay clear of it. In other words....mind your own business......cause it'll always come back to bite you in the ***!!!
    You tried doing the right thing once and it backfired. There is nothing more you can do. Let nature run it's course and hope that in the end the truth will prevail.
    I am sorry, this is a catch 22. Just stay out of it. If he is crepping, she will get it sooner or later. See you were trying to help her and he turns it all around on you. when it comes to other peoples relationship, just leave it alone. Sorry, she mad at you.
    yeah just wait it out and let her know...when he breaks up with her... that you never wanted to hurt you just wanted her to know the truth...nothing more...and that ';joe'; is a jerk. ...that is hella rude...just stick it out and everything will go good.
    U did what a good friend would do,tell the the truth about a cheat.dont worry your girlfriend would soon see joe for who he is[a liar and a cheat] and she will be sorry that she did not believe u.she will soon come crying to u and want your support.
    !I think you should just tell Jan that your only trying to help, and if she doesn't appreciate it.. then fine. Otherwise you should just wait for her to find out on her own. Seeing is believing!

    I need ADVICE about religion...?

    I like a lot of different parts of different religions, so what should i be?I need ADVICE about religion...?
    Why not take the bits you like and ditch the rest? Pick n' mix.

    I imagine the religions of the present reached the point they're at today because somewhere down the line someone said: nope, I don't like that very much, I'll do this instead.

    (It's how most of them start in the first place.)

    Failing that, adopt every religion you like and worship on a rota system.


    Come with us... Join us. Come with us... Join us. Come with us...I need ADVICE about religion...?
    Most religions don't like, and some even hate (and kill) Christians. Why? If its a ';religion'; like the rest of them? Buddhist don't seem to have a problem with Muslims.

    As a deception, many different religions take from the Holy Bible and add their doctrine to it. Most followers don't even know this has happened because they don't compare. Why are Christians underground in China, the Sudan, North Korea, Iraq and who knows where else.

    Could it be that even Satan himself kows the truth? Its worth checking out.
    My standard advice has been to read something *critical* of anything you're considering.

    Considering Atheism? Read Lee Strobel.

    Christianity? Read ';Why I am not a Christian';

    Muslim? ';Why I am not a Muslim';.

    For example, Scientologists would *never* tell you about the planet Xenu and the airplanes and volcanoes and crazy stuff they believe, until it's too late.

    But if you want a recommendation, I think both Buddhism and Unitarianism are healthy, safe belief systems.
    you don't need to follow a specific religion, all they do is tell you what to think and spirituality needs to be your own choice or it won't have any meaning to you. Just believe what you think is true, follow your own path and you will be happier.
    God is not a religion and there is only one God. He made Himself known to the people of Israel first then to all the people. Get yourself into a non-denominational Christian Church and go to bible classes to better know the true God of the universe.
    Just because you like a lot of different parts of each religion doesn't make any of them true or false. I would research all of them, find out what you know is true. Then make your decision.
    Believe what you will, you are on your own path. My advice is to keep evolving, keep learning, and try to avoid getting chained to dogma.
    Why don't you watch this - its a funny clip about someone deciding what religion to be:鈥?/a>
    As for what you believe..I can' tell you that. But for your congregation may I humbly suggest you look into the Universalist Unitarian Church?
    just be yourself

    same as I am

    I love lots of parts of different religions

    I call my own beliefs ... Pangelism

    because it is unique to me
    Be Buddhist. It'll help you with whatever Human Condition you're suffering from, without all the superstitious stuff.
    You should find that answer by yourself. See which ones fit the most. If none suffice, you can always be an atheist or agnostic.
    go to and take the belief-o-matic quiz. based on your answers, it will tell you what religion you're likely to fall under.

    happy searching!
    Get a tertiary education on religion comparison and you do the choosing part yourself.
    Never mind, you should go a little more in depth with each and see what their fundamentals teach, look over their holy books.
    Study harder until you find one that fits. If you don't like it keep looking.
    Hi sister

    please try this

    it will be very good for you

    I wish you success
    In order to tell you we'd have to know what you believe in, first.
    The truth is that Jesus is God, and Jesus loves you so very much! :D

    Pray right now and ask Jesus to give you faith to believe in Him alone for salvation. He will give it to you! :D

    The truth about Jesus is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal hell, is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross as FULL PAYMENT for all our sins, and then Jesus rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you will be in heaven, no matter what! Salvation is a FREE GIFT that happens in a split second when you believe in Jesus alone to save you! It is impossible to lose or ';leave'; salvation (John 6:39-40, 1 John 5:13).

    Please pray now: ';Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!'; You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)
    It should be what God tells us in the Bible to do not what we want! It was God that created us. If we chose to worship him in a way that He does not want then we are in error. Follow the teachings of the Bible.
    mormon. only true religion.

    plz convert now

    My friend needs advice about her sex life and I don't know what to tell her...?

    This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post. advice about solving these cryptic puzzles please.?

    thats not a question??? love your name advice about solving these cryptic puzzles please.?
    Which clues are you having problems with????? advice about solving these cryptic puzzles please.?
    Try Crossguesser:,1759,206鈥?/a>
    Try providing a link

    I need some advice about the lost???

    Im 21 and me and my ex have been always close.... We went out for 4 years until she had to move up north bc of katrina, her father never liked me bc i wasnt a hick like him and it had an effect on our relationship.... 2 years pass and I bump into her and amazingly we live an hour away from each other.... we both decided to go get some coffee and catch up. She told me that it was good to see me and she wondered about me... we talked for several hours before she had to go to class (she wants to move out of state and work in africa as a doctor) and right before she leaves we give each other the longest hug in the world, we were so close to each other and I never wanted it to end.. then she ask me ';we're friends right???'; I replyed ';deff'; Now maybe she moved on but we are going to hang out pretty soon....should I treat her like a friend, or should I flirt and go for it????I need some advice about the lost???
    wow you must really want to know this! omg you've asked this question like a million times!!!I need some advice about the lost???
    Treat her like a friend, but ask her if she is seeing anyone. Depending on the response you get, go from there. If she is not seeing anyone, but gives the impression that she doesn't want you to go out with her, then still treat her like a friend.
    hey, as soon as you have been labeled ';friend'; in a female's mind, then you are no longer of romanic interest. The friend is not going to jump to the lover position. If you are wanting her for romantic reasons, you will be sad a depressed and she will put you lower on her list of friends. The best thing you can do is accept that she is now your friend and not a potential lover. Good luck and find a new g/f.
    go for it immediatley show her what she's been missing and even if she is seeing someone she will come to her senses and be with u again.
  • lips
  • I need your advice about my mother's problem.....?

    My mother is 75 and since I remember she used to provoke jeoulsy between her children to force them to do things that she wanted....For example if my brother wouldn't study she would tell him how my sister was good at school.and if my sister was not obeying what she wanted she would tell her how wise and mature my brother was and if I was naughty she would tell how my brother and sister were and would never do such a things I were doing.....well the result is that none of the children have good relationship with each other and of course with her now....although she was a wonderful mother and was very caring and had sacrifised everything in her life for the sake of her children....even now when she wants something from me she does the same thing she first admires my brother or my sister in front of me because of what she desires and then she asks me what she wants me to do.she is old and fragile now what can I do when I get angry with this?I need your advice about my mother's problem.....?
    Don't give in and reward her for her behavior. Apparently her tactics have worked or she wouldn't still be using them on you all.I need your advice about my mother's problem.....?
    It was only love (and repeat-only love) of your mother. Just remember it and love your mother.
    What a dummer - this is somewhat known as mental abuse

    even though your mother probably thinks that she is just trying to motivate her children she has really created a mess. Because of her age and the fact you stated that she was a wonderful mother I think everytime you get angry all you have to do is think ----- My mother has taught me not to be a person

    that admires one child over another - not to compare their lifes - not to downgrade - not to mentally abuse my children

    but to treat as an individual. Think about it she has taught you

    alot about how to be an understanding person and not to play

    head games like she has done for years..

    Don't follow in her footsteps - be strong!!!!
    Ok first things first, although you and your siblings don't have good relationships with each other, if you have kids, I hope you learned something from this and want do this to your kids. As for your mother, she had did this for so long she can't help herself. Depending on her health, you all need to sit her down and have a talk with her and let her know this kind of behavior will not work anymore and explain to her how it has affected your relationship towards each other. If this doesn't work, try your best to forgive her for it and love your mother for the time she has left on this earth. Think about the good things you said about your mother and weigh that against the millions of kids in this world that mothers abused them, left them, or just didn't show any love towards them.
    Your mother is 75. You're an adult. Get over it.

    Please help!! need advice about boobs....?

    i just asked a question about how to make my breastmilk dry up. I nursed for 4 days.

    it is now day 5.

    i would just like to add that i am no longer breastfeeding.

    now my boobs are sore, leaking and super hard!

    please help!!Please help!! need advice about boobs....?
    I just had this talk with my Dr, as I am about to give birth to my second child, whom I don't plan on breastfeeding like I did with my first one. First off, they don't give pills or shots anymore to clear it up. Second, NEVER use warm water or cloths, as this makes you leak and will help produce more milk, use ice packs or frozen cabbage in a sports type bra. My Dr said my hospital will supply you with plenty of ice packs or even put the cabbage in the freezer if I supply it! get lots of nursing pads, a few sports bras, some ice, and Tylenol (as you may get a fever) for engorgement. It may take a few weeks...Please help!! need advice about boobs....?
    This may sound a little strange, but my doctor had me put cabbage leaves in my bra. The coolness of the leaves felt wonderful and it drew the soreness out of them (the leaves will actually wilt from the heat of your breasts). In a few days your milk should dry up, also taking Alieve will help. Good luck!
    how old is your baby? and why stop breast feeding? its a lot healthier for your baby than formula feeding.
    All you can do is stop nursing to make them dry up, it'll take up to a week, and there gonna be sore....Don't pump to relieve the pain cause it'll just make it worse. gl
    why would you stop breast feeding at 4 days!?
    This is going to sound ridiculous and when my doctor told me I laughed. When I wanted to dry my milk after they were on the bottle, he said to put a single cabbage leaf on to each breast. Your milk will dry up in a day or so. IT WORKS!
    You can talk to your doctor about pills to help them dry up but until then you have to try warm water on them or like i did, put cold peas in your bra for a week with tighter than normal bras
    all you can do is leave them alone i breastfeed for a week and i just stop and now my baby is two months and there all dry.
    You should buy a breastpump anyway and try to pump out the remaining milk. You are risking milk fever, if you don't have it already. Ask your OB about pain relief , and tell them you chose not to breastfeed,they should give you a prescription to help dry them. up. Congrats on your new baby :)
    of course you're going to feel engorged.

    You can talk to you doc about pills to help you dry up, some say put frozen cabbage leaves in your bra

    To relieve the pain now, put a warm wash cloth over your breasts or run them under warm water
    Now that you've established your milk supply you should really ween it down... Like pump a couple of times a day just enough to relieve pressure. Less and less each day until you are dried up... I can't imagine why if you have a good milk supply and the baby latches well you wouldn't want to continue breast feeding...

    Anyhow... You can soak your breasts in large bowls of warm water. Some will leak out but if you do not stimulate them your breasts won't think it needs to make more. It will just relieve some of the pressure. I know some birth control pills will cause your milk supply to dry up. They have pills at the Dr's... The refrigerated cabbage leaves really act as contoured cold packs. Mostly helpful for mastitis...

    Also wear a tight fitting bra like a sports bra. Do not let the water run on them in the shower or stimulate them at all!!!

    You should have called your hospitals lactation consultant about the bleeding nipples!!! OUCH. You can use Lansino if your nipples are still uncomfortable. You can still call labor and delivery and ask them this question. The nurses know this stuff and know you... It sounds like it will help you to actually TALK to a knowledgeable person tonight!!!
    It is going to take time. You can use cold cabbage leaves in your bra to help releive the pain. Also, if you shower in hot water some of the milk will come out. If you pump you will just make more milk to replace the stuff you took out.