Friday, January 8, 2010

Advice about moving on....?

I was with someone for awhile, by which I really loved and cared for.. he offered for us to say friends.. he said because of his crazy life right now he couldn't got too serious.. I made to decision to move on... I am a junior in college.. and plan to continue my education after undergrad... It's so nice to have someone to love and care about... but right now I really don't have time to invest to people by which, in the end.. are going to leave/say it's too much/don't have time... I just want to move on... and put myself and the well being of my body #1.. It was upsetting to refuse his friendship.. with him having personals ads on 4+ sites.. i'm sure he has a line up of other guys he want to meet... I don't want to get tangled up with anyone for awhile.. possibly after i'm finished with all schooling/med. school.. hard to live with a broken heart.. Any advice about the situation/how to get over/stay single for a while is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance everyone!Advice about moving on....?
Dont be too downhearted you are obviously very young and have the rest of your life ahead of you. Life is a journey and people will come in and out of your life, but stay true to yourself and you will never be alone.Advice about moving on....?
I';m sorry your boyfriend hurt you, Henry, but life does really go on. Just concentrate on your studies for now and keep reaching for your goal.
It sounds like you're isolating yourself, which is never a good idea. Also, if you know this guy has four personal ads, that means you're following what he is doing, which is also never a good idea.

To make positive changes, you need to be around people you trust, like your family, and new people. Have you considered joining a new club at school or maybe volunteering some time in the community at a place where you will meet new people? That will have you feeling better in no time.

Also, do not let yourself continue to monitor your ex. That is unhealthy and will only lead to heartbreak.
When someone wants to separate from you just to be friends, this means it's over. I'm glad you recognize this. Concentrate on your studies, but all work and no play makes Jack (Henry32) a dull boy. Find at least one new hobby or other pursuit and make time for it. Socialize at least twice a month, if you can, should be easy at college to just hang with people at a local cafe, coffee house or the movies. Another suggestion is to start a journal, writing down nearly daily how you are feeling...not a diary that describes your day...this is to vent how you FEEL. Good luck, I'll be sending some strength your way, grab it and hang on.
The intellectual is always showing off,

the lover is always getting lost.

The intellectual runs away.

afraid of drowning;

the whole business of love

is to drown in the sea.

Intellectuals plan their repose;

lovers are ashamed to rest.

The lover is always alone.

even surrounded by people;

like water and oil, he remains apart.

The man who goes to the trouble

of giving advice to a lover

get nothing. He's mocked by passion.

Love is like musk. It attracts attention.

Love is a tree, and the lovers are its shade.

~Jalaluddin Rumi~
That sucks, it really does, and I feel bad for you. The one boyfriend I've ever had was only interested in.... well I had to practically pry him off me... anyways it's beside the point, I thought he really liked me but... well time can only heal wounds, but sometimes they don't heal, it depends on if you're willing to accept it and move on or not, and when you're ready you will. Since then, I've tried to get into another relationship, but I've decided that, sometimes, when you stop looking for something, you find it. Point being it's your own decision if you're going to move on, and you'll meet someone when you choose to be ready. It all works out in the end.

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