Friday, January 8, 2010

I need some advice about a guy?

She had known the guy for four years. He has said he loves her, but she can't say the same think to him back. What is really strange is that she loves him to. She has wrote him a lot of letters, but he wants her to open up more and talk to him. She can't even be in the same room with him, and she can't even look into his eyes. This has been going on for four years. She loves him with all her heart, but can't trust him. What should my friend do?I need some advice about a guy?
Blow the damn denial on up with some TNT and let the river of love flow, yo.I need some advice about a guy?
If she can't trust him, then where can relationship go? Perhaps the two of them should sit down and talk.
Open up and talk to him or lose him to someone else!!!!! Good luck
First of all, this friend has to figure out why she doesn't trust him Love is trust. If your friend CAN NOT trust her guy, well she may not really love him. then it is time to let him go. Your friend has to trust her boy friend or marriage will FAIL. She has to decide, do I trust him and if I do not why? Can I fix this trust, if not move on. It will be hard but life is hard. Your friend will have it worse if she does not walk away.
That my Friend Is called Love. When a guy is madly in love with you its so hard to break that connection.He would feel like at the bottom of the world if you leave him.

Thats how sometimes you feel.And that connection is Called

Love.You must tell him nicely dont push him to hard,still be friends with him.

Thats the you find true love?

whats is true love?

True love? or a lustful kind of love? There is a difference.

True love? The world stops around you when you look into the eyes of the one you love. No one else, nothing else seems important, but the connection that is you share with this person. And you can feel it in thier eyes. As if when they stare back into yours, that they are saying without speaking, ';I adore you, respect you, desire you, admire you';. True love is when you connect on a level that makes you want to do everything you can to make that person happy, and that they do the same in return. It is a powerful feeling, when the world stops around the two of you. You will know it.

Lustful kind of love is much different. Its the feeling that omg I have to have that person, they are so very attractive, and that I think I am in love with them. Its a false true love.

You will feel love for him in time.

That love is connection.,YOu can tell him by passing him notes.or leaving him a message.! take it slowly my that if you are to him ,call him,,,relate your feelings towards him.he will start to understand and like you.


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
if you don't have trust you basically have nothing. i know people say that alot but do you really wanna be freaking out every time he goes somewhere.... trust is what a relationship is built on.... if you cant trust him an you cant admit to him you love him, then your not being fair to him an you should let him go and find someone you can count on
You answered your own question with the last three sentences. To paraphrase ';she can't trust him';. There can be no true love without trust. Also, she can't tell him she loves him, or even be in the same room with him. IF they were to get married, that would make having children impossibe. What should she do? Move on with her life and find another.
it seems as though your ';friend'; has been hurt before or something along them lines, she first has to believe, train her mind, that she has to trust him. Tell her friend to go out with him, but not on a serious thing. Dont tell him you love him until your sure, that sorta thing. What she needs to do first though is talk to him, dont tell him you dont know whether you can trust him just explain that you feel you wanna go out but are not sure of this...
No trust - no love.

Move on.

If this is really for a friend, make sure she wants you to get involved in her life before you do anything.
Why put up with half right - you deserve the best and forget the rest.

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