Friday, January 8, 2010

I need your advice about my mother's problem.....?

My mother is 75 and since I remember she used to provoke jeoulsy between her children to force them to do things that she wanted....For example if my brother wouldn't study she would tell him how my sister was good at school.and if my sister was not obeying what she wanted she would tell her how wise and mature my brother was and if I was naughty she would tell how my brother and sister were and would never do such a things I were doing.....well the result is that none of the children have good relationship with each other and of course with her now....although she was a wonderful mother and was very caring and had sacrifised everything in her life for the sake of her children....even now when she wants something from me she does the same thing she first admires my brother or my sister in front of me because of what she desires and then she asks me what she wants me to do.she is old and fragile now what can I do when I get angry with this?I need your advice about my mother's problem.....?
Don't give in and reward her for her behavior. Apparently her tactics have worked or she wouldn't still be using them on you all.I need your advice about my mother's problem.....?
It was only love (and repeat-only love) of your mother. Just remember it and love your mother.
What a dummer - this is somewhat known as mental abuse

even though your mother probably thinks that she is just trying to motivate her children she has really created a mess. Because of her age and the fact you stated that she was a wonderful mother I think everytime you get angry all you have to do is think ----- My mother has taught me not to be a person

that admires one child over another - not to compare their lifes - not to downgrade - not to mentally abuse my children

but to treat as an individual. Think about it she has taught you

alot about how to be an understanding person and not to play

head games like she has done for years..

Don't follow in her footsteps - be strong!!!!
Ok first things first, although you and your siblings don't have good relationships with each other, if you have kids, I hope you learned something from this and want do this to your kids. As for your mother, she had did this for so long she can't help herself. Depending on her health, you all need to sit her down and have a talk with her and let her know this kind of behavior will not work anymore and explain to her how it has affected your relationship towards each other. If this doesn't work, try your best to forgive her for it and love your mother for the time she has left on this earth. Think about the good things you said about your mother and weigh that against the millions of kids in this world that mothers abused them, left them, or just didn't show any love towards them.
Your mother is 75. You're an adult. Get over it.

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