Friday, January 8, 2010

Need some advice about friends?

Ok this is a strange question. I recently went to a hypnosis show with a few of my coworkers/classmates in my masters program at school. Anyway..a few of the two girls from my program with whome I am really good friends with got up on stage and were really awesome. They went really deeply under and didn't remeber a thing. The problem is this..I got completly and totally turned on by this. The hypnotist was one of an erotic bent and had them do differant routines like have an orgasm from a foot rub/handshake or have them give oral to bananas. Also I just thought that the two of them looked very hot being put to sleep up there. So...I think this might effect our relationship as both of them are married. If not I would totally be asking them question is...why was they hypnosis what turned me on? Was it the sleeping beauty aspect of it? Also..what shouuld I do about these feelings. Thanks.Need some advice about friends?
it waas the ASPECT your ATTRacted to these girls,,and would never see them in these sexual situations, so you got really turned could drop a line about how what they did turned you on..or really turned y0u on, and just see their reaction,,cuz they ARE married so mite not wanna cheat with just some guy with a bon/'erNeed some advice about friends?
A hypnotist? Are you having dreams, sweetie?
Weird! I was just talking about this yesterday. I have seen a show like this too. Well, the bottom line is they are married, so back off. There is nothing you can do. Single girls can do the same things too! I know you know them, so it makes you see them in a different light, but the fact is, your hands are tied. It wasn't that they were hypnotized, it was that you saw them at their most personal moments, a glimpse of what their husbands see and no one else...and because they weren't aware, it was kinda voyeristic, which many people find to be a turn on...
I agree with whatever Lawyer says...
the show sounds really messed up, but you have to hold back. they are friends

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