Friday, January 8, 2010

I need ADVICE about religion...?

I like a lot of different parts of different religions, so what should i be?I need ADVICE about religion...?
Why not take the bits you like and ditch the rest? Pick n' mix.

I imagine the religions of the present reached the point they're at today because somewhere down the line someone said: nope, I don't like that very much, I'll do this instead.

(It's how most of them start in the first place.)

Failing that, adopt every religion you like and worship on a rota system.


Come with us... Join us. Come with us... Join us. Come with us...I need ADVICE about religion...?
Most religions don't like, and some even hate (and kill) Christians. Why? If its a ';religion'; like the rest of them? Buddhist don't seem to have a problem with Muslims.

As a deception, many different religions take from the Holy Bible and add their doctrine to it. Most followers don't even know this has happened because they don't compare. Why are Christians underground in China, the Sudan, North Korea, Iraq and who knows where else.

Could it be that even Satan himself kows the truth? Its worth checking out.
My standard advice has been to read something *critical* of anything you're considering.

Considering Atheism? Read Lee Strobel.

Christianity? Read ';Why I am not a Christian';

Muslim? ';Why I am not a Muslim';.

For example, Scientologists would *never* tell you about the planet Xenu and the airplanes and volcanoes and crazy stuff they believe, until it's too late.

But if you want a recommendation, I think both Buddhism and Unitarianism are healthy, safe belief systems.
you don't need to follow a specific religion, all they do is tell you what to think and spirituality needs to be your own choice or it won't have any meaning to you. Just believe what you think is true, follow your own path and you will be happier.
God is not a religion and there is only one God. He made Himself known to the people of Israel first then to all the people. Get yourself into a non-denominational Christian Church and go to bible classes to better know the true God of the universe.
Just because you like a lot of different parts of each religion doesn't make any of them true or false. I would research all of them, find out what you know is true. Then make your decision.
Believe what you will, you are on your own path. My advice is to keep evolving, keep learning, and try to avoid getting chained to dogma.
Why don't you watch this - its a funny clip about someone deciding what religion to be:鈥?/a>
As for what you believe..I can' tell you that. But for your congregation may I humbly suggest you look into the Universalist Unitarian Church?
just be yourself

same as I am

I love lots of parts of different religions

I call my own beliefs ... Pangelism

because it is unique to me
Be Buddhist. It'll help you with whatever Human Condition you're suffering from, without all the superstitious stuff.
You should find that answer by yourself. See which ones fit the most. If none suffice, you can always be an atheist or agnostic.
go to and take the belief-o-matic quiz. based on your answers, it will tell you what religion you're likely to fall under.

happy searching!
Get a tertiary education on religion comparison and you do the choosing part yourself.
Never mind, you should go a little more in depth with each and see what their fundamentals teach, look over their holy books.
Study harder until you find one that fits. If you don't like it keep looking.
Hi sister

please try this

it will be very good for you

I wish you success
In order to tell you we'd have to know what you believe in, first.
The truth is that Jesus is God, and Jesus loves you so very much! :D

Pray right now and ask Jesus to give you faith to believe in Him alone for salvation. He will give it to you! :D

The truth about Jesus is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal hell, is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross as FULL PAYMENT for all our sins, and then Jesus rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you will be in heaven, no matter what! Salvation is a FREE GIFT that happens in a split second when you believe in Jesus alone to save you! It is impossible to lose or ';leave'; salvation (John 6:39-40, 1 John 5:13).

Please pray now: ';Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!'; You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)
It should be what God tells us in the Bible to do not what we want! It was God that created us. If we chose to worship him in a way that He does not want then we are in error. Follow the teachings of the Bible.
mormon. only true religion.

plz convert now

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