Friday, January 8, 2010

Need some advice about a girl ?

long story short i really like this girl but shes my sister friend and is dating one of my sister friend thing he is kind of a dick to her and there always on and off so im wondering because i like her do i even hint at it or do i just leave it alone...i also have low confidence and im a bit nervous i dont want to lose the friendship we haveNeed some advice about a girl ?
i think you should tell her when you guys are alone and dont push it.

just lay it on her smoothly.

';i just want you to know i like you,i know you have a boyfriend and im not trying to break you and him up, i just really wanted you to know that.'; then walk away, or do something, if your in the kitchen, make something to drink, if your by your locker, grab a book.

dont make it awkward and stare at her waiting for an answer because she might not know what to say right away.

but she will think about it everytime her and her dick boyfriend gets into an arguement. or when she wants to dump him.

trust me. =]

goodluck.Need some advice about a girl ?
try to get close to her first. As in, talk to her about her boyfriend and the problems they have and try to help her with it. then she will become confotable with you. and if her bf arnt together one day mention to her about trying to move on and stop wasting her time one one guy when their are millions the are probubly better
hell to the no!

Dont ever date your sibling's friend!

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