Friday, January 8, 2010

I need some advice about my g.f?

Me and my girlfriend have been dating for 2 months now and it's been great. I can trust her totally. But she talks 2 WAY too many guys. I'm pretty sure a lot of them flirt with her. I mean I don't want to be an *** though and say to stop hanging with guys from now on. And to worsen the matter she started talking to one of my best friends. So now hes on her top on myspace and vice versa. I also saw the picture comment he left and he called her sexy :'(. I love her and don't wanna break up with her though! This f*cking sucks! Can anyone be kind enuff to find a solution so I don't have to break up with her?I need some advice about my g.f?
Wut up.

So how old are you? I'm guessing later high school or college? I don't know many 40 year olds that use facebook and myspace, lol. Alright, let's get to the question...

You're worried that your girl is going to dump you for your best friend, all while you're just sitting there watching it happen in front of your eyes, right?

You're the guy that is comitted to her - but she's almost drifting away from you. Don't get me wrong - she still likes you - but she sure seems to spend a lot of time doing this so called ';flirting'; with other men. And to top it off she has guys leaving ';sexy'; comments on her myspace?!

Hey - if you haven't guess it already - I can relate. Yup. Been there and done that. How did it turn out. Well, I could just quote you by saying that ';it f**king sucked';. Need I say more?

Now, before I continue, you make the choice.

Sit here watching your relationship slowly dwindling away. Watch her become MORE attracted to other men and leave you.


Stop trying to ';hold'; onto this girl. YOU get the power back in the relationship and learn how you can stop worrying about your girl leaving you for other guys.

Sound good? I thought so.

Have you actually told her to stop hanging out with other guys? I hope you haven't....

Uhh, let's see, now she's advancing on your best friends? Even made it as one of her top friends?! (Lol, I laugh because I have dial-up and myspace = SLOW!)

What to do...Hmm...

You don't want to break up with her. That's for sure. I can still tell you like this girl. Which is good. That's why I'm helping.

What's my solution?

ENCOURAGE this girl to be more independent. Huh?

Brock, you're completely insane, then she's just going to dump me even faster!

Listen for just a minute...

You're not the first guy that's gone through this before. But what have 99% of other men tried to do when this happens to them? They try to HOLD on to her. They DON'T encourage a woman to be more indpendent. What happens?

The women does it even more and will end up leaving sooner or later. It's a fact.

Kind of like the cookie in the cookie jar. The more your mom told you NOT to grab it, the more you just had to have a taste.

Catch my drift?

Also, by actually ENCOURAGING this girl to go out, YOU become more attractive. Why?

You're communicating that you're not needy. You're not worried about other guys. You know that she'll come back to you. You're confident and you're the natural born leader.

It also says that you have your OWN life. That you can handle her being out with other people - it's actually a good thing in a relationship!

So here's what I would do..

# 1 - Go back to dial-up. Then you'll be forced to not use myspace, facebook, etc. Honestly, myspace can ruin relationships. Learn to live without it. You'll thank me later.

# 2 - Show that you're the one in control of the relationship. Let her have her fun and go out with other guys.

Let's say you're talking with her on the phone...

You - ';Wut up.';

Her - ';Nothing, just planning to go out tonight?';

You - ';Oh, yeah, I was going to tell you. I'm busy tonight going out with the guys and tommorow I'm going to (some place).';

Her - ';Oh, really, with who?';

You - ';Haha...who ever shows up. It's gonna be a good time. You said you're going out tonight?';

Her - ';yeah.';

You - ';Good. Actually have some fun tonight. You ALWAYS seem to have your butt glued to that couch. I hate to say it - but I can't be dating a girl that watches more TV than me!';

Her - ';yeah right?!';

You - ';Hey, I'm being honest. You're going to get a bigger booty and pretty soon you won't even be able to fit in my car. How are we going to go anywhere together? Think about it.';

Can you see what I'm doing here? You're communicating that you're independent, you're qualifying her to be your girlfriend, and you're having a good time.

Also, this will create ATTRACTION. Bingo! That's what you need. Quit worrying about the other guys - let them worry abotu you.

Get the idea?

I'll leave it at that, but, you know, shoot me an email because I would like to help you out more.

Yeah, go ahead and email me at

and I'd be more than willing to help you out.


P.S. DUDE! I just read that message you wrote. Horrible! You're killing it! Listen to what I'm saying - I'm here to help!I need some advice about my g.f?
i think u shuld tell her how u feel instead of getting jealous cuz that can lead to destroying the freindship with ur best friend. ur gf may talk to alot of guys but they culd just be talking not flirting.soo mabe talk to ur friend to and say lay off my girl.sumin nicer tho
Jealousy is a relationship killer, trust me....

You need to talk with her, and put your feelings out there. At least she will know how you feel about the apparent ';flirting.'; You also need to know about what she is feeling, too. Maybe she likes the attention, or maybe she is just friendly. You won't know until you have an honest heart-to-heart.
It could be harmless flirting.

You need to observe if her flirting leads to more or if it just stops there.
You should be happy that so many guys find your girlfriend so sexy. It should make you feel good because you are the one that has her not them. And if you trust her and there is no proof that she is being unfaithful, you should just get over it and enjoy your relationship with her. Take it as a compliment that so many find her so attractive.
Tell her you thought you and her were in a relationship and you don't appreciate her talking to so many guys in that flirting type of manner. Ask her if it would bother her to see the same from you?

You should ask yourself if maybe you two should just date so you both can do your own thing and trust wont be an issue.
I am a girl who hangs out with more guys than girls. The reason is because girls are always about some type of drama. Also you should talk to your friend about the comments he made. It is not her fault. Who cares if she put him on her top friends it is because she likes you and probably wants to get along with your friends rather they dont like her and so on. If you break it off with her than your friend might move in because thay will think you are being childish and she deserves to be with someone else.....When you started talking to her you knew what kind of friends she had and I wouldnt judge her by that. if she wanted to be with them then i am sure she would have already would have been
It may be hard as i find it hard talkin to my boyfrined about my feelings but you should tellher how you feel, if you get it off your chest an talk to her about it you will feel alot better as i always feel better when iv spoke to my boyfriend about something thats bothering me
Wait and hope. There must be trust in a relationship. Talk to her and listen to what she says. It might not be what you want to hear.
i have a solution. talk to her! she is allowed to have friends, guys or girls and it is good to see you understand that. they might flirt with her but what does she do in response? does she tell them to stop, tell them she has a boyfriend? etc etc

you can not tell her to stop hanging out with guys. if you do not trust her then you need to talk to her. not blaming or accusing her of anything but just letting her know how you feel. but at the same time she needs to know there are boundaries with you and your friends. besides, myspace is an online thing. so it could mean nothing.

you have only been with her for 2 months, so you need to address this problem as soon as possible.
honestly my gurl just did the same **** all her friends were tellin me **** and then she finally told me the truth but idk im still with mine and were doin ok so just ask her about it.

dont tell her not to hang out with guys thats just wrong.
Just tell her exactly what you told us. that you love her, that you wish she wouldn't talk to so many guys, but that she shouldn't stop talking to guys entirely!

A little communication should do the trick!

Good luck!
just go up 2 her and in a kind matter ask her if she really likes u........then go 2 ur frend and ask him if he has an ongoing relationship wiv ur gf.....or if he evr did........(remember ask politely).....

let ur gf have other guy frends but dont let them take over her.....and as 4 the sexy bf's frend also calls me sexy but not in a way that he wants to capture me!!

hope i helped!!!!!

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