Friday, January 8, 2010

Advice about a guy?

Hello everyone. I would just like to thank you all in advance for reading this and giving me any advice you have.

For starters I've been talking to this guy on the internet for 6 years. We met through a game and immediately we swapped photos. I never gave him the right one and purposely went to protect myself, and gave him a picture of someone that wasnt me.

We've been friends the whole time and it hasnt raised any problems. Lately though he has been wanting to come see me and visit. I'm beginning to develop feelings for him and I know its weird, lets try to avoid calling me a freak k? Thnx. Anyways, he wants to come see me and I dont know how I can tell him I lied about the picture and thats not really me. But hey.. I'd still like you to come see me.

Any ideas? I thought about telling him straight-up then signing off cause I'm a wuss, leaving a journal entry he can read then hide.. or just telling him he cant because I'm afraid of what would happen.Advice about a guy?
He saw the picture but has been chatting with you. In this instance i would advice you to use a skill that is becoming extinct, write him a good old fashioned letter explaining your actions and attach a picture.

Be sincere when you say in the letter that you'll try not to lie to him again.

Best regardsAdvice about a guy?
Better tell him now before he wonders what happened to the other girl.You better be over 18yr if yall meeting.
Well..its happened to friends of mine before but I'm pretty sure they weren't chatting with her for six years. If you guys were strictly FRIENDS over all this time, and thats quite a long time, the guy might be forgiving. But if you're a lot less attractive in real life than the picture you sent him I can see him being resentful, thats the only thing.
How do you compare to the false photo you sent him? are you heavier, different color, how do you compare need more info ?
tell him the truth and see wat he has to say if he feels the same way u do he'll understand and then u can send him a real pic and if he's real u can me him.
depending how far off the picture is ,I would just tell him that your not ready to meet him yet and that you will let him know when you are ready or try sending him an another picture (depending on how far off the other picture is
Well you are living proof that people don't tell the truth on the internet. You didn't put a true photo of youself and that's a minor thing, but you don't know anything about this character except what he's told you. I would not meet with him and I would change my email address and learn a lesson from this. Even if he is who he says he is, what business does he have emailing you for 6 years when he had a girlfriend?
be honest b4 u 2 meet. if you are and he still wants to meet you, then great, if not, life does not end there
No excuses be upfront, just write him and send him a REAL picture and tell him why , you know all your reasons and leave it in his hands then. You have to understand you cheated your relationship as friends with him by hiding something important WHO YOU ARE and sold him on SOMEONE YOU ARE NOT. In essence you have to be ready for the worse and hope for the best but be real and upfront....Good Luck!
Meeting people from the Internet can be so dangerous now but six years is a long time so he might be OK.If you decide to go,meet in the daytime in a public place.Have a friend there somewhere and don't leave to go anywhere with him this time.

Before you agree to meet him you have to tell him that the picture was not you because you were being cautious.When you leave,make sure you are not followed.I hope it works out for you.
Just tell him that it really wasn't you in the picture because you were weary of meeting someone on the net. It's completely understandable. If he doesn't like it, I would say he isn't worth your time.
maby you should just tell him that wasn't you and that you wanted to protect your self though
I think he's interested in meeting you because he likes communicating with you online. If your picture were the reason, he would have tried to meet long ago. I think that you can be honest. Tell him that you were worried about giving your picture to a stranger online. If he's a decent guy he'll totally understand that. He might even laugh. If he gets angry, then you DON'T want to meet him.

If he takes it as he should, then send the real picture.

P.S. He might be married, which may be why he waited so long.
well young lady,

everyone wears some kind of mask, to hide our imperfections!! i'll say this for u, for the amount of time that has gone,';6yrs';.

as a male , theres no telling if his pic was for real???!@#$%^%26amp;*, BUT BEING AS OPEN AS POSSIBLE WITH HIM,tell him that the pic of u was not u!!, and that u were protecting yourself then and still as of now..and the time has come tobe truthfull with him ,and send him the real pic of u, and chat with him as he receives it!!

let me tell u right now, and that is he for a moment, is dissopionted or not interested in the way u look?? well he the donkey's rear and would have mist out on a bueatiful person!! so let this be a good thing for u more then it's for him!!! let this not nock your selfesteam!!!

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