Friday, January 8, 2010

Please help!! need advice about boobs....?

i just asked a question about how to make my breastmilk dry up. I nursed for 4 days.

it is now day 5.

i would just like to add that i am no longer breastfeeding.

now my boobs are sore, leaking and super hard!

please help!!Please help!! need advice about boobs....?
I just had this talk with my Dr, as I am about to give birth to my second child, whom I don't plan on breastfeeding like I did with my first one. First off, they don't give pills or shots anymore to clear it up. Second, NEVER use warm water or cloths, as this makes you leak and will help produce more milk, use ice packs or frozen cabbage in a sports type bra. My Dr said my hospital will supply you with plenty of ice packs or even put the cabbage in the freezer if I supply it! get lots of nursing pads, a few sports bras, some ice, and Tylenol (as you may get a fever) for engorgement. It may take a few weeks...Please help!! need advice about boobs....?
This may sound a little strange, but my doctor had me put cabbage leaves in my bra. The coolness of the leaves felt wonderful and it drew the soreness out of them (the leaves will actually wilt from the heat of your breasts). In a few days your milk should dry up, also taking Alieve will help. Good luck!
how old is your baby? and why stop breast feeding? its a lot healthier for your baby than formula feeding.
All you can do is stop nursing to make them dry up, it'll take up to a week, and there gonna be sore....Don't pump to relieve the pain cause it'll just make it worse. gl
why would you stop breast feeding at 4 days!?
This is going to sound ridiculous and when my doctor told me I laughed. When I wanted to dry my milk after they were on the bottle, he said to put a single cabbage leaf on to each breast. Your milk will dry up in a day or so. IT WORKS!
You can talk to your doctor about pills to help them dry up but until then you have to try warm water on them or like i did, put cold peas in your bra for a week with tighter than normal bras
all you can do is leave them alone i breastfeed for a week and i just stop and now my baby is two months and there all dry.
You should buy a breastpump anyway and try to pump out the remaining milk. You are risking milk fever, if you don't have it already. Ask your OB about pain relief , and tell them you chose not to breastfeed,they should give you a prescription to help dry them. up. Congrats on your new baby :)
of course you're going to feel engorged.

You can talk to you doc about pills to help you dry up, some say put frozen cabbage leaves in your bra

To relieve the pain now, put a warm wash cloth over your breasts or run them under warm water
Now that you've established your milk supply you should really ween it down... Like pump a couple of times a day just enough to relieve pressure. Less and less each day until you are dried up... I can't imagine why if you have a good milk supply and the baby latches well you wouldn't want to continue breast feeding...

Anyhow... You can soak your breasts in large bowls of warm water. Some will leak out but if you do not stimulate them your breasts won't think it needs to make more. It will just relieve some of the pressure. I know some birth control pills will cause your milk supply to dry up. They have pills at the Dr's... The refrigerated cabbage leaves really act as contoured cold packs. Mostly helpful for mastitis...

Also wear a tight fitting bra like a sports bra. Do not let the water run on them in the shower or stimulate them at all!!!

You should have called your hospitals lactation consultant about the bleeding nipples!!! OUCH. You can use Lansino if your nipples are still uncomfortable. You can still call labor and delivery and ask them this question. The nurses know this stuff and know you... It sounds like it will help you to actually TALK to a knowledgeable person tonight!!!
It is going to take time. You can use cold cabbage leaves in your bra to help releive the pain. Also, if you shower in hot water some of the milk will come out. If you pump you will just make more milk to replace the stuff you took out.

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