Friday, January 8, 2010

Advice about cousin??!!?

My cousin likes me and wants to have sex with me.

Is that wrong?Advice about cousin??!!?
..... are you crazy, tell him to drop dead.

do not consent.Advice about cousin??!!?
If he were single, and you were close in age...I'm presuming your ID means that you are (now) 15, and he's in his 20's...the answer is... That depends.

In some jurisdictions in North America, and in some places in Europe, you can legally and openly marry a First Cousin. (Ironically, in some of those self-same jurisdictions, it is illegal to marry a late sibling's spouse [charge: incest].)

If he is a second or further removed cousin, there is nothing about it, outside of the shock that the families would have to deal with.

Now, based on your circumstances, being 15 and him probably in his 20's...that is illegal on the face of it.

Presumably you're a good looking young lady, so it is more for the notch on his bed post than to make you happy, since he is engaged... In short, it would be one last fling, and if his fiancee ever found out, probably be a deal breaker. Something like that can end relationships. Incidentally, YOU would end-up with the worse image among their mutual friends and the family. Even if he seduced you, the blame would be laid at your feet for tempting him. Bass-akwards, I admit, but it's Human Nature.

Now...given my amoral (note: not immoral) nature, I personally don't see anything wrong with it, but would not personally pursue the a similar relationship (I have some damn HOT cousins!), as I still hold Family first.

Good Luck!
OK, how old are you? I know of young cousins (less than 6) who were curious about each other and about sex and they tried to have sex. But I take it that you are older than 6... maybe in High School?

If so, your cousin is a jerk. I think that he wants to have sex with you because he thinks he stands a better chance with you than he would with other girls. Your cousin does not like you or he would not ask this of you; he is just horny.
well yeah its wrong in many ways. Number one.. your related so it becomes a right away NO. number 2 if your cousin likes you then it means that they havent really been out in the world because there are way more people to have sex with. If they just want to have sex same thing dont waste the pleasure on a random person. Wait to have someone they truely care about instead of just a relative. Think about if you did go through with it and people found out.(which they will) how would you feel? what if word spread to your employer one day? or your career? is that really how you want people to view you?
Wow. Sounds like your cousin is one light bulb short of a chandelier. He should know better. And sounds like you already know in your heart that this is a crumby situation all around. Imagine what kind of guy would want to have sex with his cousin...on top of which he's marrying someone else.

Seems like the idea of having sex with someone is to bring two people closer together because they both want that to happen. If you have sex with him, he will be off and running with someone else, and you will be left with some pretty lousy memories.

Think about it and hopefully you will see that the only person your cousin is worried about is himself. He doesn't like you... yes he may be attracted to you physically, but if he liked you he wouldn't have sex with you and marry someone else. Please stop and think what all this is about before you do anything you'll probably regret.
YES.I hope he is a teen and he is attracted to you and i feel he don't knows the difference between love and attraction and may be you treated him with a bit of affection and he thought that it is love and uh...... how did he wanted to have sex with a cousin???weird guy!!!!!!
Um, let me think.

YES it is wrong. That is awful. He is your cousin, therefore a member of your family. Tell him to go find a girlfriend.

He obviosly hasn't grown up enough yet. Please don't do it. Please.
Yes, it's wrong. You didn't say how you feel about it, though.
don't pay your cousin any mind because having sex is not right it is incess
Um yes...sooooo wrong...
yes. it is very wrong!!
F*ck yeh
Are you from West Virginia? That's called incest and it's SICK.
don't do it.
OMG YES! you need to tell him off!!! or tell your parents!!
ummmmmmm....... What do you think?

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