Friday, January 8, 2010

In need of advice about a girl.?

Hey there's this girl I met in one of my classes last year, I didn't really think much of her (actually I kind of disliked her) but now she is in one of my classes again this year and for whatever reason I sort of like her. Strange I know, but I was curious about what you guys would do, or what girls think I should do. Thanks in AdvanceIn need of advice about a girl.?
You are in a limbo.

Forget her if you can. Otherwise you know what to do.In need of advice about a girl.?
Just be nice to her. A lot of the guys at my school treat girls like crap when they like them. I don't know why, becuase that doesn't work at all. Talk to her, and if shes nice to you back and doesn't ignore you or roll her eyes at you she might be interested in you. Open doors for her, and compliment her. If you think there a connection, ask for her number.

Hope that somewhat helps.


good luck.
Easy, talk to her.

Try to be funny, talk about old times in class, mainly act funny, and keep a smile, be postive.
well.... i say... flaunt yourself.

put yoursefl in her way.. so shell see you often...

show a look in your eye that you dont think shes all that... but dont be mean to her...

then... after enough random times of running into her...

talk to her about class... maybe an assignment or something.
What do you need advice on? ASk her out...
just ask her out thats all....only way to find out whats up
One day sit right next to her. Don't say anything except maybe a smile only if she looks at you. Then don't do anything at all. Trust me, she has noticed you did that and her curiousity is piqued. If she talks to you that day or a few days later she has decided she is attracted to you.

If nothing happens, a few days later accidentally be standing next to her and smile and say, ';oh, hi'; if she starts talking to you or says, ';hi'; or smiles, or stops and smiles, she likes you. If she seems to want to get away, she saw you sit next to you and you are not her type. to her..........then go from there maybe ?
Before you do anything, get to know her. Become her very best guy friend. That way you'll know for sure if you like her or not. Once she gets to know you, she might start liking you too. Trust me, I had this same thing happen to me. I never really got along with this guy. Then we started hanging out adn when I got to know him better he became one of my really close friends. When I found out he liked me, I started liking him too. Hopefully that will happen with you. Don't rush into dating. For me it took eight months of being just friends. You don't nescisarily have to wait that long though. Then if you're an outgoing person, ask her out. If you're shy, just flirt a little and she'll get the message.
Smile at her in the hall, say hi if you see her, talk to her if you sit near her.
You didn't like her last year, now this year you think you do?

Let it play out as associates / friends.

If you think for sure you might like her, start it off as study partners since you have a class together. I would take it slow on your behalf.
Well, you will never know unless you try. Get to know her, ask her some questions. Don't just dive straite into dateing, go out as friends first and see how you like her. Take a chance, isn't that what life is all about???
That's adorable..... girls would keep it to themselves because they want to be the last ones to get the secret out. And she would appreciate it if you told her you liked her and let her have a while to make up her mind. If I were you, I would tell her to keep it a secret until it's absolute. Think about some things you have in common and the things you don't. Think about what kind of couple you two might make. Is she fidgety? Does she always get what she wants? Is she the kind of girl that you love? If she's mean to you, don't think she doesn't like you. It means she's being mean so you think the least she doesn't like you. If she's nice, then she knows the girl trick that boys WILL know if they're mean they like him. So she's smart, but it could be that they are just interested in being friends.

I really hope this helps.
happen all the time. wait for 2 weeks to a month if u still like her then talk to her
Joey knows the score here. There is this thing that we have going on in our heads where we think we know what we want and you get all stuck on some kinda aesthetic. Say you been looking at the wrong kinda magazines or Internet sites and this other girl doesn't look like that and so you blew it off because of your fantasy. All of a sudden you're looking at her and see she's got nice personality and looks good and is fun too. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING.

Joey knows. You weren't thinking at all. This is the way of men. So now Joey says: if you can, give yourself over to this woman because there are depths there and you are shallow and need to figure out just what it is to appreciate a woman's full beauty without being stuck on the superficial stuff. That is why she is calling to you.
talk to her
well everyday in class talk to her so you can get your confindence up. Then when she starts conversations with you. Ask her out
take a diving chance and ask the girl out!

be a man grab some walnuts and ask her!.... not for that... for a date. durr.
  • lips
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