Friday, January 8, 2010

I need advice about my parents plz?

So my parents are divorced.. have been for 11 years. I am 14. But my dad punishs me when he is angry with my mother. He always puts me in the middle of it. He lets his new wife talk bad about my mom and tell me how horrible i am. My mom is so upset with this. she wont even talk to him. I am so caught in the middle i need to get out it is depressing me. I need ot know how to talk to my parents with out being rude or upseting them.. please help me a 14 year old should not have to go through this considering i have been for like5 yearsI need advice about my parents plz?
This is what you should do i don't know what kind of man you dad is but you need to take him somewhere so that its just you and your dad and talk to him and let him know how you are feeling and also remind him that he sets the example of what a good parent is suppose to be and you also need to let him know that you don't think it is right for a step mother to be telling you how terrible you are she is also suppose to set a example of what a parent is suppose to be i would hate to see what can take place in 4 years when you turn 18 and don't want nothing to do with your dad cause he is to busy thinking of him self and his needs when it comes to your step mom. When it comes to your mom and dad you need to remind both that parents that have issues with one another are to act like adults and resolve them like a adult don't stick your children in the middle and don't punish children for what your ex has done and yes dear that is a form of abuse and when it comes to your step mom telling you how terrible you are is another form of abuse by law you should copy this and have them read it i have been through the same thing as you i also became a foster parent and a parent of 11 kids so yes i have plenty of experience of being a parent and if they so choose i would be more then happy to talk to them and get them information on counseling please remember that you are not at faultI need advice about my parents plz?
since confronting your dad about the subject face to face hasn't worked i would try writing him a letter to express how you fell. i have done it before and its worked they seemed to listen and understand more.

i hope it works out.
when they do this again try to talk to your dad and tell him that u do not have any relation to that problem and tell him plz not to involve me in that and about your step mum when she talks to u about your mum in a bad way tell her sorry that u can not hear this bcz thats your mum and u love her and do not want anyone to say any bad word about it and then go to your father and explain that to him and how it annoys u
i have been through it all before exactly what you are going through my parents divorced when i was three I'm 15 now and i went through exactly what you are going through for twelve years the best thing you can do is just keep out of it don't let them use you do what you want to, not what they want you to do. if you want your parents to stop fighting theres not much you can do just tell them to leave each other alone its the best thing for them. its a really difficult time when this kind of thing happens if you want to talk you can email me.
tell his new wife she can go to hell and not to talk bad about u cuz its tickin u off and tell ur dad u dont apreciate him and his new wife talkin about ur mother and tell him if u dont like her thats fine but shes my mother and i dont like hearing u call her or say ugly things about her.and maybe u should tell him that if they dont change ur gonna stop visiting him and tell him hey u say im horrible well ur horrible tell him wut kind of father lets his wife talk rude to his daughter wut kind of father tells his daughter shes horrible....say im not the horrible person here u and ur woman are and for ur mom being upset tel her to stop sulking and to giv the father a peice of her mind and hang up on his dum butt before he has a chance to say sumthing stupid
if the letter doesn't work try to talk to your school counsler or a therepist in your phone book and they can help you with your problem
you might want to think of going through a counselor, they can help.
you might want to think of going through a counselor at your school because they can help you express yourself to you parents better like having a meeting with them where you can tell the both of them how this is affection you

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