Friday, January 8, 2010

I need some advice about the lost???

Im 21 and me and my ex have been always close.... We went out for 4 years until she had to move up north bc of katrina, her father never liked me bc i wasnt a hick like him and it had an effect on our relationship.... 2 years pass and I bump into her and amazingly we live an hour away from each other.... we both decided to go get some coffee and catch up. She told me that it was good to see me and she wondered about me... we talked for several hours before she had to go to class (she wants to move out of state and work in africa as a doctor) and right before she leaves we give each other the longest hug in the world, we were so close to each other and I never wanted it to end.. then she ask me ';we're friends right???'; I replyed ';deff'; Now maybe she moved on but we are going to hang out pretty soon....should I treat her like a friend, or should I flirt and go for it????I need some advice about the lost???
wow you must really want to know this! omg you've asked this question like a million times!!!I need some advice about the lost???
Treat her like a friend, but ask her if she is seeing anyone. Depending on the response you get, go from there. If she is not seeing anyone, but gives the impression that she doesn't want you to go out with her, then still treat her like a friend.
hey, as soon as you have been labeled ';friend'; in a female's mind, then you are no longer of romanic interest. The friend is not going to jump to the lover position. If you are wanting her for romantic reasons, you will be sad a depressed and she will put you lower on her list of friends. The best thing you can do is accept that she is now your friend and not a potential lover. Good luck and find a new g/f.
go for it immediatley show her what she's been missing and even if she is seeing someone she will come to her senses and be with u again.
  • lips
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