Friday, April 30, 2010

Please give me some good advice about anything, will you?

Express YourselfPlease give me some good advice about anything, will you?
If you work for a bank you are supposed to make money for the bank first of all.Please give me some good advice about anything, will you?
Always follow your heart. The rest will work itself out.

Never say never. Because eventually you will.

Always be honest and true to yourself. Just don't expect the same from others.

Treat others as you would like to be treated. Sometimes you want to be loved. Other times, you don't.
you need a haircut.
Never light a fire in a bucket after adding 3 gallons of gasoline.
smile, God loves you
to acheive your dream, PERSIST with it.
The way to a mans heart is through oral sex!!
If you were a guy I would say always be the heaviest and hairiest in bed, as a girl I would say adopt the opposite stance.
';The best you can do is your best.';
Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed!
yellow snow isn't all that bad!
Never argue with a mad person because people wouldn't know who is who....
expect the unexpected.

live each day like its your last.

do unto others, what you would like done unto you.

be prepared.

there are no such things as strangers, these are just people we havent yet met!

never bite the hand that feeds you.
there is never too much beer at a party
When putting on your shoes, the rule of thumb is...


';Toes Go In First...';

Best piece of advice someone ever gave me...
1. never pass up the opportunity to go to the bathroom

2. make the 1st impression count-ya wont get a 2nd chance to make a first impression

3. Unless you are really good at it dont try to impersonate Jack Nicholson, President Bush or Christopher Walken.

4. never ever argue with your cat.He will just keep meowing and you will look stupid
Consider the pros and cons and count to ten
never neglect a friend
You can't make chicken soup out of chicken s**t!!
Don't bet on slow horses. Kissing on the first date is okay. You should dump him if he's 30 years older than you, unless he's ill and wealthy. The brake is on the left.
If you can be bought, you can be sold.
Give to all who ask of you.
When in doubt,throw it out!%26gt;=)
a watched pot never boils

Can anyone tell me about their experiences teaching esl in s. korea? any advice would help b/c i hear horror?

i hear many bad stories about teaching in s. korea. what kinds of schools are best, location with most foreigners and is it a worthwhile year offf?Can anyone tell me about their experiences teaching esl in s. korea? any advice would help b/c i hear horror?
I have lived and worked in Korea for about 5 years now. There are a lot of horror stories, but things are changing a lot since a recent shift in the Government. Surprisingly things are getting a lot better. Here is some clarification.

There are two types of schools:

A) Hogwans or private study academies. They seem to cause the most problems because anyone can start one and there seems to be no real governing body for them. Larger chain schools are better than smaller independent schools. The chain schools usually have been around longer, developed their own curriculum and have enough money to pay you. Smaller schools, not so much...

Pros: The hours are great! 2pm to 8pm, usually (mon-fri). Money! usually offer a higher rate of pay.

Cons: They are a business, and you are not a teacher (even if you have the papers to prove it). They are there to make money. Market saturation means a lot of ';schools'; open and close every day. This can be a problem if they have closed without giving you your final pay and plane ticket home.

B) EPIK program for Public schools

This is the program in Korea for teaching English in the public schools. It provides the training that you do not receive from the hogwans and places you in an actual school. You are treated as close to a real teacher as you can get, being that you are not Korean or have passed the Korean teaching exam. The schools are funded by the government and all of your expenses are covered. Ex. If you go on a field trip and get there yourself, you get gas money. Most schools will have an ';English Zone'; that you will help coordinate, this can be a headache, but this can also be a great way to reach the students.

Pros: Better treatment, more structure, and almost zero complaining from parents. Certain schools will have excellent facilities, some may not. Mine gives each teacher a laptop to use for the time they are there and rebuilt the english zone with sate-of-the-art flat panel tvs, computers, etc.

Cons: Pay is lower than at the Hogwans. You have to be at the school from 8:30am - 4:30pm and sometimes later, even if you don't have class. Bureaucracy, everything has to be signed and stamped, even if you have to leave to pay your bills, you have to get the signatures and stamps of your head teacher, the vice-principle, and the principle.

Overall, the advice I would say is find a good recruiter like Footprints Recruiting, so that you have some one to call if you do have any problems. I would take the steps and go for the EPIK program. Hogwans just don't compare to the experience.

There are other great places outside of Seoul. There are countless great cities to work in but make sure they don't stick you out in a country school, if this is your first time in Korea.

Busan, Ulsan, and Daegu seem to have the best foreigner communities outside of Seoul. However, it is what you make it. If you get out and explore your new location rather than hitting the bars every night, you'll be much better off. Foreigner bars are great, but they are a double-edged sword and can suck you into a bad element.

Other than that, once you are here, hook up with the foreigner/Korean community and contribute. The more active you are, the more fun and experiences you will have. The complaints that I have heard (outside of school related issues) have been either from people that have stayed in their element (ate western food, stayed home facebooking and complaining about Koreans) too long or never took the time to get out, meet people and contribute.

I hope this helps. I could write more, but alas... I have to actually go to school now.Can anyone tell me about their experiences teaching esl in s. korea? any advice would help b/c i hear horror?
Good info from Jason T. I just wanted to add that Seoul public schools is run by SMOE and not EPIK. I think EPIK does everything outside of Seoul. A public school is a good place to work because it is run by the government and you won't get cheated out of your pay, and you will have a good bit of paid vacation during the year so you will have plenty of time to travel if you want. Hagwons are not a sure bet, but there are some decent ones to work for. I would stay away from them if at all possible. Seoul is a good place to go to get both Korean culture and some foreign comfort when you start missing home. I'm not sure about Busan, haven't spent time there. Plus, if you want some country side, it is easy and cheap to hop on a train or bus out of town to a smaller city. It IS ';possible'; to get around in Seoul if you don't speak Korean as there are more English speakers than in other places, and more information in English, but of course the more Korean you speak the easier it will be all around. There is a lot to say, but I'll leave it at that. If you want to know anymore details you can pm me. Good luck.
Guys have a great experience doing this...but I don't know any girls who had done so. I think it really depends on what type of class you will be teaching...the experience in Korea will definitely be great and a big eye-opener...the food is great, the culture is very interesting...and I find the people there very nice...only problem is that you can't expect to get around with make sure you find friends that are bilingual in order to get a true experience out of it...
The only horror I've heard from anyone teaching in Korea is that the schools are sort of miseducated and underfunded. They don't really allow you to do your own thing and books are limited so it seems the children aren't learning much.
Can you tell me about your experience teaching ESL in Toyohashi, Japan? Please e-mail me via Yahoo Answers.
yea good luck especialy with all this missle testing going on in N Korea. I would suggest going somewhere else to teah lest you care for your life
No horror unless you're horror.

I'm about to start playing golf. As a novice I have no idea what clubs to buy! Any advice on what clubs I need?

Brands? Price Range?I'm about to start playing golf. As a novice I have no idea what clubs to buy! Any advice on what clubs I need?
start with a used set of a good Quality brand name clubs don't bother with a cheap new full set as most golf shop most take trade ins and thats what you are looking for as you will out grow the cheap set and they will slow down your progress look for a name like say taylor made callaway adams or titleist you would be best of with a set that are cavity backs as they are more forgiving and while your at it try to find a set that has hybrids in place of the long irons as they are the hardest to hit and get in the air a hybrid will really help in this area you might want to start with a 3 wood instead of a 1 wood(driver) as they are a little easier to hit and its all about being in the fairway distance only strokes your ego not your score card watch the old codgers they don't hit it far but look at the score at the end of the day most times they are better than the young guns trying to hit it 340 off the tee spend a little more for a good putter as they say drive for show and putt for dough its true putting accounts for large part of the game and as for the price you should be able to find a used set of good clubs for the same price of a new cheap set say 100 to 200 bucks and if you don't like golf later you will be able sell them afterwards

p.s. if you go to your local golf shop during the week you might even be able to get a free fitting with is important the lenght lie and loft of clubs is important as well as the length of the shaft compared to your height as well as the shaft stiffness stiffer for fast swingers so I hope this helps


one other thing about golf its counter intuitive its exactly opposite of common sence you want the ball to fly high you hit down you want it to go right aim left you want to hit it farther swing easy but you will see I'm not joking
  • art mask
  • Any advice or comments about the AP Computer Programming exam?

    [what exactly is the difference between the different levels (A,AB); is it much the same as AP Calculus-AB, BC?]Any advice or comments about the AP Computer Programming exam?
    There is a significant difference between the A level AP Computer Programming exam and the AB level AP Computer Programming exam. First off, the A level AP Computer Programming exam doesn't come with nachos. You have to order them on the side. And the salsa's not as good. But the AB level AP Computer Programming exam has the pico de gallo already placed right on top, and a lot of people don't really like that. Especially not with the raw onions. So unless you really like pico de gallo, I'd recommend taking the A level AP Computer Programming exam and ordering the nachos on the side, rather than taking the AB level AP Computer Programming exam and having to scrape the pico off. But I guess that's just common sense.

    As for your second question, I don't know anything about the AP Calculus-AB, BC. I only took the AP Calculus-A. Sorry.

    Please help me i need advice about me and my ex b/f please i really appreciate it help me please?

    okay me and my ex was going out for 2 years and broke up 3 months we still talk as friend but sometimes he send mix signals . he don't want to be with me because he don't trust me nomore when we was together 4 a year i let this boy kiss me and i didn't do it on purpose it just happen i felt so hurt that i went and told my ex the mistake i did he stood by me after i told him but 9 months lata he remember and just didn't want to be with me he said that we should just be friends so we are we still talk on the phone but he is not the same sometimes he send me mix signals im trying to earn his trust back because i love him and im so sorry that i hurt him but sometime he still want to control me he hit 2 times b4 because he got tired of me slapping him but i had a reason for doing it that he hit me twice but i don't care because i still love him no matter what he tell me he love me and that he care for me but he just don't want to be with me because he don't trust me nomore how can i earnPlease help me i need advice about me and my ex b/f please i really appreciate it help me please?
    It sounds like right now there is a lot of tension between you....maybe for now you can just chill by remaining friends - give him time and space, and if it is meant to be that you two get back together, then it will happen.

    I don't want either of you to hit each other - you should both respect each other - but if he does hit you again, then you should not be with him because he does not respect you then. Just be there for him when he needs you and when he sees that you are there for him, he may become forgiving but try to be patient for it may take him a while - and if you do get back together, you have to try your hardest not to let a boy kiss you again.

    Good Luck!Please help me i need advice about me and my ex b/f please i really appreciate it help me please?
    My advice is to get rid of him. He's trouble. He's a classic abuser and will only get worse. He's also a manipulator. For your own benefit you might also want to see a psychiatrist or psychologist to address this issue. Stay away from the ex.
    Forget it! You both sound extremely immature and need to move on. I'm not trying to be rude, or to hurt you, but neither one of you should be hitting the other! As for trust, there isn't any basis for it! Without mutual trust, you can't have a lasting relationship.
    Holy sh*t!! Only one period in that whole block of language!
    before you decide to be together, if that happens, you should probably talk about not hitting eachother anymore.

    and the trust is something you can't just talk him into.

    so maybe you just need to wait until he feels ready. or just find someone else and start again, even though it can be scary.

    also, it may not be the trust. he maybe just doesn't want to be with you.

    i hope you figure it out hun
    Leave him alone, and move on neither of you should ever ever become violent. There seems to be something very wrong here. If you say you don't care that he hit you then you need to get some self respect also, you DON'T deserve to be stroke, it doesn't matter what someone does or says. Maybe anger management classes would be good for both of you
    If you are hitting each other, there is probably more to it than you are seeing. You are maybe heading down an endless, hopeless road where things will get worse. Even though you feel love for him, take your pain with you and get out of it.
    I'm assuming there is some cultural thing here going on that is beyond my understanding. Whats with all the hitting? Hitting someone is criminal.. There is no good enough reason for it. I would suggest you move on and date someone who doesn't hit or tolerate hitting..
    Any relationship that involves physical fighting isn't a good one. Get out and find you a real man that will love and respect you. There are too many good men out here that you don't have to settle for someone who its you or doesn't trust you.
    First of all, neither of you have the right to put your hands on the other. NEVER. No matter what the reason is...

    That's a bad start for a relationship.

    Kisses don't just happen. I would be equally annoyed if you acted like it ';just happened.'; As if you had no control over what was taking place. I would just tell him how you truly feel, maybe write him a letter, or sit down and have a heart to heart. No games, no playing, no hiding of feelings. Then, the ball is in HIS court. You don't have to wait forever, but the next move will be his. At least you can be confident in knowing you made some kind of effort to get him back. wrote too much without any comma and a dot lady!

    you both, please be mature! you know exactly what you want and what to do...make some action!

    but, being a pushy wont help! guys hate it!

    he'll come to you when it's time or when you both are meant to be.

    anyway, i know it's not that easy falling for some1, but i bet once you fell apart, we a=can always make it up and start our life again without the past haunting.

    so, avoid yourself from trouble..especially if it started to intend to abusing, none of us deserve to be treated like it.
    no, no, and no, you do not need this guy. You are feeling for some reason a need to be at his mercy. Do not waste a minute on him, any guy that hits you doesn't deserve you girl. You need to leave him alone now while you can because if he hits you now it could be worse later on, he has some issues he needs to work out. Some girls don't get to walk away leave him out of your life.
    Love or lust? Walk away from the latter.
    Forget him. He HIT you. What is right with that? You deserve better. Start over with someone new and don't let random guys kiss you without your permission. And if they do press charges as that is sexual assault.
    first you need to go out and have dinner and then talk to him because people will be around you and he cant hit you. and if everything yall talk about works out then im happy for yall but if not you should REALLY leave NOW because he could become abusive so please get out of the relationship so you wont get hurt physically and emotionally
    Sweetheart let me tell you what happened to me, My ex left me and a new baby to chase women. 13 years later he showed up out of no where and wanted to try again. He has done my child the same way a second time. There is an old saying A LEOPARD CAN'T CHANGE HIS SPOTS. Meaning, a person will always be the same as they were before. If a man abuses a young woman he won't hit a man. You my dear are too young to have to live that type of lifestyle. How many times have you seen a lady that you thought was at least 50 to learn she was only 30. An abuser will always abuse. It doesn't matter if he trusts you or not. Take the love that you have for him and concentrate on loving yourself. When you do that,you will meet the right person for you. Don't settle for someone. Look for your Prince Charming. This one is a Toad
    You don't want him back. Firstly...he hit you, so he doesn't really love you or he has anger management issues. There is never a good reason for a guy to hit you. In general, they can do alot more physical damage to us, then we can to them. Secondly, if he doesn't trust because of one small mistake, that you instantly confessed, then you don't really want him back. He isn't the type of guy you want to be with. You'd constantly be spending your time trying to regain his trust or prove that you're trustworthy. I get that you love him, but find someone that you won't have to constantly prove yourself to.

    Please help me. I need advice about a girl. This is a repost I'm sorry.?

    I'm in grade 12 and I have really, really liked this grade 11 girl for three years. I can't even explain it. I only just got to know her these past 2 months. She's really nice and seems comfortable around me. She never minds talking to me or anything. Anyways I'm pretty shy and I never asked anyone out before but I eventually built up the courage to ask her to prom with me. I think I caught her a bit by surprise but she seemed really flattered that I asked. She told me that she would let me know the next day. So the next day she came over to talk to me and she thanked me but she said no. I was cool with it, at least on the outside but I went against my better judgement and asked her why. She said it wasn't me but that was it. I decided to let her know how I really felt. I hadn't done that the day before and I told her I still wanted to be friends.

    I was wondering, if she didn't say no right away is there a chance that she might like me anyway? I think her parents might have said no.Please help me. I need advice about a girl. This is a repost I'm sorry.?
    sounds like she is just as shy as you.

    Just hang around be freinds with her. once she is comfortable around ya she might break.

    i had the same situation. I'm now engaged to her and have been together for 7 yearsPlease help me. I need advice about a girl. This is a repost I'm sorry.?
    I think she might have some kind of feelings for you but is maybe the same way you are so...that was her way of trying to hide it...?
    sure ...ask her out.....and as youre asking her...mention how long you have liked her....that is flattering...good luck!
    you sound like such a great guy.Believe me when I say that.If I were in school still I'd be on the lookout for guys like you.Since you got the courage up to ask her out think about asking other girls out.Good luck honey.....
    Try to act normally around her, and just have a few chats with her without bringing up the subject of going out or the prom etc... if she is relaxed around you still and you feel comfortable, then maybe you can ask her if she would like to go for some ice cream, that's pretty casual, if that goes well, move onto to the next stage..don't plan too much, play it by ear and go with your instinct, it's usually right. Where will you be after school? Will you be far away?
    get to know her more and let her get to know you more. She may like you more if you were more outragous, girls like confidence
    she said no to prom theres a chance she'll say no if you ask her out
    Yes its possible she likes you, but here's a thought... if she let her parents decide her prom date what else are they in charge of? Is this a one time thing with them... or does everyone have to make the grade?

    As a parent, with one daughter who has done prom and another about to next year... I would NOT decide my daughter's prom date unless I KNEW without a doubt that their choice was BAD?WRONG/DRUGGIE, get the idea?

    Another thought, is she going with another guy or with a group of other girls? My oldest and her friends decided to not go with guys but went as a group.

    So to answer your question, I think you need to do a little more research before you ask her out... I would not want your feelings hurt or heart broken if you can avoid it.
    If at 1st you try and don't succeed try...try... again....

    I need some help or advice about this girl........?

    Ok this has ben in the back of my head lately, I met this girl and she knows a guy friend of mine and they used to talk and stuff before I Met her. But anyway, now me and the girl talk on the phone alot and she dosent want me to tell my guy friend that we talk..... i keep asking her why but she says its personal.... Does anyone know why?? Is there a conclusion to this or anything???I need some help or advice about this girl........?
    Let her know it is not for her to decide about telling your friend that you two talk alot on the phone. When you lie or keep something from someone, believe me sooner or later the truth always comes out, how would you feel if it was the other way around. Seems to me she is becoming or will be a drama qween. she is saving attention for later on, and it will make you feel awkard and dumb.I need some help or advice about this girl........?
    Hi, Wild guess is that before she met you she probably went out with him and maybe still going out with him...Or maybe they are good friends and he knows all her secrets and what type of person she really is....Otherwise she wouldnt have a problem that you would tell your guy friend and you all 3 can hang out together as friends...sounds pretty fishy to me dont you think????