Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice about cheating husband. Any advice from men appreciated?

My husband is a healthy 27 yr old man. He has compleatly stoped having sex with me. I consider myself Very attractive, alot of people would say so. We have only been married for 1 yr 1/2. He says that he has alot on his mind. but there is nothing stressful in our lives.I've had problums with this with him since Feb,07. I've caught him spending hundreds on porn, but then he tells me that he cant get it up or when I complain enough and he does finily have sex with me it's borring and he never gets off. He also has a friend with a sluty girlfriend she was trying to be my friend for a while, like calling me everyday . I was always nice to her but then 2 wks ago she stoped calling and wont return my calls and my husband no longer wants to go over there with or with out me ''STRANGE''but he still talks to his friend on the phone all the time. Hes always gone to places longer then normal and makes stuff up as to why.But my biggest question/problum is, why cant the man get it up or get off?Advice about cheating husband. Any advice from men appreciated?
He is no longer interested in you. It seems as though he is more interested in porn and cheating than working on your marriage.Advice about cheating husband. Any advice from men appreciated?
Why dont you make the sex fun and he will get it up

Why don't you rock his world and he will come. When you say he wont get off of you you make it seem like you are just laying there like a log while he pumps away. try watching pron with him and maybe reenact a scene ot two..
He's probaly tired of you. He's my age... and I can't keep my hands of my gf (we have lived together for the last 21/2 years)... he's probably got something on the side... or he's sexually confused... have you ever tought that maybe he's curious about the same sex?
He seems to have a problem and probably doesnt love you in a physical way.There is the possibilty that he has a medical condition but then why would he access porn.Your best bet if you need a warm physical relationship is to get out of this bad marriage as soon as possible
Too much porn...ha,ha.He should be able to bust one good one every day.So if he can't,either the porn or the nasty friend got his nut.best of luck.
my friend's mom calls her husband everyhere he goes.

if he says he's at the bowling alley she calls the bowling alley and asks if he's there they say yes,then she talks to him.
Your husband has a porn addiction. He can't get itup or get off because he's so into the fantasy of multiple women to play with himself to every night that real women (such as yourself) aren't arousing to him.

Porno girls don't whine, don't have problems, and don't have flaws. Porno women have any kind of sex you want, do what ever you want, and never talk back. It's not reality, but it's what he's thinking subconciously.

Trust me on this one... I went through porn addiction and it's exactly what happened with me and my g/f a while back.

He needs to ease off the porn, or get some help if he can't do it himself.
You are obviously thinking that he might have been cheating on you with that female ';slutty'; girl. It is definitely strange that he went from having sex with you to no sex at all and cheating is always a possibility or maybe he truly is stressed. Talk to him and tell him you need him to be honest with you and let him know even if he admits that he has cheated on you that doesn't mean you will automatically leave him (even if it does, this will just let him think he can tell you without over worrying).

Also, let him know that if he is having problems getting aroused then he needs to see a doctor and possibly get some Viagra.
I think you are having alot of problems with your sex life with him and he is getting it elsewhere.....Talk to him.
okay so it sounds like he is cheating but do you have facts? maybe he can go see the doctor about his problem, or maybe he needs to talk to someone professional*. i dont know but even tho you are attractive doesnt mean he is interested anymore ya know? (noy saying to be mean at all) some people just fall out of love, its soo bad to say but its the truth. if he is cheating then either you both need marriage therapy or you just need to walk away!

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