Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I need advice about a friend.?

So, me and my best friend are very, very close. But recently, he's been asking me to ask his crush out for him. It makes me uncomfortable but when I tell him, he stops for a bit, then asks again later on. I don't want to stop being friends with him, but I can't deal with it anymore.I need advice about a friend.?
Looks to me like you like him a little bit. Think about why it makes you uncomfortable and what you can do to fix it. If it doesn't help, confront him again. If he asks again, just ignore the request. It's his problem, not yours, and he'll see that you meant business when you said you didn't want to do it. If he stops talking to you because of this, you don't need to hang with him. He's not being a true friend. You shouldn't be used.I need advice about a friend.?
Sometimes friends are just like that. One of my closest friends calls me with all his girl problems, don't get me wrong i'm always willing and happy to listen but after awhile it does get old, and its worse when he gets a girlfriend but i learn to deal. If I were in your situation I'd would tell him that I couldn't ask out his crush but I would try to help him. Build up his confidence, tell him how much of a catch he is and how lucky this girl would be to have him. He wants you to ask her out because he doesn't think he can do it himself. So he'll stop asking you to do it when he feels like he can; just help him get to that point. Hope I helped. Good luck.
If you want him to stop, just ask out his crush for him. Or ask his crush who she likes, or if she might like your friend. Then maybe your friend will get the confidence to ask his crush out himself. Most girls think it's kinda annoying when people ask them out for their friends, because they never know if they are lying. Also, make sure your friend doesn't ask out his crush over a text message, because his crush will think it's a joke.
Well, don't give the silent treatment it is childish and rarely accomplishes any good. You just need to go up to him and say ';I won't ask your crush out for you. Plus I'm sure he will be much more impressed that you got the courage yourself to ask him.'; If he keeps asking you, change the subject.
ask his crush out for him? its a bit unclear for me sorry, but id love to help

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