Friday, April 30, 2010

39 weeks pregnant, a lil nervous about something...advice please!?

For the past two hours I've been feeling kind of faint, dizzy...queazy to the tummy and I've had diareah for 2 days. I have had a headache since 10 this thisnormal? Or should I be concerned?39 weeks pregnant, a lil nervous about something...advice please!?
Pregnancy: When to Call Your Doctor

Call your health care provider right away if you have:

Unusual or severe cramping or abdominal pain

Noticeable changes in your baby's movement after 28 weeks gestation (if you don't count 10 movements in 2 hours or less)

Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath that seems to be getting worse

Signs of premature labor including:

-- Regular tightening or pain in the lower abdomen or back.

-- Any bleeding in the second or third trimester.

-- Fluid leak.

-- Pressure in the pelvis or vagina.

Also call your health care provider if you have any of the following conditions during pregnancy:

A fever over 100掳 Fahrenheit

Severe or persistent vomiting

Severe diarrhea

Fainting spells or dizziness

Pain, burning or trouble urinating

Unusual vaginal discharge

Vaginal bleeding

Swelling in your hands, fingers or face

Blurred vision or spots before your eyes

Sore, cracked or bleeding nipples

Severe headaches

Blurred vision

Pain or cramping in your arms, legs or chest

If you aren't sure if a symptom is serious, but you just don't feel like yourself, trust your instincts and call your provider. If there is a problem you will get prompt attention and if there isn't you will be reassured.

Reviewed by The Cleveland Clinic Birthing Services and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.39 weeks pregnant, a lil nervous about something...advice please!?
I would call your OB, you may just have a viral infection that is going around, but they can usually give you something to help ease all of the symptoms. Good luck and I hope you feel better!
Diarrhea is normal before labor are probably fine and ready to deliver anytime...but if you are nervous call your MD/Midwife.
sounds like you body is preparing itself for childbirth. Good luck to you. If you are really concerned call your doctor their advice is better than anything you will find here.
You should call your OB. Could be the flu, could be dehydration if you've had diarrhea for 2 days, or could be major issue with your blood pressure....which has been known to suddenly skyrocket for some women in the last few days of pregnancy. If you don't feel like ';alarming'; people, go to a drug store or pharmacy where they have the arm band that takes your blood pressure. They're not 100% accurate but if something is out of whack, it will detect it.
it may be the baby not liking some of the food youve been eating mabey a migraine but you can go to a nurse they might take a urine or blood sample or might give you a little medicine to take i dont think anything serious will happen :-) just make sure your not alone for alone for a long time if you are make sure you have a phone handy drink alot of water because of the diarihha it can dehydrate bad for you and your baby especially throwing up is perfectly normal and try to saty cool a lille sugar in some gingerale is good for your stomach too
call your local hospital (midwife) they might ask u to go in for a check.
You should call your doctor. It could be your blood pressure. Make sure you tell doctor everything!!
Some of that is normal pregnancy and the rest may be your nerves from what is fixin to come up...Labor. I wouldn't worry about it unless you start bleeding or having severe pains.
Make sure that everything is packed up. I have two babies and both were born before the doctors predicted.
Your blood pressure might be going wonkie... I'd get it checked out.
Your body are getting ready .. good luck!
could be a tummy bug and then again it could be the beginning of labor. As long as you aren't getting dehydrated the best thing to do is try to relax and take some tylenol for the headache. Eat something with protein in it so that you have food in your tummy that will keep your blood sugars at a good level.
its your body getting ready for the delivery.......bow movements start to change when its getting close because of the pressure
You might wanna call your DR just to see if they want to check you out. For me diarrhea was one of the biggest indicators for labor. I had diarrhea for almost 2 days before I went into labor with my daughter. Good luck
Go to the doctor.. you're over due... so you dont want run any risks...

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