Friday, April 30, 2010

Please give me some good advice about anything, will you?

Express YourselfPlease give me some good advice about anything, will you?
If you work for a bank you are supposed to make money for the bank first of all.Please give me some good advice about anything, will you?
Always follow your heart. The rest will work itself out.

Never say never. Because eventually you will.

Always be honest and true to yourself. Just don't expect the same from others.

Treat others as you would like to be treated. Sometimes you want to be loved. Other times, you don't.
you need a haircut.
Never light a fire in a bucket after adding 3 gallons of gasoline.
smile, God loves you
to acheive your dream, PERSIST with it.
The way to a mans heart is through oral sex!!
If you were a guy I would say always be the heaviest and hairiest in bed, as a girl I would say adopt the opposite stance.
';The best you can do is your best.';
Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed!
yellow snow isn't all that bad!
Never argue with a mad person because people wouldn't know who is who....
expect the unexpected.

live each day like its your last.

do unto others, what you would like done unto you.

be prepared.

there are no such things as strangers, these are just people we havent yet met!

never bite the hand that feeds you.
there is never too much beer at a party
When putting on your shoes, the rule of thumb is...


';Toes Go In First...';

Best piece of advice someone ever gave me...
1. never pass up the opportunity to go to the bathroom

2. make the 1st impression count-ya wont get a 2nd chance to make a first impression

3. Unless you are really good at it dont try to impersonate Jack Nicholson, President Bush or Christopher Walken.

4. never ever argue with your cat.He will just keep meowing and you will look stupid
Consider the pros and cons and count to ten
never neglect a friend
You can't make chicken soup out of chicken s**t!!
Don't bet on slow horses. Kissing on the first date is okay. You should dump him if he's 30 years older than you, unless he's ill and wealthy. The brake is on the left.
If you can be bought, you can be sold.
Give to all who ask of you.
When in doubt,throw it out!%26gt;=)
a watched pot never boils

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