Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I need advice about headaches..?

I am 17 years old and I have been having severe headaches and feeling really weak for the past month or so. I keep forgetting words when I am speaking and it is aggravating. I went to the hospital when it all started (was only headaches at first) and they said I had a sinus infection (without running any blood, urine or x-ray tests.) even after taking all the prescribed medicine it continues. I had a c-section in august and other then that no serious surgeries or illnesses. Need help--- and please don鈥檛 tell me to ask a doctor...I need advice about headaches..?
Headache is among the most common medical complaints. Some of the reasons which cause headache are hypertension, over work, mental stress, indigestion, sleeplessness, fever, anemia, deficiency of oxygen in the blood, etc. Whenever a headache strikes drink lots of water .Lack of oxygen may have lead to your headache. Place a few ice-cubes in a polythene bag, and apply this on the forehead and temples. Check out

http://useinfo-headache.blogspot.com/ for more infoI need advice about headaches..?
Well if the headaches are severe then you need to ask your doc for a referal to a neurologist to get this checked out. You cannot let headaches go unchecked like this as it could be something serious.
Hi There, I too have a problem with headaches %26amp; migrains, although I can't take any of the ingredients in aspiran, advill or any of those, therefore I rely on a little jar of Tiger Balm. It's a small jar you can buy in a pharmacy (no prescription) has a little tiger on it. You only need a bit, tis why it's small, but very powerful. I take a bit rub my forhead down just below eyebrows to top of my nose, then all around my temples. It will

burn a while ';which means it's working';. Immediatley after applying ';Wash Hands Good'; NEVER get it near r eyes!!!!!!!

It would be very serious. I hope I helped r problem Sweety?

Oh, and Please keep it stored away from any little bro or sis!!

Best of Luck,

I hate to tell you this, Honey- but a doctor is the only one who can give you an accurate diagnosis and help.

There are a number of things that can cause what you're experiencing, including strokes (yes, they can occur in young people too!) or tumors. Or it could be that you need to drink more water- though somehow I doubt it's something that simple.

Try to see another doctor though, one that won't brush your concerns and symptoms off.

Good luck.
Basing on your description, it could be many things. These can base from a tumor, to severe stress. It is also possible that your body chemicals are imbalanced, causing reactions like this. Personally, I believe that its a mix of hormones and stress. I'm not surprised if that's the case because I to have had that. Try to relax and take it easy.

Good Luck! Hope those head aches go away!
I would definitely get the headaches checked out, especially if they've just started. People on Y! Answers really aren't that qualified to answer this one. It could be something serious.
I've suffered with severe headaches 4 the past 4yrs.and the docs just pass u off with everything else,unless ur persistent.in the end i went to see a neurologist and it turned out the painkillers the docs were giving me were actually making it worse (co-codomol).anything with codeine in it if taking large amount every day can cause an analgesic headache,but ok 4 a one off.I'm now on amitriptyline at nites for them which seem to be helping a bit.Still get headaches but not as severe as they were.Also alot of dairy products can make them worse,mines was cheese, cant touch it now
Possibly stress related. You are a bit young to have a baby and starting a new life. I'm sure there are a ton of stresses going on. I know you don't want to go back to the dr but try it again and ask about migraines. Migraines come in several intensities. If I can catch mine early enough Aleeve always works for me. Sylvia
I read in a magazine once where this woman kept having really bad headaches ALL the time and finally she went to her doctor and got a brain scan...and it turned out she had a tumor. If they hadn't caught it in time she would've died. Severe headaches are never good...sorry but I have to say you should see a doctor again or maybe even two. (they all say a different thing)

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