Friday, April 30, 2010

Please need you advice about this guy?

well i found out he was cheating on me with one of my old friends. so i broke it off and everything (this is the second time he has done this) and now hes still emailing me saying hes sorry blablabla and still wants my friendship. but i dont want it though because how is there any way i can still trust him a third time? and he keeps on emailing me and stuff and its getting really annoying...i bet hes doing the same thing to the other girl to try and get her back too.

should i just finish it forever with this guy?? cause i really think i should.

hopefully this is understandable to everyone lol :)

please need your advice!Please need you advice about this guy?
From experience with the EXACT same thing, just cut him out of your life entirely. It'll be hard, because you're hurt and you have feelings left for him still, but you'll be so much happier with someone who actually loves you and respects you enough not to cheat on you.

Eventually he'll stop calling and trying to get back on your good side because he'll realize he screwed up and that you don't want him any more. Save yourself the headache and anymore heart ache and just block him from any way he can contact you and pretend like he died.Please need you advice about this guy?
Let him go...

Most misunderstood fact of cheaters...

They aren't attracted to the other PERSON, they are attracted to the OTHER person. No matter who they are with, there will always be that OTHER person. Even if they leave and go to the one they cheated with, they are not content, they will go find another ';OTHER';.

Cheaters are like smokers, they never ';quit'; , they always have the urge, and they either just don't have one for a while or get better at hiding the habit.
fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me... fool me three times I am just a plain idiot.... girl once a cheater always a cheater.. there are plenty of fish in the sea go look for yours and tell him to leave you alone!
just ignore him
well it sounds like you already kinda answered your own question....but from a guys perspective...i think you should just finish it with him for good...i know guys that do this all the time...and they just play these girls until they get some...and then move on when new meat comes to town....especially if you already gave him a 2nd sounds like its time to move on
You can't trust him. Period. Move on. Stop talking to him. Stop reading his stupid emails. Stop letting him treat you like a dumb chick who's too stupid to find a decent guy. You're not.
';Once a cheater, always a cheater!'; Enough said!! Move on!!
I'm glad you see how bad he is for you.

I think you should definitely move on! There are much better guys out there. :)
u should break up with him u should not beg somebody to love u. you dont need a boy to make your life nice
of course. u dont trust him right?

Do not take him back. He is a player. Do not believe what he says. He cheated on you twice, that's enough.

And I to believe he's emailing the other girl also. You don't need baggage like that.
Simple. If you want to be with a cheater then GO FOR IT.

However if you want a trustworthy relationship then start by being NOT DEPENDENT on another person.

You sound desparate for attention.

Learn to be happy by yourself.
You should tell him how you feel.If he's cheated on you twice then he's really not worth it.Just end it between you two.It will turn out for the better.
The truth is, this guy already finished with you twice. But for some reason, you have low self-esteem and think that he's the best you can do.

He WILL cheat again. Will it be on you? Listen to ';Before He Cheats'; and then answer your own question.
Go with your instinct. It's usually right. Finish it.
i thnk u should tell him {nicely} to back off. u obviously cant trust this guy and u gave him a 2nd chance already. next time he e-mails tell him to take a hike!!!
i don't think you should forgive him because it's the second time he's done this

if you think it's for the best, break-up
he is pathetic!!! dont e-mail him bak! stop tokin 2 him period! he is a jerk and u cant trust him!!!!!!
End it for good.... This sounds all too familiar to me, I have been in that situation more than once, and those type of guys NEVER change no matter what they say. And, if your old friend is still your friend I would cut that tie as well, friends do NOT do those kinds of things to friends and she is just as much to blame as him. As far as continuing any friendship with him... the answer would be no. He has betrayed you in a very hurtful and dishonest way, this tells me that he will also cross his friends. Cut all ties with him and the girl. As far as your email goes, I know on yahoo email you can block certain people from emailing you, click on options and you will find it.

Hope this helps!
finish your relationship right there. you will certainly feel better as days gone by finding a new relationship.

God bless
Finish it. You trusted him twice and he destroyed it both times. If you keep trusting him, then he will keep walking all over you. Go find someone else. There are guys out there dying to be with you.
You need to ask yourself what YOUR own worth you feel that you don't deserve a man who won't cheat on you. If you feel you can be on the ';backburner'; for a man, then get back with him. If you feel you deserve a good man, then realize he is NOT a MAN, he is a BOY, and doesn't deserve your time.

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