Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I need advice about my relationship... please help!?

I love my girlfriend very much, and she loves me very much. Neither of us have ever experienced anything like this before. There are problems, like any relationship, but generally we can work through them. There's just one problem in particular that I can't deal with, and it's been going on for ages. My girlfriend is late for meeting me all the time. Sometimes hours late, sometimes just half an hour or something. She'll tell me a time and arrive nowhere near it. Sometimes she has ok reasons for this, and for not calling, but sometimes the reasons suck. I don't mind stuff coming up and being late, but when it would be incredibly easy for her to call and let me know, is it wrong to think she should? I'm gradually losing all self esteem in this relationship. She keeps saying she'll try to change but she never does. I don't know what to do. I really don't want to break up. I always end up forgiving her even though I know she'll keep doing it...I need advice about my relationship... please help!?
I assure you this will work...it's called behavior modification..works on childrenas wekk as adults: Say '; I love you, but from now on I will not wait one minute past the time I have said. It is very important that you DON'T. Don't be mad when she calls (even if she is) just remind her what you said. It will only take a couple of times of this and she won't be late. Of course, this means you can't be late either..lol.I need advice about my relationship... please help!?
Sounds like she's playing you. Maybe doing that annoying being late on purpose. Is she seeing some one else? Sure hope not. Get serious with her and give her the ultimatum either she's on time or it's over. Seriously. Stop putting up with her halfwaywardness. She should make the effort and love you enough to change or maybe she doesn't really love you. Hmm. Put your foot down and tell her what's what. Either me and be on time or we're done.
I think it's rude to be late personally. If you matter and it's important then a person will make that change, if not and they know you will be placated with any reason, it will continue because you are enabling it to happen.

You are showing up for the relationship and seems the other person isn't, hours late is ridiculous.

Someone better be in the hospital, car wreck or a death in the family- I'm talking bone has broken through the skin or bleeding- anything else isn't acceptable at all.

We all have the same parts, she can't be that hot in the sack, Find someone who respects you and that is concerned about your feelings.

If it were a man late that much with lame excuses you'd think that they were screwing around.

good luck
it seems ur in love first time.

may be ur grl frd get satisfaction that someone is waiting for her.

its boosting her self esteem.
If she keeps doing it she obviously is not serious about the relationship as you and does not deserve you.
I hate people who are late!! I think it shows such selfishness. No respect for anyones time but theirs. In my experience with peole who were contsantly late they never change. Its like its some sort of disease that they cant overcome.

Hours late? I mean, c'mon! Thats disrespecting you.
people never change. However people do better themselves. I think you should never think of breaking up if you love her.Instead help her become more organized, being late frequently is like a disorder that took me many years to overcome.
It's a very bad habit and inconsiderate. Teach her a lesson by keeping her waiting a time or two. Maybe she will get the message. The other possible solution is to tell her a time that's an hr. before when you will actually meet.

How does she handle Dr's appointments and school? If she is on time for those, she can be on time to meet you.
Tell her that you guys need to talk. Go to a small coffee shop or something and calmly tell her how you feel. Tell her you love her and that you feel sad when she cant make it on time to see you. If she keeps doing it tell her again. Its like baseball; Three Strikes and your out. If she really does love you than she will try to do better.

Good Luck!
Hmm.. That one is kinda tuff.. If you really dont want to break up with her, and you have already told her how you feel about it maybe ( I know this might sound a little childish) but it might work... Try doing it to her a couple of times, just so she could feel what it is like to be left hanging. Otherwise you are just going to have to deal with a person who is always late. Some people are just like that. I had a boyfriend once who was always late. He had no conception of time. I knew he wasn't doing anything wrong so I delt with it. Was annoying though. Even if he went into the store to pick something up like a loaf of bread I would sometime be in the car for like 30 mins waiting. He would get preoccupied with something else like a magazine or something lol..
She is completely disrespecting you. It's one thing to occasionally run late, but if she is truly so late so often, it shows that she is not placing importance on you and your feelings. It shows that she feels you are at her disposal. She does not deserve you. By continuing to put up with it, you are enabling her bad behavior. If you move on, perhaps she will see the error of her ways and realize that she must change. If not, you're better off.
Just put the shoe on the other foot. Unfortunately you might have to bail on something really important to her. Good luck.
She may not even realize it is a big problem. I am the same way. I am never on time for anything. I try and try and try. So now when i have to meet someone they always tell me to come an hour earlier. Anyway, i don't think tardiness should be a reason to end a wonderful relationship. Work with her. Find out what happens. It could be something easily solved.
Dear Lance,

Deal this by telling her you guys should make a planner and

make timings for stuff you guys do!!!!!

If that doesn't work you just be late and when your

girlfriend asks you where have you been then say

that's what she does and it is bugging you and things will turn

out for better for the worst.

Love Helpful Hottie,

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