Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I need advice about my ex HELP HELP HELP?

a couple of days ago my x told me that he was still n love with me. that he wanted to get back to gether. he even said he would move for me. then today he told me his mom said that she thinks that we need more time. its already been 5 months so he called me today and told me that he thought he needs more time that he does not want to rush into things. that he does not want to be with me right now that he needs time. it was like he wanted nothing else but to be with till he spoke with his mom. he is a grown man he should think for himself but his mama has to always get her way. so my question is should i wait for him or tell him its now or never?I need advice about my ex HELP HELP HELP?
Oh no...You have nothing to do with him...He is not worthy of your time or energy...Tell him to have fun dating his mother...I need advice about my ex HELP HELP HELP?
It won't get any better! Mom's never think a girl is good enough for their son.

I had a friend who was 52 and still lived with his mother! His girlfriend (yes, he had a nice one) gave him an ultimatum, move in with her or forget it. He moved in with her. Then his mother threatened to commit suicide! So he felt he had to move back home. She said called it quits! He still lives with his mother!

I was engaged once to a man who lived with his mother. He wanted to get married and tell her after! He was moving out of state and his mother was going too. He said he would move with his mom and get settled and come back for me in 6 mos. I said no, I go now and come back for your mother in 6 mos. Well, he and his mother moved....I never saw him again!

Either fight his mother for him (it's a hard fight), or forget it and get one that does not live with his mother!
Just tell him never -.-

The right thing to do: Don't go out with such an indecisive guy. He can't even decide if he likes you or not without first asking his mom. Or maybe he already changed his mind. Ask him straight up if he still wants to be with you or not. And if he can't give you a straight answer then don't see him again.

What you probably will do: Tell him now or never and then if he tries to stall for more time, give him that time.

please do the right thing T_T
Now or Never.

don't wait for him. it's been 5 monthes. that long enough. =)

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