Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Need advice about my relationship!!?

I've been dating this girl for 8 months. Our relationship has been nothing short of fantastic. We are in love, there is no doubt about that and I'm very close to asking her to marry me (a ';yes'; answer is a definite). But I have one hang up I need help with.

This girl had a wild side before meeting me. She had had sex with 2 males before me and 1 other female. Now, she has told me time and time again that I'm the last person, man or woman, that she ever wants to make love too. And I believe her with all my heart. I suppose my question is, and this is especially posed to the women out there, if you had once been a wild child... do you think a permanent change is possible? What kills me is the thought of her liking other girls (and contradictory to what society tells us... its not a turn on for me, its just the opposite it makes me sick to think about it).What if she decides she likes girls better? Good advice would be appreciated.Please don't comment on our relationship length.Need advice about my relationship!!?
im bi but am monogomous in relationships very faithful...so try not to worry...if you're unsure wait until you've dated longer to ask her to marry youNeed advice about my relationship!!?
8 months or 8 years... if you feel its time... it's your life... who am i to say? =p

A permanent change is possible. My bf wasnt that crazy... but he was, until he found me. He realized going from person to person for attention didn't fill that certain hole he was trying to fill. And I filled it. I'm sure it's the same for your lady.

Just be the man she fell in love with, and if she's into girls (which I doubt, since her track record says 2 to 1)... there's no use to be with someone who doesnt love you. It's your life and your gamble.

I hope you make a good decision!
In my opinion you are 100% NOT READY for marriage. I see the trust is not there it has to be to be successful. Please wait until you guys trust each other or move on to someone else.
People change every day little by little with every day experiences. We are never the same people we were 5 years ago, 10 years ago, and we wont be the same person in 5 and 10 years from now and so on. I am sure she was not the first person you were with, or had some feelings for. Should she be worried you might leave her for those past people? I think if you love her and she loves you, nothing else matters. If your really worried about it, talk to her about it. Good luck!!
Yeah,she could be lying to you about only making love to you.You need to make it clear to her that if you find out that she has sex with anybody but you you are going to let her go and sew her for everything.
Love is love no matter how long you been together....but a good relationship is built on trust...if you don't have that then you really don't have anything....it's hard to go full into a relationship without some suspicion bc we don't want to get our hearts broken....but if you don't take risks then hunny you ain't living....give her the benefit of the doubt and just enjoy each other....and get wild with her!!! Give her what she needs to make sure she doesn't stray!!! (I just ended my wild streak and dumped my booty call bc my boyfriend satisfies me just the way I like...and if he doesn't we talk about it) Good Luck!!!

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