Friday, April 30, 2010

Question and Advice about Domestic Violence in the UK, had enough of my babies father, when we have a?

disagreement or row he always uses his fist etc there had been various incidences in the past, on Wednesday he was jealous, broke my garden gate, stormed in shouting at me, whacked and thumped me across the face a few times, threatened with his fist haninng over to smash me right in the centre of my face.

Then to top it off before I was finally able to escape with my baby, he spat in my face.

I have called the police, they still havent arressted him as he keeps calling me.

I am taking this to court, but what can I expect, will they make out that I encourage him then guilty, will he get off, what are the typical expectations in a British Court of Law in concern of my case?

Thank You.Question and Advice about Domestic Violence in the UK, had enough of my babies father, when we have a?
I don't live in the UK but here in the US you have to show up at the hospital with obvious injuries to get noticed. It is still a man's world, honey. Make a police report in front of hospital witnesses and they should arrest him. How long they will keep him is another matter altogether. Take it to court and by all means do not return to your baby's father, EVER!. What he has done he will do again and your baby will grow up to learn violence too if s/he is around it. Here he would be expected to pay you child support and because of your having reported the abuse, he would not get to share custody of the child but would be required to have only supervised visitation (which men like that usually don't bother with) Good luck.

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