Friday, April 30, 2010

I need some advice about?

me n my guy.the thing is, is that he says that my body's perfect he wouldn't want it any other way. but this one girl he had slept with, (not to mention a close friend to his family) is way more beautiful. and when he says that im evrything he's ever wanted, it really seems like he's talking about her. plus there the same age, when were two years different, i dont know what to doI need some advice about?
Are you and this guy married or not? It's hard to give advice if you both are not in a committed relationship for life.

Let's be honest here. Having sex with multiple partners will cause problems. The first one is wondering if you will ever measure up just like you are experiencing. Also, those memories will never go away. However, time has a way of allowing you to forget things and commitment allows you to see all that is good about the person you have committed your life to.

Sometimes, you just have to take a chance at love. If he says he loves you and there aren't any warning signs then accept his love. Learn to trust but get yourself a commitment. If you are not married then you are taking a risk of getting hurt badly. Don't give it up or give up all of you when you don't know if he is ready for life.

Take care of yourself by eating right, exercising, and strengthen the emotional and spiritual side of you. Don't try to be the other person. Be yourself and be the best yourself you can be. There is something amazing about you that he loves. You are everything that he has ever wanted. Therefore, if he is serious about this then he will put a ring on your finger and give you a date for the wedding. If that doesn't happen then guard your heart.I need some advice about?
just talk to ur man and tell him how you feel
awww... see thats how me and my bf are. i sense he likes someone else alot more(cuz of her body) but it will be okay- and if not- kill him and say -that whore did it!!!
You just may be over reacting. He's with you isn't he? Ok then, if he wanted her, he would be with her but he's not...he's with you sweetie!

Don't worry about the other girl. She's out of the pic.
Sounds like you have a confidence problem. He could have been with ANYONE and it sounds like you are just gonna compare yourself to them. I say break up with him and get a life...find something you like to do and are good at...THEN start dating. At least at that point you'll have something you like about yourself and won't have such a lack of confidence. There is no way someone else is gonna learn to like you if you don't even like yourself.
Get over it.

If he stopped being with her, there must have been a reason. If he says you are beautiful, either believe it or move on. Don't make him the bad guy because he has good taste in women. If he says you're gorgeous, you probably are!

And this other girl, YOU are the one obsessing about her.
If you think or know hes been seeing other girls,thats when you need to break it off with him,If you say that youre going to be with some one then everyone else is off limits to you ,dont let him bully you ,dump him and move on to find some one else that will love you for you not what you can give him
Maybe you are perfect to him/ maybe he isnt comparing you to his other ex girlfriends . If you make him happy then dont worry about / it sounds more like you have the issues/ not him / if your not happy with yourself / then join a health club/ either way he will be impressed that you care enough to take care of yourself / adn that you care enough to look good for him.
you have a self esteem problem, and if you really feel this way you shouldn't be with him, untill you can love yourself you can't really love others.
ok yes he may have slept with her, but she apparently wasnt the one for him. he is with you now, right? you and your body style is exactly what he wants. theres always different strokes for different folks.
gurl all can tell you is to be secure wit ur self. he wats you and only you. has he talked to her since tha happened? if not don't worry about it. i have dated a older guy and if you are not secure then maybe its time to let him noe exactly how you feel cuz he deserves to noe. have you talked to him about this lately? how you feel or wut??? be confident and just look at it this way she may have had him once but you have him right now. and far as your body goes i think like tha to but if you think tha ur body isn't perfect it probably fine you are probably finding all the faults instead of looking for all the good things about your self. ppl usually find all the faults in themselves instead of looking at the good in things. relax and take things easy. good luck!!!
ask him about that girl, see how his face is like.
Don't worry about it..
He's told you he finds you perfect, if he prefered the other girl he'd be with her not you.

If their relationship had been perfect he would still be with her.

Looks aren't everything he obviously prefers you as a person as well as looks.

Stop obsessing over nothing this is your thoughts and opinion not his
chances are you really are a 10 and he just doesnt have a clue as to how to treat you . if i was you i would stop worring about it sit back and see if he messes up your relationship then drop the hammer on him . im single and looking so if it doesnt work out hit me back and lets see what happens.
I would believe him. Most girls that we think are perfect, are in fact far from it. It is the little quirks about you that turn him on and make you perfect to him. You are an original, one of a kind, and that's close enough to perfect for him.
if he isn't doing sex with her, where is your problem?

have you considered that the girl just isn't interested in him?

maybe he is with you because he likes you?

obviously you should be aware of possible complications in your relationship with him, but you shouldn't let things tear apart your happiness for no reason.
u trust him? stop comparing yurself 2 her....he with u 4 a reason..he loves u duhhh
if he says it he mens it dont wary
look...............dont get jeolous, lethim look at other ppl but heshould know that hes with you... just make him happy and he wont care how butiful you r he'll just care that ur with him.....
You should just believe him when he tells you nice things, sounds like you are obsessing about her, and that can be very harmful for your relationship. Be happy he is with you, she is part of the past and he wants you, NOT her.

Good luck sweetie
Dear I would get a new BOYFRIEND! ASAP!
talk it over with both of them decide what is best for all of you if he says one thing and thinks another something is wrong
then belevie him, u guys are together now. maybe there was something about the other girl that didn't complete him..
you need to have a little more self confidance
I think you should talk to this person after all relationship is based on honesty be up front if you can not do that with the person you care about then I think you do have proublems,Comunication is important in a relationship.

Hope this helps
sweety.Relax.He definitely loves u.Don't get doubts.And don't make him feel bad.Relationship needs trust.OK.

All the best
dont jump to anything , if hes there for you and you can trust him , you shouldnt worry , i mean as long as he doesnt go hang with her more than you or somehting like that, but you need to have some confidence in yourself, just because he did somehitng with her doesnt mean he doesnt want you or is talking about her there is more than looks in the way someone feels and age doesnt mean anyhting the girl im dating is almost two years difference with me
its not just your looks that make you hot or sexy its your personality. my man says that I'm perfect and i think no I'm not. but can you tell me that their is a person in this world that would think they are? NO. so take a chill pill. its all good your man thinks your perfect so love it. men don't say things they don't have to. well not things like that
i think your right, if you were everthing he wanted you need to ask him why he felt the need to sleep with someone else?

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