Friday, April 30, 2010

Thinking about moving to NYC, need advice.?

I just recently graduated from college. I'm thinking about moving from LA to NYC and pursue a career in advertising. I always wanted to live in the big city but it's scary thinking about leaving behind all my family/friends and having to find a job and place to live. I don't even know how to start planning such a move. How much money I will need? What area to move to? How to go about looking for roommates? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.Thinking about moving to NYC, need advice.?
Hi Anna

I know someone in your same position who found a great apartment, and a roomate, in Astoria (Queens) Its only 2 or 3 subway stops from Manhattan and much cheaper. People are friendly. You'll probably like areas such as Union Squre, the East Village, or similar areas, to hang out. It's never easy movong and, even if you want a sublet, just to look around, try Craigs list, it works. I actually know people who found apart,enmt, roomates, and good jobs using Crag's ;ist

Hope things work out. Any questions, ask.


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