Friday, April 30, 2010

Please help me. I need advice about a girl. This is a repost I'm sorry.?

I'm in grade 12 and I have really, really liked this grade 11 girl for three years. I can't even explain it. I only just got to know her these past 2 months. She's really nice and seems comfortable around me. She never minds talking to me or anything. Anyways I'm pretty shy and I never asked anyone out before but I eventually built up the courage to ask her to prom with me. I think I caught her a bit by surprise but she seemed really flattered that I asked. She told me that she would let me know the next day. So the next day she came over to talk to me and she thanked me but she said no. I was cool with it, at least on the outside but I went against my better judgement and asked her why. She said it wasn't me but that was it. I decided to let her know how I really felt. I hadn't done that the day before and I told her I still wanted to be friends.

I was wondering, if she didn't say no right away is there a chance that she might like me anyway? I think her parents might have said no.Please help me. I need advice about a girl. This is a repost I'm sorry.?
sounds like she is just as shy as you.

Just hang around be freinds with her. once she is comfortable around ya she might break.

i had the same situation. I'm now engaged to her and have been together for 7 yearsPlease help me. I need advice about a girl. This is a repost I'm sorry.?
I think she might have some kind of feelings for you but is maybe the same way you are so...that was her way of trying to hide it...?
sure ...ask her out.....and as youre asking her...mention how long you have liked her....that is flattering...good luck!
you sound like such a great guy.Believe me when I say that.If I were in school still I'd be on the lookout for guys like you.Since you got the courage up to ask her out think about asking other girls out.Good luck honey.....
Try to act normally around her, and just have a few chats with her without bringing up the subject of going out or the prom etc... if she is relaxed around you still and you feel comfortable, then maybe you can ask her if she would like to go for some ice cream, that's pretty casual, if that goes well, move onto to the next stage..don't plan too much, play it by ear and go with your instinct, it's usually right. Where will you be after school? Will you be far away?
get to know her more and let her get to know you more. She may like you more if you were more outragous, girls like confidence
she said no to prom theres a chance she'll say no if you ask her out
Yes its possible she likes you, but here's a thought... if she let her parents decide her prom date what else are they in charge of? Is this a one time thing with them... or does everyone have to make the grade?

As a parent, with one daughter who has done prom and another about to next year... I would NOT decide my daughter's prom date unless I KNEW without a doubt that their choice was BAD?WRONG/DRUGGIE, get the idea?

Another thought, is she going with another guy or with a group of other girls? My oldest and her friends decided to not go with guys but went as a group.

So to answer your question, I think you need to do a little more research before you ask her out... I would not want your feelings hurt or heart broken if you can avoid it.
If at 1st you try and don't succeed try...try... again....

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