Friday, April 30, 2010

I need advice about a girl?

ok so theres this girl ive been talking to for awhile now and yesterday we both found out we like eachother but ever since then our conversations have been boring so i brought it up and she said she had trust issues and that it would take time before she could fully trust me

is this just an excuse for not really liking me?

idk,maybe i have trust issues toI need advice about a girl?
No, i understand how it could be awkward. Just let it work itself out, it will in time!I need advice about a girl?
If she has trust issues the best thing you can say to her is,

I like you, I really do, and I am willing to wait for you until you are ready.

You can trust me, I wont hurt you, and I promise I'll be here.

Some thing along them lines,

but if you like her enough,

make sure she knows you are willing to wait for her!
no im sure she is telling the truth.

im a girl and have major trust issues...

cheating has happened to me and so many other people i know including family so u never know who to trust anymore..

if u really get to know someone then u can learn to trust them

she just doesnt want to get her heart broken so do things that will make her want to go out with you and trust you.

but dont do that then go and cheat on her......

thats a no no! lol
Hello Bakerock;

From what you said, you haven't known each other very long ... try asking her out for lunch date. Trust has to be built over time, not just for this girl but for just about everyone. Take you time and it should all work out.

Best of luck,

women will always find the problem, but never has an idea of the solution. they tend to look for bad things, or make up something when the situation seems ';too perfect'; to them. its all about confidence which most women dont have enough of. sigh...
if you met should know what to will go nowhere! if you actually know this girl, then give it time and be friends first, because in a relationship you start off as friends first. do not rush it be a good guy and be non chalant about it.
no what she is saying is that she has possibly been hurt so badly before she is afraid to love again. Tell her you are there for her and be her friend first, and she will realize that you can be trusted.
Just get to know each other more, and learn to trust one another.

Do what you think is right, Good Luck :]
i think it's an excuse
sounds like you guys are young and confused...

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