Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I need advice...good advice about a guy.?

Okay so I've been friends with this guy since my freshman yera in high school. I'm a senior now %26amp; I moved away from him about 9 months ago. You could always tell he kind of liked me %26amp; even told me once %26amp; i really liked him. we were both shy so I think he was going to ask me out at one time but then chickened out. I miss him a lot %26amp; he'll flirt w/ me whenever I talk to him. I'm going to visit my old home %26amp; see all of my friends and possibly him. I miss him so much %26amp; whenever I meet a new guy I always seem to compare the new guy to him. Should I give up on this and start looking for a new guy in my new home, or should I go w/ my heart and keep hoping he feels the same about me as I do about him? Also, how do long distance relationships work. I live 5 hrs away from him :( just wondering if a long distance relationship would ever work. He's trustworthy. I need advice pronto!I need advice...good advice about a guy.?
It sounds like you more than like him! Go for it! You will never know what will happen until you try! A long distance relationship can work if both partners are committed.

Good Luck!I need advice...good advice about a guy.?
you should be with him or else you'll always think of him and compare him to other guys.. you'll have regrets. so my advice is to ask him out and see how it goes.. if it goes bad, well then so what? now you won't have guilt/regret on your shoulders and you can date freely without thinking of him..good luck
if you feel you can trust him then i dont see why not.

i mean.. 5 hours isnt that much.

if you guys both work hard on the relationship i see no problems with it not working out.

usually one of the people gives up, and thats why they fail.

from an old playa... for men it is all about the *****.... for women it is all about control and money
Long distance relationships require a lot of patience and trust. If you are up for these two virtues then go for it.
yes hang in there keep your love for him.

Wait for him and then you will see if he is going

to see that in you.
Ok, continue talking to him. But if it sounds like he's interested in someone else, you go ahead and feel free to look for someone else. But continue talking to him. And I don't really know about the long distance relationship deal. Good luck.
go with your heart
Go for it it will work you obviously both like each other
You can never go wrong with a friend, I married my best friend. His the best, I did wait for him and he waited for me, but in the end it was worth it. You just have to talk to him open and honest, and let him know how you feel and what is going on inside you. Because if he is really your friend, you should be able to tell him what is going on.
my advice is always follow the heart,love is felt from deep down in the heart,love is so powerfull its sort of put in you by that special person and dont leave until its pulled out of you.

i think he put his love in you so go for it girl what you got to lose.
You need to do a lot of work on long distance relationships although it can work. The trick is both of you need to carry the same burden. If your guy will commit to you and you to him, then why not. But if it ends up you are doing all the work, then you may probably be wasting your time. Remember, there are 3 billion boys out there. Good luck ;-)
At that age or any age really, the long distance thing is really hard. When you go and see your old friends, you should really tell him how you feel and see where things go. If it doesn't work out, you live far away that it won't matter. If it does and you don't want to try the long distance thing, you will at least have a few good memories.
if hes trustworthy go for it. if it doesnt work it doesnt work at least you tried

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