Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice About Revenge....or something else.?

Here's the deal. A long time ago I got involved with this abusive guy. He was emotionally abusive. So recently I began talking to one of his friends that has a massive crush on me( but we're just friends) the abusive guy (my ex) he is going around and defaming my name. Hes not calling me whore or anything but he's saying im vindictive and everything basically saying im a snake. Its obvious that he thought his friend just wanted to sleep with me then when he found out he really liked me he tried to defame me. He has been wanting to see me for months but I refuse. I think he's mad because of that. I want revenge! What do you think I could do to give him a taste of his own medicine of mess his head up. What about gaining the trust of his best friend?Advice About Revenge....or something else.?
Don't screw his friend because that mental abuse will turn physical. Now you're messing with his manhood. I wouldn't date his friend for another reason which is where was this guy when you needed to be rescued from the abuse. Did he just sit back and watch like a punk and wait for it to be over. Did he stand up for you. Did he tell his friend to back the hell off when he talked down to you. or did he just lurk in the bushes until he saw opportunity to get sex from a woman that has emotional and mental scars. They both sound like losers to me.Advice About Revenge....or something else.?
sleep with his father and/or mother -- that will learn him
don't use someone for ur own gain..i think u will regret it later. the best revenge is to cut him and all his friends out of ur life...and be a beautiful, awesome, smart and strong woman. he will be SO JEALOUS!! i had similar problem once, i tried to be good friends w/ the friend of this stupid guy i broke up with cuz i was trying to show him there are better people out there (secretly hoping he would stop being that guy's friend). but later i realized there was nothing in common with him, and he was starting to bug me!! haha... and boys forget/forgive their boys faster than girls forget/forgive their girl friends. sooo.... i say stay away from him and his friends and find some GOOD MEN out there!
People are going to talk about you behind your back no matter what you try to do to stop them. That's just the way some people are. He only wants your attention, and by you talking bad or good or whatever about him, that is just giving him what he wants. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about what he has said or what he is going to say about you. Revenge? I don't think that would do anything for ya. Just hold your head up high, and ignore him. That will kill him worse than anything. The best friend? I wouldn't mess with him. Move on to someone who doesn't know your ex.
Why lower yourself to his level? He looks like a moron to all for what he is saying about you, are you sure you want to look just as bad?
I would just leave these 2 guys alone and find someone else unconnected. Why would you date your ex-s friend when all that means is you'd either run into your ex or have to hear about him. Forget about these guys and find a new one away from the whole crowd!
yes you should
Careful jelous guys can loose control quick and that can be dangerous. By ignoring his statements makes him look bad, by aggresively defending yourself some people may think that what he is saying is true. Back away try to lose contact with him, even if that means losing contact with his friend. eventually he will move on. Remember guys who are abusive tend to have low self-esteem and so become controling and posessive. He may turn violent against you and his friend.

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