Friday, April 30, 2010

I want some advice about my dad....?

well, i havent seen my dad in about 8 years and i've been talking to him on IM and thru email the last 2 years. this summer im going to spokane this summer, which is where he lives. im going there to visit family. should i see him? i want to see him but i dont at the same time. what to do??I want some advice about my dad....?
I think you should see him. But if at the same time he has hurt you, youo need to make him aware of it and let him know you aren't asking him for anything. If he wants to have a father/daughter relationship with you, let him make the next step. No need in getting your feelings hurt over someone who doesn't care. Trust me I've been there.I want some advice about my dad....?
dont worry your dad really loves you keep smiling always.
If talking to him after 2 years and you dont want to see him. What do you think?
Absolutely you should visit him (assuming he wants that, too) and try to get to know him. Let go of any and all expectations and just be yourself and allow him to be himself. Don't let fear or hurt get in the way of starting a new relationship.
i think i know where your coming from my dad and i are not in the great of terms. and i prefer to only talk to him on the phone. i beat around the bush when he invites me over i make up excuses. but i know deep down inside i miss him. and we have allot of issues to resolve. maybe this is your chance. it will be a big wait off your shoulders. or you will go on wondering what if. and its not a great feeling. give him a chance. you may even regret waiting so long to do it. GOOD LUCK YOUR FRIEND FLACA FROM HOUSTON
go ahead Mk. if you have been talking to him for the past 2 years

and now it's time to see him in person , go for it . you can't be that mad at him if you were communicating with him all this times . you 'll be surprise how much you both might have in common and really enjoy your visit . you don't want to go through life wondering if you should have had seen him . wish you the best on both of you %26amp; happy endings.
Yes that happened to me and my kids too and now we get along great!! you don't know what you'll miss if you don't try....
Well it's been a long time! But he's your dad...if you want to see him, go ahead!!
See him. As I tell my family all the can pick your friends, but your family is your family. Mistakes are made, feelings are hurt, hearts are broken. In the whole scheme of things, it's best to forgive, especially before it's too late and you regret not having seen him. Go with no expectations. Just visit and discover each other. Good luck!!
It's up to you. If you've been talking to him, you may as well see him. Make it a very short visit.
See him . what do you have to lose.?
if i were you, i would go see him, i lost my dad this past november, so go and see him before it's to late
You need to see him. It sounds like he is willing to work on a relationship with you. You don't know all his circumstances. You've probably only heard one side. Life is short. You need your Dad. Try to work on this an have him in your life. I lost my Dad when I was 24. I wish I could have really gotten to know him. Everyone makes mistakes. You be the bigger person. I don't think that you will be sorry.
Decide by yourself
I think the question you need to ask and find an answer to is why you wouldn't want to see him. You've begun and have maintained a contact with him for the last two years so obviously you feel a certain connection that you don't want to lose. In my opinion you're afraid that by physically meeting him this may prove to be less than your mind has imagined you want it to be and would ultimately put you in the position of making a choice to either continue contact with him or disconnect entirely. If you wash away any preconceived ideas of how you want it to be and allow the physical meeting to simply be what it is then you can neither be disappointed or disenchanted thus allowing you to later decide what level of contact you wish to continue.
you have to go and sea your father and tell him you missed him to much really each one need the father my be not thist time but in the future but im sure he need you also also no body hope to be the best person in the worled like your father
It may be a little uncomfortable, or even scary, but I think you should see him since you have the opportunity. Don't have any expectations...just go with an open mind and satisfy your curiosity.
YES...see your Dad. What's it gonna cost you a couple of hours of your time?? Unfortunately, we only get one natural Mom and Dad. You're going to feel terrible should you never get this opportunity to see him again. Please, be mature and accept him as he is....he's your Dad. God Bless.
i wouldnt care just go. see him again.
see him i have experience with this kind of stuff just shake hands and hug and start to talk to eachother
Don't know why you haven't seen him in 8 years, but I would definitely go to visit him. If there's a problem, clear it up now. You don't want to wake up some morning after he's gone regretting that you didn't see him.

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