Friday, April 30, 2010

I need advice about my marriage.?

My husband of almost 4 years totally ignores me. He would rather look at scantly clad women (or nude women) then the real thing. I am so depressed about it. He thinks there is nothing wrong with it and that I am over reacting. I feel like crying all the time. What can I do to get his attention back? Please help!I need advice about my marriage.?
maybe he has some ideas of spicing things up but doesnt want to say anything. you should try letting him know that your willing to try new things and you can instigate the first move. good luckI need advice about my marriage.?
watching porn is totally disrespecting you as a woman and as an individual.. by watching porn, he is telling you that you are not good enough, pretty enough, sexy enough and he's rather look at some other sl*t there who is more sexually appealing.. talk to him and tell him you r not ok with this and you feel disrespected and you don't ever want him to look at porn again. This is a marriage and he has to get over porn. Porn destroys families.. and i totally disagree with the woman who asked you to do what the porn stars do. What kind of a cheap comment was that?
If I were you, I would tell him exactly how I feel about his lack of attention. If he didnt respond positively and make an improvement, then I would make sure I was looking pretty damn hot, start going out with friends more often, basically just having a good time. Try it.. Your husband is bound to pay more attention then, out of fear that HE may lose YOU.

Edit: and yes I agree with SS. If you are against porn (as I am), dont lower your standards and allow your husband to participate. Porn is degrading to women, and degrading to the wives whose cheating husbands purve and jack off over another naked woman, and the only ones who defend it are the ones who get off on it or make money from it. I mean, geez, what happened to the marriage vow ';forsaking all others';?
I'm sorry but he is being a jerk. He knows it upsets you when he looks at other women and ignores you and he should stop doing it. If he values your relationship and wants to keep you around then he needs to make a choice. He is emotionally not into you and doesn't care how you feel. That is a very selfish inconsiderate attitude toward his wife, the woman he's supposed to love, honor and cherish.
Do you want to be with him?

Work on yourself.. be happy with yourself.. love who you are and show it.. and it will radiate on to him.. but don't do it because of him.. do it for yourself.. you are getting depressed.. maybe talking to a doctor about the depression..go out get some nice some new friends.. have fun.. and maybe he'll ask to join.. Just don't be too eager.. play hard to get..and find yourself.. one can not truly love someone else unless they love themselves first.
Stop crying and check it out. He doesn't want to get all lovey dovey with someone that's down and depressed. Pick yourself up and put on your sexy high heals and strut over to him and lay a big wet kiss on him and tell him it's your turn. Do what Wifey said too. This is a marriage. Enjoy it.
Yes I agree with some of the answers. Be yourself, build on your self esteem and personal appearance. Take up new interests for yourself - and feel good about yourself no matter what he says and does....
I would try sexy clothes, or even a porno together. Do what they do.
  • lips
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