Friday, April 30, 2010

Please give me some good advice about anything, will you?

Express YourselfPlease give me some good advice about anything, will you?
If you work for a bank you are supposed to make money for the bank first of all.Please give me some good advice about anything, will you?
Always follow your heart. The rest will work itself out.

Never say never. Because eventually you will.

Always be honest and true to yourself. Just don't expect the same from others.

Treat others as you would like to be treated. Sometimes you want to be loved. Other times, you don't.
you need a haircut.
Never light a fire in a bucket after adding 3 gallons of gasoline.
smile, God loves you
to acheive your dream, PERSIST with it.
The way to a mans heart is through oral sex!!
If you were a guy I would say always be the heaviest and hairiest in bed, as a girl I would say adopt the opposite stance.
';The best you can do is your best.';
Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed!
yellow snow isn't all that bad!
Never argue with a mad person because people wouldn't know who is who....
expect the unexpected.

live each day like its your last.

do unto others, what you would like done unto you.

be prepared.

there are no such things as strangers, these are just people we havent yet met!

never bite the hand that feeds you.
there is never too much beer at a party
When putting on your shoes, the rule of thumb is...


';Toes Go In First...';

Best piece of advice someone ever gave me...
1. never pass up the opportunity to go to the bathroom

2. make the 1st impression count-ya wont get a 2nd chance to make a first impression

3. Unless you are really good at it dont try to impersonate Jack Nicholson, President Bush or Christopher Walken.

4. never ever argue with your cat.He will just keep meowing and you will look stupid
Consider the pros and cons and count to ten
never neglect a friend
You can't make chicken soup out of chicken s**t!!
Don't bet on slow horses. Kissing on the first date is okay. You should dump him if he's 30 years older than you, unless he's ill and wealthy. The brake is on the left.
If you can be bought, you can be sold.
Give to all who ask of you.
When in doubt,throw it out!%26gt;=)
a watched pot never boils

Can anyone tell me about their experiences teaching esl in s. korea? any advice would help b/c i hear horror?

i hear many bad stories about teaching in s. korea. what kinds of schools are best, location with most foreigners and is it a worthwhile year offf?Can anyone tell me about their experiences teaching esl in s. korea? any advice would help b/c i hear horror?
I have lived and worked in Korea for about 5 years now. There are a lot of horror stories, but things are changing a lot since a recent shift in the Government. Surprisingly things are getting a lot better. Here is some clarification.

There are two types of schools:

A) Hogwans or private study academies. They seem to cause the most problems because anyone can start one and there seems to be no real governing body for them. Larger chain schools are better than smaller independent schools. The chain schools usually have been around longer, developed their own curriculum and have enough money to pay you. Smaller schools, not so much...

Pros: The hours are great! 2pm to 8pm, usually (mon-fri). Money! usually offer a higher rate of pay.

Cons: They are a business, and you are not a teacher (even if you have the papers to prove it). They are there to make money. Market saturation means a lot of ';schools'; open and close every day. This can be a problem if they have closed without giving you your final pay and plane ticket home.

B) EPIK program for Public schools

This is the program in Korea for teaching English in the public schools. It provides the training that you do not receive from the hogwans and places you in an actual school. You are treated as close to a real teacher as you can get, being that you are not Korean or have passed the Korean teaching exam. The schools are funded by the government and all of your expenses are covered. Ex. If you go on a field trip and get there yourself, you get gas money. Most schools will have an ';English Zone'; that you will help coordinate, this can be a headache, but this can also be a great way to reach the students.

Pros: Better treatment, more structure, and almost zero complaining from parents. Certain schools will have excellent facilities, some may not. Mine gives each teacher a laptop to use for the time they are there and rebuilt the english zone with sate-of-the-art flat panel tvs, computers, etc.

Cons: Pay is lower than at the Hogwans. You have to be at the school from 8:30am - 4:30pm and sometimes later, even if you don't have class. Bureaucracy, everything has to be signed and stamped, even if you have to leave to pay your bills, you have to get the signatures and stamps of your head teacher, the vice-principle, and the principle.

Overall, the advice I would say is find a good recruiter like Footprints Recruiting, so that you have some one to call if you do have any problems. I would take the steps and go for the EPIK program. Hogwans just don't compare to the experience.

There are other great places outside of Seoul. There are countless great cities to work in but make sure they don't stick you out in a country school, if this is your first time in Korea.

Busan, Ulsan, and Daegu seem to have the best foreigner communities outside of Seoul. However, it is what you make it. If you get out and explore your new location rather than hitting the bars every night, you'll be much better off. Foreigner bars are great, but they are a double-edged sword and can suck you into a bad element.

Other than that, once you are here, hook up with the foreigner/Korean community and contribute. The more active you are, the more fun and experiences you will have. The complaints that I have heard (outside of school related issues) have been either from people that have stayed in their element (ate western food, stayed home facebooking and complaining about Koreans) too long or never took the time to get out, meet people and contribute.

I hope this helps. I could write more, but alas... I have to actually go to school now.Can anyone tell me about their experiences teaching esl in s. korea? any advice would help b/c i hear horror?
Good info from Jason T. I just wanted to add that Seoul public schools is run by SMOE and not EPIK. I think EPIK does everything outside of Seoul. A public school is a good place to work because it is run by the government and you won't get cheated out of your pay, and you will have a good bit of paid vacation during the year so you will have plenty of time to travel if you want. Hagwons are not a sure bet, but there are some decent ones to work for. I would stay away from them if at all possible. Seoul is a good place to go to get both Korean culture and some foreign comfort when you start missing home. I'm not sure about Busan, haven't spent time there. Plus, if you want some country side, it is easy and cheap to hop on a train or bus out of town to a smaller city. It IS ';possible'; to get around in Seoul if you don't speak Korean as there are more English speakers than in other places, and more information in English, but of course the more Korean you speak the easier it will be all around. There is a lot to say, but I'll leave it at that. If you want to know anymore details you can pm me. Good luck.
Guys have a great experience doing this...but I don't know any girls who had done so. I think it really depends on what type of class you will be teaching...the experience in Korea will definitely be great and a big eye-opener...the food is great, the culture is very interesting...and I find the people there very nice...only problem is that you can't expect to get around with make sure you find friends that are bilingual in order to get a true experience out of it...
The only horror I've heard from anyone teaching in Korea is that the schools are sort of miseducated and underfunded. They don't really allow you to do your own thing and books are limited so it seems the children aren't learning much.
Can you tell me about your experience teaching ESL in Toyohashi, Japan? Please e-mail me via Yahoo Answers.
yea good luck especialy with all this missle testing going on in N Korea. I would suggest going somewhere else to teah lest you care for your life
No horror unless you're horror.

I'm about to start playing golf. As a novice I have no idea what clubs to buy! Any advice on what clubs I need?

Brands? Price Range?I'm about to start playing golf. As a novice I have no idea what clubs to buy! Any advice on what clubs I need?
start with a used set of a good Quality brand name clubs don't bother with a cheap new full set as most golf shop most take trade ins and thats what you are looking for as you will out grow the cheap set and they will slow down your progress look for a name like say taylor made callaway adams or titleist you would be best of with a set that are cavity backs as they are more forgiving and while your at it try to find a set that has hybrids in place of the long irons as they are the hardest to hit and get in the air a hybrid will really help in this area you might want to start with a 3 wood instead of a 1 wood(driver) as they are a little easier to hit and its all about being in the fairway distance only strokes your ego not your score card watch the old codgers they don't hit it far but look at the score at the end of the day most times they are better than the young guns trying to hit it 340 off the tee spend a little more for a good putter as they say drive for show and putt for dough its true putting accounts for large part of the game and as for the price you should be able to find a used set of good clubs for the same price of a new cheap set say 100 to 200 bucks and if you don't like golf later you will be able sell them afterwards

p.s. if you go to your local golf shop during the week you might even be able to get a free fitting with is important the lenght lie and loft of clubs is important as well as the length of the shaft compared to your height as well as the shaft stiffness stiffer for fast swingers so I hope this helps


one other thing about golf its counter intuitive its exactly opposite of common sence you want the ball to fly high you hit down you want it to go right aim left you want to hit it farther swing easy but you will see I'm not joking
  • art mask
  • Any advice or comments about the AP Computer Programming exam?

    [what exactly is the difference between the different levels (A,AB); is it much the same as AP Calculus-AB, BC?]Any advice or comments about the AP Computer Programming exam?
    There is a significant difference between the A level AP Computer Programming exam and the AB level AP Computer Programming exam. First off, the A level AP Computer Programming exam doesn't come with nachos. You have to order them on the side. And the salsa's not as good. But the AB level AP Computer Programming exam has the pico de gallo already placed right on top, and a lot of people don't really like that. Especially not with the raw onions. So unless you really like pico de gallo, I'd recommend taking the A level AP Computer Programming exam and ordering the nachos on the side, rather than taking the AB level AP Computer Programming exam and having to scrape the pico off. But I guess that's just common sense.

    As for your second question, I don't know anything about the AP Calculus-AB, BC. I only took the AP Calculus-A. Sorry.

    Please help me i need advice about me and my ex b/f please i really appreciate it help me please?

    okay me and my ex was going out for 2 years and broke up 3 months we still talk as friend but sometimes he send mix signals . he don't want to be with me because he don't trust me nomore when we was together 4 a year i let this boy kiss me and i didn't do it on purpose it just happen i felt so hurt that i went and told my ex the mistake i did he stood by me after i told him but 9 months lata he remember and just didn't want to be with me he said that we should just be friends so we are we still talk on the phone but he is not the same sometimes he send me mix signals im trying to earn his trust back because i love him and im so sorry that i hurt him but sometime he still want to control me he hit 2 times b4 because he got tired of me slapping him but i had a reason for doing it that he hit me twice but i don't care because i still love him no matter what he tell me he love me and that he care for me but he just don't want to be with me because he don't trust me nomore how can i earnPlease help me i need advice about me and my ex b/f please i really appreciate it help me please?
    It sounds like right now there is a lot of tension between you....maybe for now you can just chill by remaining friends - give him time and space, and if it is meant to be that you two get back together, then it will happen.

    I don't want either of you to hit each other - you should both respect each other - but if he does hit you again, then you should not be with him because he does not respect you then. Just be there for him when he needs you and when he sees that you are there for him, he may become forgiving but try to be patient for it may take him a while - and if you do get back together, you have to try your hardest not to let a boy kiss you again.

    Good Luck!Please help me i need advice about me and my ex b/f please i really appreciate it help me please?
    My advice is to get rid of him. He's trouble. He's a classic abuser and will only get worse. He's also a manipulator. For your own benefit you might also want to see a psychiatrist or psychologist to address this issue. Stay away from the ex.
    Forget it! You both sound extremely immature and need to move on. I'm not trying to be rude, or to hurt you, but neither one of you should be hitting the other! As for trust, there isn't any basis for it! Without mutual trust, you can't have a lasting relationship.
    Holy sh*t!! Only one period in that whole block of language!
    before you decide to be together, if that happens, you should probably talk about not hitting eachother anymore.

    and the trust is something you can't just talk him into.

    so maybe you just need to wait until he feels ready. or just find someone else and start again, even though it can be scary.

    also, it may not be the trust. he maybe just doesn't want to be with you.

    i hope you figure it out hun
    Leave him alone, and move on neither of you should ever ever become violent. There seems to be something very wrong here. If you say you don't care that he hit you then you need to get some self respect also, you DON'T deserve to be stroke, it doesn't matter what someone does or says. Maybe anger management classes would be good for both of you
    If you are hitting each other, there is probably more to it than you are seeing. You are maybe heading down an endless, hopeless road where things will get worse. Even though you feel love for him, take your pain with you and get out of it.
    I'm assuming there is some cultural thing here going on that is beyond my understanding. Whats with all the hitting? Hitting someone is criminal.. There is no good enough reason for it. I would suggest you move on and date someone who doesn't hit or tolerate hitting..
    Any relationship that involves physical fighting isn't a good one. Get out and find you a real man that will love and respect you. There are too many good men out here that you don't have to settle for someone who its you or doesn't trust you.
    First of all, neither of you have the right to put your hands on the other. NEVER. No matter what the reason is...

    That's a bad start for a relationship.

    Kisses don't just happen. I would be equally annoyed if you acted like it ';just happened.'; As if you had no control over what was taking place. I would just tell him how you truly feel, maybe write him a letter, or sit down and have a heart to heart. No games, no playing, no hiding of feelings. Then, the ball is in HIS court. You don't have to wait forever, but the next move will be his. At least you can be confident in knowing you made some kind of effort to get him back. wrote too much without any comma and a dot lady!

    you both, please be mature! you know exactly what you want and what to do...make some action!

    but, being a pushy wont help! guys hate it!

    he'll come to you when it's time or when you both are meant to be.

    anyway, i know it's not that easy falling for some1, but i bet once you fell apart, we a=can always make it up and start our life again without the past haunting.

    so, avoid yourself from trouble..especially if it started to intend to abusing, none of us deserve to be treated like it.
    no, no, and no, you do not need this guy. You are feeling for some reason a need to be at his mercy. Do not waste a minute on him, any guy that hits you doesn't deserve you girl. You need to leave him alone now while you can because if he hits you now it could be worse later on, he has some issues he needs to work out. Some girls don't get to walk away leave him out of your life.
    Love or lust? Walk away from the latter.
    Forget him. He HIT you. What is right with that? You deserve better. Start over with someone new and don't let random guys kiss you without your permission. And if they do press charges as that is sexual assault.
    first you need to go out and have dinner and then talk to him because people will be around you and he cant hit you. and if everything yall talk about works out then im happy for yall but if not you should REALLY leave NOW because he could become abusive so please get out of the relationship so you wont get hurt physically and emotionally
    Sweetheart let me tell you what happened to me, My ex left me and a new baby to chase women. 13 years later he showed up out of no where and wanted to try again. He has done my child the same way a second time. There is an old saying A LEOPARD CAN'T CHANGE HIS SPOTS. Meaning, a person will always be the same as they were before. If a man abuses a young woman he won't hit a man. You my dear are too young to have to live that type of lifestyle. How many times have you seen a lady that you thought was at least 50 to learn she was only 30. An abuser will always abuse. It doesn't matter if he trusts you or not. Take the love that you have for him and concentrate on loving yourself. When you do that,you will meet the right person for you. Don't settle for someone. Look for your Prince Charming. This one is a Toad
    You don't want him back. Firstly...he hit you, so he doesn't really love you or he has anger management issues. There is never a good reason for a guy to hit you. In general, they can do alot more physical damage to us, then we can to them. Secondly, if he doesn't trust because of one small mistake, that you instantly confessed, then you don't really want him back. He isn't the type of guy you want to be with. You'd constantly be spending your time trying to regain his trust or prove that you're trustworthy. I get that you love him, but find someone that you won't have to constantly prove yourself to.

    Please help me. I need advice about a girl. This is a repost I'm sorry.?

    I'm in grade 12 and I have really, really liked this grade 11 girl for three years. I can't even explain it. I only just got to know her these past 2 months. She's really nice and seems comfortable around me. She never minds talking to me or anything. Anyways I'm pretty shy and I never asked anyone out before but I eventually built up the courage to ask her to prom with me. I think I caught her a bit by surprise but she seemed really flattered that I asked. She told me that she would let me know the next day. So the next day she came over to talk to me and she thanked me but she said no. I was cool with it, at least on the outside but I went against my better judgement and asked her why. She said it wasn't me but that was it. I decided to let her know how I really felt. I hadn't done that the day before and I told her I still wanted to be friends.

    I was wondering, if she didn't say no right away is there a chance that she might like me anyway? I think her parents might have said no.Please help me. I need advice about a girl. This is a repost I'm sorry.?
    sounds like she is just as shy as you.

    Just hang around be freinds with her. once she is comfortable around ya she might break.

    i had the same situation. I'm now engaged to her and have been together for 7 yearsPlease help me. I need advice about a girl. This is a repost I'm sorry.?
    I think she might have some kind of feelings for you but is maybe the same way you are so...that was her way of trying to hide it...?
    sure ...ask her out.....and as youre asking her...mention how long you have liked her....that is flattering...good luck!
    you sound like such a great guy.Believe me when I say that.If I were in school still I'd be on the lookout for guys like you.Since you got the courage up to ask her out think about asking other girls out.Good luck honey.....
    Try to act normally around her, and just have a few chats with her without bringing up the subject of going out or the prom etc... if she is relaxed around you still and you feel comfortable, then maybe you can ask her if she would like to go for some ice cream, that's pretty casual, if that goes well, move onto to the next stage..don't plan too much, play it by ear and go with your instinct, it's usually right. Where will you be after school? Will you be far away?
    get to know her more and let her get to know you more. She may like you more if you were more outragous, girls like confidence
    she said no to prom theres a chance she'll say no if you ask her out
    Yes its possible she likes you, but here's a thought... if she let her parents decide her prom date what else are they in charge of? Is this a one time thing with them... or does everyone have to make the grade?

    As a parent, with one daughter who has done prom and another about to next year... I would NOT decide my daughter's prom date unless I KNEW without a doubt that their choice was BAD?WRONG/DRUGGIE, get the idea?

    Another thought, is she going with another guy or with a group of other girls? My oldest and her friends decided to not go with guys but went as a group.

    So to answer your question, I think you need to do a little more research before you ask her out... I would not want your feelings hurt or heart broken if you can avoid it.
    If at 1st you try and don't succeed try...try... again....

    I need some help or advice about this girl........?

    Ok this has ben in the back of my head lately, I met this girl and she knows a guy friend of mine and they used to talk and stuff before I Met her. But anyway, now me and the girl talk on the phone alot and she dosent want me to tell my guy friend that we talk..... i keep asking her why but she says its personal.... Does anyone know why?? Is there a conclusion to this or anything???I need some help or advice about this girl........?
    Let her know it is not for her to decide about telling your friend that you two talk alot on the phone. When you lie or keep something from someone, believe me sooner or later the truth always comes out, how would you feel if it was the other way around. Seems to me she is becoming or will be a drama qween. she is saving attention for later on, and it will make you feel awkard and dumb.I need some help or advice about this girl........?
    Hi, Wild guess is that before she met you she probably went out with him and maybe still going out with him...Or maybe they are good friends and he knows all her secrets and what type of person she really is....Otherwise she wouldnt have a problem that you would tell your guy friend and you all 3 can hang out together as friends...sounds pretty fishy to me dont you think????

    I want some advice about my dad....?

    well, i havent seen my dad in about 8 years and i've been talking to him on IM and thru email the last 2 years. this summer im going to spokane this summer, which is where he lives. im going there to visit family. should i see him? i want to see him but i dont at the same time. what to do??I want some advice about my dad....?
    I think you should see him. But if at the same time he has hurt you, youo need to make him aware of it and let him know you aren't asking him for anything. If he wants to have a father/daughter relationship with you, let him make the next step. No need in getting your feelings hurt over someone who doesn't care. Trust me I've been there.I want some advice about my dad....?
    dont worry your dad really loves you keep smiling always.
    If talking to him after 2 years and you dont want to see him. What do you think?
    Absolutely you should visit him (assuming he wants that, too) and try to get to know him. Let go of any and all expectations and just be yourself and allow him to be himself. Don't let fear or hurt get in the way of starting a new relationship.
    i think i know where your coming from my dad and i are not in the great of terms. and i prefer to only talk to him on the phone. i beat around the bush when he invites me over i make up excuses. but i know deep down inside i miss him. and we have allot of issues to resolve. maybe this is your chance. it will be a big wait off your shoulders. or you will go on wondering what if. and its not a great feeling. give him a chance. you may even regret waiting so long to do it. GOOD LUCK YOUR FRIEND FLACA FROM HOUSTON
    go ahead Mk. if you have been talking to him for the past 2 years

    and now it's time to see him in person , go for it . you can't be that mad at him if you were communicating with him all this times . you 'll be surprise how much you both might have in common and really enjoy your visit . you don't want to go through life wondering if you should have had seen him . wish you the best on both of you %26amp; happy endings.
    Yes that happened to me and my kids too and now we get along great!! you don't know what you'll miss if you don't try....
    Well it's been a long time! But he's your dad...if you want to see him, go ahead!!
    See him. As I tell my family all the can pick your friends, but your family is your family. Mistakes are made, feelings are hurt, hearts are broken. In the whole scheme of things, it's best to forgive, especially before it's too late and you regret not having seen him. Go with no expectations. Just visit and discover each other. Good luck!!
    It's up to you. If you've been talking to him, you may as well see him. Make it a very short visit.
    See him . what do you have to lose.?
    if i were you, i would go see him, i lost my dad this past november, so go and see him before it's to late
    You need to see him. It sounds like he is willing to work on a relationship with you. You don't know all his circumstances. You've probably only heard one side. Life is short. You need your Dad. Try to work on this an have him in your life. I lost my Dad when I was 24. I wish I could have really gotten to know him. Everyone makes mistakes. You be the bigger person. I don't think that you will be sorry.
    Decide by yourself
    I think the question you need to ask and find an answer to is why you wouldn't want to see him. You've begun and have maintained a contact with him for the last two years so obviously you feel a certain connection that you don't want to lose. In my opinion you're afraid that by physically meeting him this may prove to be less than your mind has imagined you want it to be and would ultimately put you in the position of making a choice to either continue contact with him or disconnect entirely. If you wash away any preconceived ideas of how you want it to be and allow the physical meeting to simply be what it is then you can neither be disappointed or disenchanted thus allowing you to later decide what level of contact you wish to continue.
    you have to go and sea your father and tell him you missed him to much really each one need the father my be not thist time but in the future but im sure he need you also also no body hope to be the best person in the worled like your father
    It may be a little uncomfortable, or even scary, but I think you should see him since you have the opportunity. Don't have any expectations...just go with an open mind and satisfy your curiosity.
    YES...see your Dad. What's it gonna cost you a couple of hours of your time?? Unfortunately, we only get one natural Mom and Dad. You're going to feel terrible should you never get this opportunity to see him again. Please, be mature and accept him as he is....he's your Dad. God Bless.
    i wouldnt care just go. see him again.
    see him i have experience with this kind of stuff just shake hands and hug and start to talk to eachother
    Don't know why you haven't seen him in 8 years, but I would definitely go to visit him. If there's a problem, clear it up now. You don't want to wake up some morning after he's gone regretting that you didn't see him.

    I need some advice about my crush?

    I really need some advice about my crush. He likes my x-bestfriend!! What can I do?! I really like him.I need some advice about my crush?
    question: is she your ex- best friend because of that guy? lemme tell you somethin girl. no matter how great that guy can make you feel a TRUE AND HONEST BEST FRIEND can make you feel that much better. i kno it sounds like crapp and that verytime you see him you 4get bout ur friend bust trust me. friends are wayyyyyy more worth it.I need some advice about my crush?
    Find another crush.

    He's made his choice.

    You're not it.
    let them be happy there is plenty of guys out there
    let him go you will wind up with a broken heart
    there's nothing you can really do, but just wait and see what happens. i had a similar problem, then one day they broke up and i went for the chance, i talked to my best friend and i told him if it was o.k if i could date her, and he said sure. so did but we only laste about a week. if you try to go for him it'll be a very bad idea, for the meantime find somebody else, explore the world...there's bound to be somebody for you
    There is nothing you can do but tell him how you feel and see what happens.
    u could share ure feelings with him, and c what he says..but be prepared for his response even if its not what u wanna hear. but don't hold it in, cuz u r the 1 who will constantly feel crused and hurt.
    tell another friend to ask him out for you and if he says no forget him!
  • art mask
  • I need some advice about a girl i like who has a boyfriend?

    i am 25y/o male. I really like this girl that i have known for a few years. Last year we started hanging out alot. I eventually asked her on a date but said she was busy at the time. A few months pass and we started becoming really good friends. I later heard from a close of mine that this girl i liked had a boyfriend. No one knew she had a boyfriend up until we started hanging out. Even though i have never told her that i liked her she knows i do because of our mutual friends yet she still hangs out with me twice a week. when i dont see her for a few weeks she emails me asking where i have been. Alot of my friends have been telling me to just make a move. I respect the fact that she is in a relationship so i am affraid to make a move and ruin our friendship. Before we started hanging out, about 5-6 years ago our mutal friends wanted to hook us up, but i was always shy. All our friends would always tell me that she had a thing for me. What do you think i should do? I can give mor detalI need some advice about a girl i like who has a boyfriend?
    Messing with another man's girl puts you on very shaky ground. It can go horribly bad.I need some advice about a girl i like who has a boyfriend?
    TEll you what you do.CAN you afford flowers? send her some flowers. ON the card say your sunshine in my day. thinking of u. AND let her make the next move.
    well it seems as though she has some kind of interest in you, and for now, while she's still in a relationship, do small things to let her know that you are interested in pursuing something with her in the future, whether it be you sending her flowers to her door or just being straight up and saying, '; you know if it dosent work out with you two, I hope I'm the first to know';

    stuff like that. hope it helps :) i know waiting is tough, but if you really want to be with her, then you should.
    Be care full what ever you do.
    brother all i got to say is just tell her how you feel and stuff and just take it from there if she likes ya you got nothing to worry about,
    Trust me pal - this girl is not interested in you - she sees you as a friend, that's all. What's more, you're just a boost to her ego - she likes to think that there's someone out there that she could walk all over. You sound like a great guy - I'd move on.

    Get new friends (they're the reason you can't get over this girl) - say adios to Ms. ';it's-convenient-to-have-you-around-just鈥?and her ';let's-laugh-and-chat-about-how-we-can-k鈥?friends!!
    There are a ton of beautiful intelligent young women out there who are SINGLE. Please find one.

    This girl isn't hanging out with you because she likes you. She's hanging out with you because she likes the attention.

    The female version of ';He's Just Not That Into You'; is supposedly do out soon....
    Just leave things as they are for awhile. Respect that she is in a relationship. you say she knows you like her, but then you never did anything about it, so what is she suppose to do? Now you have to wait until the relationship she's in ends. when it does. don't be a fool and let it slip by you again. ASK her out!
    Right now just continue to be a friend... she has a boyfriend so wait until she deosnt..

    I need some advice about this girl?

    Ok, i know this is long but i really would like some advice on this. There is this girl i know at school that i think liked me a long time ago. I was stupid and never even talked to her, which was kinda mean but anyway. Now i cant even get her attention, but i still want to try to talk to her because i have a huge crush on her now. How can I talk to her and do you think she is mad i didnt talk to her before?I need some advice about this girl?
    If she liked you that much before, there's a chance she still has feelings but moved on thinking you weren't interested. If you start talking to her and spending time around her, she may get the hint that you're interested and she'll start displaying signs that she reciprocates.

    Just talk to her soon before somebody else does! Good luck!! :)I need some advice about this girl?
    Well, I'm not sure about your age, but it seems as though you are still in school.

    Try showing up just before the bell rings so you are forced to sit near her because of lack of seats (if that's possible) and just strike up a conversation...

    Or, just ask her what the homework was if your locker is near hers... or you could even make friends with her friends and slowly get to know her.
    i guess she doesnt like u anymore becuz she thought u'll never like i guess just tri to be her frend for now and work ur way up.

    I need some advice about this guy......?

    I have known this guy for a while and we never have really hung out and such but everytime i see him he makes a point to talk to me. Im not sure if he likes me but i really like him and because i havent ever hung out with him one on one so im not sure what to do, i have never been this unsure and nervous about a guy. HELP? lol.I need some advice about this guy......?
    since he tries to talk to u talk and wen u run out of time b like o can u want to get together later so we can finish this conversation how bout going to eat or just walI need some advice about this guy......?
    I do that all the time. Usually the guy see's your semi-hot and doesnt have the balls to go after you and your too scared to have your feelings broken. I say flaunt yourself and if he wants you, he come begging for more. Just joke around and never take anything to heart. Best of luck.
    ok well first do not have a one on one conversation the first time talking to him cause it will get you really nervous and you probably end up saying something stupid or dumb so if you know any of his friends and you see him talking to the guy you like just go up to his friend and ask a question like';did we have any hw for this class'; and than be like';oh hey i am so and so who are you'; and introduce yourself to him than he will probly just start talking to you and so forth
    I have the same problem.....
    I would have to say if he makes it a point to talk to you then he has an interest. Maybe you should ask why don't the two of us go out. Don't be shy to ask. Some guys need a woman to be bold.

    just talk to him :)
    You should ask him if he wants to hang out sometime. Like, just casually, hey are you going to that football game friday? we should go together.

    Something like that. You have to start somewhere or you won't get to know him/hang out.
    Sounds like he is really interested in you!! Try to talk about small things first, and slowly ask him what he thinks about you,

    I need some advice about?

    me n my guy.the thing is, is that he says that my body's perfect he wouldn't want it any other way. but this one girl he had slept with, (not to mention a close friend to his family) is way more beautiful. and when he says that im evrything he's ever wanted, it really seems like he's talking about her. plus there the same age, when were two years different, i dont know what to doI need some advice about?
    Are you and this guy married or not? It's hard to give advice if you both are not in a committed relationship for life.

    Let's be honest here. Having sex with multiple partners will cause problems. The first one is wondering if you will ever measure up just like you are experiencing. Also, those memories will never go away. However, time has a way of allowing you to forget things and commitment allows you to see all that is good about the person you have committed your life to.

    Sometimes, you just have to take a chance at love. If he says he loves you and there aren't any warning signs then accept his love. Learn to trust but get yourself a commitment. If you are not married then you are taking a risk of getting hurt badly. Don't give it up or give up all of you when you don't know if he is ready for life.

    Take care of yourself by eating right, exercising, and strengthen the emotional and spiritual side of you. Don't try to be the other person. Be yourself and be the best yourself you can be. There is something amazing about you that he loves. You are everything that he has ever wanted. Therefore, if he is serious about this then he will put a ring on your finger and give you a date for the wedding. If that doesn't happen then guard your heart.I need some advice about?
    just talk to ur man and tell him how you feel
    awww... see thats how me and my bf are. i sense he likes someone else alot more(cuz of her body) but it will be okay- and if not- kill him and say -that whore did it!!!
    You just may be over reacting. He's with you isn't he? Ok then, if he wanted her, he would be with her but he's not...he's with you sweetie!

    Don't worry about the other girl. She's out of the pic.
    Sounds like you have a confidence problem. He could have been with ANYONE and it sounds like you are just gonna compare yourself to them. I say break up with him and get a life...find something you like to do and are good at...THEN start dating. At least at that point you'll have something you like about yourself and won't have such a lack of confidence. There is no way someone else is gonna learn to like you if you don't even like yourself.
    Get over it.

    If he stopped being with her, there must have been a reason. If he says you are beautiful, either believe it or move on. Don't make him the bad guy because he has good taste in women. If he says you're gorgeous, you probably are!

    And this other girl, YOU are the one obsessing about her.
    If you think or know hes been seeing other girls,thats when you need to break it off with him,If you say that youre going to be with some one then everyone else is off limits to you ,dont let him bully you ,dump him and move on to find some one else that will love you for you not what you can give him
    Maybe you are perfect to him/ maybe he isnt comparing you to his other ex girlfriends . If you make him happy then dont worry about / it sounds more like you have the issues/ not him / if your not happy with yourself / then join a health club/ either way he will be impressed that you care enough to take care of yourself / adn that you care enough to look good for him.
    you have a self esteem problem, and if you really feel this way you shouldn't be with him, untill you can love yourself you can't really love others.
    ok yes he may have slept with her, but she apparently wasnt the one for him. he is with you now, right? you and your body style is exactly what he wants. theres always different strokes for different folks.
    gurl all can tell you is to be secure wit ur self. he wats you and only you. has he talked to her since tha happened? if not don't worry about it. i have dated a older guy and if you are not secure then maybe its time to let him noe exactly how you feel cuz he deserves to noe. have you talked to him about this lately? how you feel or wut??? be confident and just look at it this way she may have had him once but you have him right now. and far as your body goes i think like tha to but if you think tha ur body isn't perfect it probably fine you are probably finding all the faults instead of looking for all the good things about your self. ppl usually find all the faults in themselves instead of looking at the good in things. relax and take things easy. good luck!!!
    ask him about that girl, see how his face is like.
    Don't worry about it..
    He's told you he finds you perfect, if he prefered the other girl he'd be with her not you.

    If their relationship had been perfect he would still be with her.

    Looks aren't everything he obviously prefers you as a person as well as looks.

    Stop obsessing over nothing this is your thoughts and opinion not his
    chances are you really are a 10 and he just doesnt have a clue as to how to treat you . if i was you i would stop worring about it sit back and see if he messes up your relationship then drop the hammer on him . im single and looking so if it doesnt work out hit me back and lets see what happens.
    I would believe him. Most girls that we think are perfect, are in fact far from it. It is the little quirks about you that turn him on and make you perfect to him. You are an original, one of a kind, and that's close enough to perfect for him.
    if he isn't doing sex with her, where is your problem?

    have you considered that the girl just isn't interested in him?

    maybe he is with you because he likes you?

    obviously you should be aware of possible complications in your relationship with him, but you shouldn't let things tear apart your happiness for no reason.
    u trust him? stop comparing yurself 2 her....he with u 4 a reason..he loves u duhhh
    if he says it he mens it dont wary
    look...............dont get jeolous, lethim look at other ppl but heshould know that hes with you... just make him happy and he wont care how butiful you r he'll just care that ur with him.....
    You should just believe him when he tells you nice things, sounds like you are obsessing about her, and that can be very harmful for your relationship. Be happy he is with you, she is part of the past and he wants you, NOT her.

    Good luck sweetie
    Dear I would get a new BOYFRIEND! ASAP!
    talk it over with both of them decide what is best for all of you if he says one thing and thinks another something is wrong
    then belevie him, u guys are together now. maybe there was something about the other girl that didn't complete him..
    you need to have a little more self confidance
    I think you should talk to this person after all relationship is based on honesty be up front if you can not do that with the person you care about then I think you do have proublems,Comunication is important in a relationship.

    Hope this helps
    sweety.Relax.He definitely loves u.Don't get doubts.And don't make him feel bad.Relationship needs trust.OK.

    All the best
    dont jump to anything , if hes there for you and you can trust him , you shouldnt worry , i mean as long as he doesnt go hang with her more than you or somehting like that, but you need to have some confidence in yourself, just because he did somehitng with her doesnt mean he doesnt want you or is talking about her there is more than looks in the way someone feels and age doesnt mean anyhting the girl im dating is almost two years difference with me
    its not just your looks that make you hot or sexy its your personality. my man says that I'm perfect and i think no I'm not. but can you tell me that their is a person in this world that would think they are? NO. so take a chill pill. its all good your man thinks your perfect so love it. men don't say things they don't have to. well not things like that
    i think your right, if you were everthing he wanted you need to ask him why he felt the need to sleep with someone else?

    I need an advice about my hair...?

    Look at my 360 page鈥?/a>

    and look at my pictures...I think that I should change my haircut...

    Got an advice?Thanks...I need an advice about my hair...?
    shishke na stranu i stepenasto ostatak znam ovo na engleskom da kazem..jbg...pozzI need an advice about my hair...?
    you look very pretty and the only thing that I would add are some blond highlights, but I really think you're cute wit that hair too

    and the girl above probably mixed up Serbia and Siberia... crazy :-)
    Some bangs or angles would look cute, especially if you got the rest of your hair cut or trimmed. like this :鈥?/a>

    i use this webstie all the time just for fun, you can upload a picture of yourself and give yourself a virtual makeover鈥?/a>
    hey ... you are a pretty girl ..... you have a typical russian face ( i think you are one) now you have a heart shaped face you must work with styles that are meant for this type of face . Since your face has such a defined shape ..... You must go for a haircut that has layers around your jawline. Sidebangs like paris hilton will also do wonders to your face . But try the bangs from left to right instead of right to left ...... this will make you appear different without giving you a shocking radical change which can be difficult to change ..... discuss this with your stylist and make your final desicion .... good luck

    I need some Advice! About dating!?

    I am currently dating someone who is a little younger than me, he's almost 17 and i just turned 19. he's my first boyfriend. is that weird, to have so much of an age difference? i have known him for about a year now, and we were best friends before we started dating. We have been together for a little over a month, and i really love him.

    does anyone have any advise on/about having your first boyfriend?I need some Advice! About dating!?
    Age never matters. Its how you feel.

    1. Don't push things to quick. [Trust me, I should know.]

    2. If having a fight keep control of words. [Sometimes you have a bad habit of throwing everything in face when pissed.]

    3. Let your heart talk. [But most importantly LISTEN to it.]

    4. Always be honest. [Sure it might not seem like the best thing... but what's a relationship based on lies?]

    5. Never let him run your life. [Somebody that loves you should respect your decisions.]I need some Advice! About dating!?
    i wouldnt worry about the age difference, tho his interests might differ aslong as you enjoy spending time with each other the relationship should be good.鈥?/a>

    ^^^^^ ---- answer my Questions, its pretty easy, look at afew pics and give ur two cents.
    go for it girl!! if you really like him and he likes you then age shouldn't matter. Another guy like him might not come along again. So take a chance and have fun! so what if he is a little younger just as long as you like him!
    its not weird to have a 2 yr age diffrence its really not that big. i know people who married a guy who was like 10 yrs difference. having a first bf... go slow dont get 2 wild 2 fast. hang out alot and talk. be eachothers best friends
    I say date him. Good guys are hard to find.

    Keep him and ignore arrogant people(:

    good luck!
    i'm 15 and i also have my first bf and i am confused
    I don't think that's too much of an age difference. Your happiness is what matters :)
    two years is not at all bad
  • art mask
  • How MANY of U took ur MOTHERS' ADVICE about SOMETHING or SOMEONE and was SHE RIGHT?????

    just want to know if it is best to do ur own thing and make ur own mistakes or should u take the advice of ur older and wiser mother? whether it be a 'gut' feeling she has about something or someone or if it is something she has been thru herself. would u rather make ur own mistakes or be shielded from hurt??

    does mother really know best? is she always right?How MANY of U took ur MOTHERS' ADVICE about SOMETHING or SOMEONE and was SHE RIGHT?????
    People become wiser by learning from their mistakes. We're all going to make them. A mother that cares for her children will try to protect them yes but they have to learn things on their own. A caring mother will never say, ';I told you so.'; Instead she will comfort her child and keep right on loving them.How MANY of U took ur MOTHERS' ADVICE about SOMETHING or SOMEONE and was SHE RIGHT?????
    Oh course. She tells me something and when I take her advice, it's right. She's right most of the time, not all of the time. I would both rather make my own mistakes and be shielded from hurt in order to learn from the circumstances. Mother doesn't always know best, but she knows much about life.
    hell motherz about a sharp az a fat albertoz big toe. class.

    My dad the soldier, da Marine...iz alwayz right.

    Sorry but like MnM says, My momz a frickin Moron, who iz dumb she dont even no shez a walking, talking sack of potatoz. Dont get me wrong i love lady. but hate, hate, hate her azz a Person. Like in Waterboy...literally, shes da DeVil.
    When I was younger, I made my own decisions and never listened to my mom. As I've gotten older, I find myself taking my mom's advice more and also seeing why she used to tell me what she did. She really did know what she was talking about.
    I do
    when your fat mum said, dont eat all those chocolatebars, did you listen...

    did you ******* (**** gets censored)

    Ladies Ages 19-29 I Need some Advice About this Woman I've been Seeing For three Weeks Straight.?

    Read the blog here then post your advice/answer here on yahoo! answers. Thanks! Ages 19-29 I Need some Advice About this Woman I've been Seeing For three Weeks Straight.?
    What happened to her in her teens is horrible and unfair. I commend you for treating her kindly and wanting to make a life with her. Take it slowly with her and get to know her family as well.

    10 points best advice about cramps!?

    So i am 11 days late and been having my normal period cramps but they are getting stronger then normal and only last a few min the longest and only come 3-4 times a day. But they are pretty strong, and i really think i am about to start but i HAVENT. i AM getting sooooo excited!!!

    %26lt;333 However i am also finding myself rushing to the bathroom feeling really wet down there and only wet down there(tmi)10 points best advice about cramps!?
    This is exactly what happened to me too. Everytime I cramped I though it was my period. I also confused the ';wetness'; down there for my period, but it never was.

    After 11 days I'd say there's a pretty good chance that what you're feeling is pregnancy. If you feel small cramps in your side, this can indicate which side you concieved on!

    Anyways, take a test and good luck :)10 points best advice about cramps!?
    Sounds like implantation to me....or you are just stressing and it's delaying your period. I would wait another week and take a test, two tests to be sure. If you are excited, then great!!!! =) And going to the bathroom a lot is also a good sign, that is if it just isn't all in your head haha! Good luck!
    Im confused... are you pregnant and 11 days past due or were you supposed to start 11 days ago?

    Badly need some advice about my F1 visa troubles.?

    I am a British Citizen born and bred. In 2002 I went to the US to study for a bacholar's degree at the University of South Carolina. I did study for 2 and a half years (full-time as required) but then missed a year but did not leave the country and then did study for another year full time after that. After coming home for xmas I tried to go back on my F-1 visa but was denied entry and have application withdrawn in my passport and visa cancelled. I am trying to complete my final year of study. Yesterday I was denied another F-1 visa at the london embassy under section 214b. I now have 2 solid job offers for when I have a degree and these clearly show that I intend to return to the UK. I am seeking advice from people who know about this stuff on how likely I am to get another F-1 visa given my past troubles and over stay even though I did return to full time education but I did not leave the US. Please Help!!


    John BBadly need some advice about my F1 visa troubles.?
    This is rough. They are pulling the belt pretty tight on US visas, especially student visas. You better just keep trying. Each time you go to the consulate, do your best to get the opportunity to explain your story, and ask them for their advice. If nothing there, see if you school can do anything. Even a letter from them might help.

    Good luck.Badly need some advice about my F1 visa troubles.?
    Being on an F1 visa we HAVE TO be convinced in our own minds that we will return to the UK after our studies. It is not straddling the fence. It is a requirement by the US government.

    John B, I hope you got it sorted. I reaffirm the above advice.

    Report Abuse

    Perhaps you should either stay in Great Britain...why can you not go to school there? Or tell the US that you want to stay there. You are a man who is straddling a fence. You want to have your cake and eat it too. You want to take advantage of an education in the US, but you do not want to leave the UK. Make up your mind.

    I need some advice about infidelity?

    well check this, my uncle has been married 4 17yrs, and his wife is a crazy *********! she's always fighting with him, argueing, nagging, and jealous as hell. he's 42yrs old. he called me today upset and crying telling me that he is fed up and that he was dating another woman for about a month. the other woman is married. my uncle has a daughter that is 16yrz old. his daughter does not respect him at all cuz her mom brainwashes her saying that my uncle is no good. my uncle wants to leave his wife cuz he's fed up. the relationship with that other woman is over. the woman told him that she couldn't deal with him being married. my uncle asked me 4 advise. and i really don't want to get into it, but when i heard his tone of voice i felt real bad. i was brought up that infidelity is a sin and it is sumthing that shouldn't be done. like i said he's 42yrz i'm only 24. what can i tell him???I need some advice about infidelity?
    Tell him to talk to a professional counsellor or someone older with more maturity and life experience than you. He is being very unfair asking you for help in such a difficult, delicate matter. His problem is complicated and if you give him advise that turns out badly you may feel guilty, or your relationship may be damaged for a long time. It is short sighted and not appropriate for you to get involved.

    Good LuckI need some advice about infidelity?
    I would tell him that he needs to talk to someone older who has some experience with this or at least knowledge of what to do. You are too young to know what to tell him (not trying to insult you). I don't blame you for not wanting to get into this. It sounds to me like the only person who could help this situation is a licensed counselor!
    The guy should leave his wife and stay at a hotel or something,,, after a week or two, the wife will relize that the guy she yells at is not around, and now she has nobody to yell at and she will be miserable....

    Listen that happened to my in-laws about the same age...

    He threatened to divorce her, and after that She got the message... they are together and want to work things out..
    Tell him:

    1. Stop arguing and fighting with his wife. It takes two people to argue, so if he stops, the conflict will cease.

    2. To stop her ';nagging'; he should make note of what she complains about and start handling those things proactively, before she has a chance to complain. Once he improves himself and his behavior, the nagging will cease.

    3. To make her stop being jealous, he should live his life with accountability and openness, and demonstrate his commitment to her.

    Once he does these things, his marriage will become happy and temptations of infidelity will become a thing of the past.
    Your uncle is completely wrong.

    He is using the sympathetic nature of your relationship with him to get someone to feel sorry for him and condone cheating? Hello! NOT.

    He is a coward and spineless to use the sympathy of a young woman in order to avoid the judgment that he will face from those less sympathetic, older, and wiser, for the crime of having dated while still married.

    It doesn't matter whether you think his wife is a ***** or not, dating is not the answer to his marital problems.

    Pass this discussion off to your mother. Refuse to be this guy's fill-in absolution of conscience and guilt.
    Tell him to get out. This marriage is as toxic as it gets.
    Don't let him pressure you into making descisions for him. Make him decide for himself so he has only himself to blame if he makes the wrong decision.
    Infidellty may be a sin but so is putting up with so much suffering.

    Your aunt and uncle may have a piece of paper that says they are married but really.....they are not even room-mates anymore.

    Let your uncle find some happiness in life because it sounds like his wife is nucking futz!
    He's 42 and old enough to make his own decisions don't you think, I'd tell him to stop calling you and bothering you with his problems.
    Tell him to be a man and get a divorce first, he's not happy any way and after 17yrs it probably won't get better. Then he can date any one he wants;how would he like it if someone was boinking his wife.I know it's easier said then done but the sooner the better,he's wasting precious time.
    Well he shouldnt have cheated, but his wife is crazy so i guess i wont talk much about that. Anyways the other lady only wanted him as a fling. His daughter is just hurt and goin through a rough time because her mother and father are constantly fighting, and being a girl, she prolly feels closer to her mother. He does need to divorce her and move on with his life. Eventually his daughter will realize that her daddy isnt a bad guy.
    tell him he needs to do whats going to make him happy

    if he want out then get out ....but also Tell him do not start another relationship with out closer in the open one .....

    PS counseling would not hurt aether .

    I need some advice....about a ';realtionship';?

    is it wrong to be friends with benefits and have really strong feelings for each other but neither of u want a realtionship... we were friends and then we dated for a couple months and now we are friends but we still do things with each other...(sexually)... i don't know what to do can someone give me so serious/mature advice?I need some advice....about a ';realtionship';?
    Here is what I believe. No matter what people say, it is very difficult for women to have sex with men and not have get emotional. Men can have sex just for the pleasure of it and NOTHING else. You are going away to college in August, focus on that. This ';relationship'; you are having now is a distraction. You know full well that sex outside of a committed relationship is self destructive. You know you could get knocked up or you could get a STD.

    You need to grow up. Stop this, stop seeing him. Focus on getting ready to live away from home and at college. When you are at college, you will have to really focus on your classes, learn to focus now.

    So you have strong feelings, you are young such is life! What are your goals for your life? Why are you going to college? What will you study? What are you going to do for a living? Focus on your future.I need some advice....about a ';realtionship';?
    hey if you're both mature about it there's no problem. if neither of you wants a relationship, then all that is is unbridled sex. nothing more. it's when feelings get involved that the problems start rolling in like the tide. but sex is just sex, and as long as you both agree that that's all there is then you'll be fine. if either of you feels like you should stop, then be man or woman enough to say so. at least keep the honesty factor in the relationship.
    Look...nothing's WRONG with being one another's FWB. And there's nothing wrong with you having feelings while you do it. You're not breaking some cardinal rule here. Asside from saying ';let's go out'; or ';I love you'; you're already IN a relationship for all intents and purposes. Might as well just go ahead and ask him out. Less guilt on your part it would seem.
    Stop it . It only complicates things. both now and in the future.
    It's not wrong as long as both of you know where the ';relationship'; stands. If one of you, or the other, or both are not being honest with one another, then that's a problem, because you're playing the other person. But as adults in a consentual sexual relationship, there's nothing wrong with that at all. The only concern I have is that you were friends, then dated, and are now friends with benefits. There seems to be some level of attraction there. You have to ask yourself why you want to be with the other person. Is it because you don't want to be alone? Lose their friendship? Insecurity? The sex is just that good? If you are confident and comfortable with who you are and how the relationship exists right now, and are honest with the other person, then go right ahead. Have fun. But if you ask yourself any of those questions and don't have a confident answer, then you should question why you're still with the other person.
    As long as you are both happy with the arrangement things are good. the thing is you would not be asking this question if you did not have some doubts about your status.

    I got together with a female buddy of mine from the time I was 15 until almost 30. We are still friends(no sex). I value her almost as much as my wife.

    I would recommend focusing on your friendship seeing as how you have already tried dating. Close platonic friendships between men and women are so valuable. Decide what works best for you, but I would recommend you both talk about your feelings and better develop your communication skills.

    good luck.
    OK just try both of u to live away from eachother for a while and u'll find a good answer for wt to do about it.

    maybe u both feel like u wanna be just friends but u gotta try it , maybe u both don't want a relationship coz u didn't try to live like normal friends so my advice is to take a rest , just try to stop being more then friends for 2 or 3 weeks
    I think you either should be together or just be friends. I don't believe in friends with benefits but I also don't believe in sex before marriage. If he is willing to get back together than I would if you really like him. If he's not just be friends. A friend with benefits is not a good relationship to have.
    There's nothing wrong with the situation as long as you know that whatever the results of the circumstances will be, you'll be able to accept it whole-heartedly. Because given the situation, there is no real commitment and since the two of you are sexually-involved, the possibility of getting pregnant or getting someone pregnant is there. And since there is really no real commitment you can't force anyone to marry you bec you are pregnant or you cannot be forced to marry someone because you got her pregnant. Anyways, whatever the situation is, the two of you should be more mature individuals to face the reality and contemplate about it. The decision is still with you and your partner. Good Luck!
    ive never done that,but i know it complicates things and can make things worse i think you should stop before things get too messy
    if you are friends then you could do away with the sex part. its like you are just using each other. have a talk, make a stand.
    Its not bad to be friends with benefits. Im kind of in the same situation. You and your friend both like each other but it is better off as friends for some reason or another. Its okay to be friends with benefits and still like each other. But make sure you dont let them slip away!
    i think u should talk your feelings out with your friend and see how they feel.
  • art mask
  • My friend needs advice about love issues?

    my good friend has been with this boy for 6 months and they just recently broke up and he wants to get back with her but she loves her ex that shes been with for a year and now they been talking and he still loves her too so she dont know who to choose or what to doMy friend needs advice about love issues?
    OK, She broke up with a guy after 6 months, But still has feelings for another guy she broke up with prior to that and he has feelings for her as well. Solution...Date the one that she loves and has feelings for..Follow your heart..My friend needs advice about love issues?
    Ain't LOVE grand ?
    just follow your heart!! thats all u can say about love!

    I need a advice about boys?

    so like this boy but i already think he dont like me he thinks im ugly but i really like i try to tell him but im to afraid and when he talks he make me go crazy becauseit seems like hes talkin to fast some times he really gets on my last nerves. but i still like i dont no what to do any adviceI need a advice about boys?
    If he thinks your ug then its a no goI need a advice about boys?
    move on!
    Honey move on. If you think he don't like you why are you still interested? Find a boy who is. And the heck with people who think your ugly beauty is skin deep.
    if he thinks you're ugly then he's not worth your time. you might need some closure so you can move on

    help me please? thanks;鈥?/a>
    If you know for a fact he doesn't like you, move on. Honestly, do you STILL want him even though he doesn't like you at all (and gets on your last nerves)???? Guys who are like that are not worth anything. Someday in your life, you'll find a guy that loves you and you'll love him back. For now, get to know some other cute, funny, and nice boys in your school. If not, you may find a guy you like at summer camp, your neighborhood, or if he is the new kid at school. Who know's???? Keep your eyes open!!!! Don't worry...your time will come!!!!
    well did he tell you that you were ugly if not and go ask him out.
    you should know differences between boys and girls and respect it

    I want some advice about my dad....?

    well, i havent seen my dad in about 8 years and i've been talking to him on IM and thru email the last 2 years. this summer im going to spokane this summer, which is where he lives. im going there to visit family. should i see him? i want to see him but i dont at the same time. what to do??I want some advice about my dad....?
    I think you should see him. But if at the same time he has hurt you, youo need to make him aware of it and let him know you aren't asking him for anything. If he wants to have a father/daughter relationship with you, let him make the next step. No need in getting your feelings hurt over someone who doesn't care. Trust me I've been there.I want some advice about my dad....?
    dont worry your dad really loves you keep smiling always.
    If talking to him after 2 years and you dont want to see him. What do you think?
    Absolutely you should visit him (assuming he wants that, too) and try to get to know him. Let go of any and all expectations and just be yourself and allow him to be himself. Don't let fear or hurt get in the way of starting a new relationship.
    i think i know where your coming from my dad and i are not in the great of terms. and i prefer to only talk to him on the phone. i beat around the bush when he invites me over i make up excuses. but i know deep down inside i miss him. and we have allot of issues to resolve. maybe this is your chance. it will be a big wait off your shoulders. or you will go on wondering what if. and its not a great feeling. give him a chance. you may even regret waiting so long to do it. GOOD LUCK YOUR FRIEND FLACA FROM HOUSTON
    go ahead Mk. if you have been talking to him for the past 2 years

    and now it's time to see him in person , go for it . you can't be that mad at him if you were communicating with him all this times . you 'll be surprise how much you both might have in common and really enjoy your visit . you don't want to go through life wondering if you should have had seen him . wish you the best on both of you %26amp; happy endings.
    Yes that happened to me and my kids too and now we get along great!! you don't know what you'll miss if you don't try....
    Well it's been a long time! But he's your dad...if you want to see him, go ahead!!
    See him. As I tell my family all the can pick your friends, but your family is your family. Mistakes are made, feelings are hurt, hearts are broken. In the whole scheme of things, it's best to forgive, especially before it's too late and you regret not having seen him. Go with no expectations. Just visit and discover each other. Good luck!!
    It's up to you. If you've been talking to him, you may as well see him. Make it a very short visit.
    See him . what do you have to lose.?
    if i were you, i would go see him, i lost my dad this past november, so go and see him before it's to late
    You need to see him. It sounds like he is willing to work on a relationship with you. You don't know all his circumstances. You've probably only heard one side. Life is short. You need your Dad. Try to work on this an have him in your life. I lost my Dad when I was 24. I wish I could have really gotten to know him. Everyone makes mistakes. You be the bigger person. I don't think that you will be sorry.
    Decide by yourself
    I think the question you need to ask and find an answer to is why you wouldn't want to see him. You've begun and have maintained a contact with him for the last two years so obviously you feel a certain connection that you don't want to lose. In my opinion you're afraid that by physically meeting him this may prove to be less than your mind has imagined you want it to be and would ultimately put you in the position of making a choice to either continue contact with him or disconnect entirely. If you wash away any preconceived ideas of how you want it to be and allow the physical meeting to simply be what it is then you can neither be disappointed or disenchanted thus allowing you to later decide what level of contact you wish to continue.
    you have to go and sea your father and tell him you missed him to much really each one need the father my be not thist time but in the future but im sure he need you also also no body hope to be the best person in the worled like your father
    It may be a little uncomfortable, or even scary, but I think you should see him since you have the opportunity. Don't have any expectations...just go with an open mind and satisfy your curiosity.
    YES...see your Dad. What's it gonna cost you a couple of hours of your time?? Unfortunately, we only get one natural Mom and Dad. You're going to feel terrible should you never get this opportunity to see him again. Please, be mature and accept him as he is....he's your Dad. God Bless.
    i wouldnt care just go. see him again.
    see him i have experience with this kind of stuff just shake hands and hug and start to talk to eachother
    Don't know why you haven't seen him in 8 years, but I would definitely go to visit him. If there's a problem, clear it up now. You don't want to wake up some morning after he's gone regretting that you didn't see him.

    I need some advice about my crush?

    I really need some advice about my crush. He likes my x-bestfriend!! What can I do?! I really like him.I need some advice about my crush?
    question: is she your ex- best friend because of that guy? lemme tell you somethin girl. no matter how great that guy can make you feel a TRUE AND HONEST BEST FRIEND can make you feel that much better. i kno it sounds like crapp and that verytime you see him you 4get bout ur friend bust trust me. friends are wayyyyyy more worth it.I need some advice about my crush?
    Find another crush.

    He's made his choice.

    You're not it.
    let them be happy there is plenty of guys out there
    let him go you will wind up with a broken heart
    there's nothing you can really do, but just wait and see what happens. i had a similar problem, then one day they broke up and i went for the chance, i talked to my best friend and i told him if it was o.k if i could date her, and he said sure. so did but we only laste about a week. if you try to go for him it'll be a very bad idea, for the meantime find somebody else, explore the world...there's bound to be somebody for you
    There is nothing you can do but tell him how you feel and see what happens.
    u could share ure feelings with him, and c what he says..but be prepared for his response even if its not what u wanna hear. but don't hold it in, cuz u r the 1 who will constantly feel crused and hurt.
    tell another friend to ask him out for you and if he says no forget him!

    I need some advice about a girl i like who has a boyfriend?

    i am 25y/o male. I really like this girl that i have known for a few years. Last year we started hanging out alot. I eventually asked her on a date but said she was busy at the time. A few months pass and we started becoming really good friends. I later heard from a close of mine that this girl i liked had a boyfriend. No one knew she had a boyfriend up until we started hanging out. Even though i have never told her that i liked her she knows i do because of our mutual friends yet she still hangs out with me twice a week. when i dont see her for a few weeks she emails me asking where i have been. Alot of my friends have been telling me to just make a move. I respect the fact that she is in a relationship so i am affraid to make a move and ruin our friendship. Before we started hanging out, about 5-6 years ago our mutal friends wanted to hook us up, but i was always shy. All our friends would always tell me that she had a thing for me. What do you think i should do? I can give mor detalI need some advice about a girl i like who has a boyfriend?
    Messing with another man's girl puts you on very shaky ground. It can go horribly bad.I need some advice about a girl i like who has a boyfriend?
    TEll you what you do.CAN you afford flowers? send her some flowers. ON the card say your sunshine in my day. thinking of u. AND let her make the next move.
    well it seems as though she has some kind of interest in you, and for now, while she's still in a relationship, do small things to let her know that you are interested in pursuing something with her in the future, whether it be you sending her flowers to her door or just being straight up and saying, '; you know if it dosent work out with you two, I hope I'm the first to know';

    stuff like that. hope it helps :) i know waiting is tough, but if you really want to be with her, then you should.
    Be care full what ever you do.
    brother all i got to say is just tell her how you feel and stuff and just take it from there if she likes ya you got nothing to worry about,
    Trust me pal - this girl is not interested in you - she sees you as a friend, that's all. What's more, you're just a boost to her ego - she likes to think that there's someone out there that she could walk all over. You sound like a great guy - I'd move on.

    Get new friends (they're the reason you can't get over this girl) - say adios to Ms. ';it's-convenient-to-have-you-around-just鈥?and her ';let's-laugh-and-chat-about-how-we-can-k鈥?friends!!
    There are a ton of beautiful intelligent young women out there who are SINGLE. Please find one.

    This girl isn't hanging out with you because she likes you. She's hanging out with you because she likes the attention.

    The female version of ';He's Just Not That Into You'; is supposedly do out soon....
    Just leave things as they are for awhile. Respect that she is in a relationship. you say she knows you like her, but then you never did anything about it, so what is she suppose to do? Now you have to wait until the relationship she's in ends. when it does. don't be a fool and let it slip by you again. ASK her out!
    Right now just continue to be a friend... she has a boyfriend so wait until she deosnt..

    I need some advice about this girl?

    Ok, i know this is long but i really would like some advice on this. There is this girl i know at school that i think liked me a long time ago. I was stupid and never even talked to her, which was kinda mean but anyway. Now i cant even get her attention, but i still want to try to talk to her because i have a huge crush on her now. How can I talk to her and do you think she is mad i didnt talk to her before?I need some advice about this girl?
    If she liked you that much before, there's a chance she still has feelings but moved on thinking you weren't interested. If you start talking to her and spending time around her, she may get the hint that you're interested and she'll start displaying signs that she reciprocates.

    Just talk to her soon before somebody else does! Good luck!! :)I need some advice about this girl?
    Well, I'm not sure about your age, but it seems as though you are still in school.

    Try showing up just before the bell rings so you are forced to sit near her because of lack of seats (if that's possible) and just strike up a conversation...

    Or, just ask her what the homework was if your locker is near hers... or you could even make friends with her friends and slowly get to know her.
    i guess she doesnt like u anymore becuz she thought u'll never like i guess just tri to be her frend for now and work ur way up.
  • art mask
  • I need more advice about this guy liking me.?

    1.He is sweet and cute.

    2.He always ask me for little things at school like gum, just the little things like that.

    3.I think he likes me but is scared of what his friends will think.

    4.HE IS SO AWESOME . . . . AND AT SCHOOL WE TALK TO EACHOTHER ALL THE TIME he is so great.I need more advice about this guy liking me.?
    If someone likes you, but is worried about what his friends will think, then he is not worth your time...continue just to be friends until he can show that he is not embarressed around his friendsI need more advice about this guy liking me.?
    i dont quite understand what ur asking. u 2 seem to get along well and obviously like each other, so i guess u can go out. is that what ur asking?

    I need some advice about girls?

    i asked this one girl out by giving her a note after school and im goin to be embarest tommorow when i see her in school.wat should i do to keep myself from not being nervous.I need some advice about girls?
    No matter what you do you are going to be nervous. so just try not to show it. hold your head up high and talk to her. act confident and soon enough you will feel confidnet. good luck!I need some advice about girls?
    Just be yourself. Good luck :]
    just dont wrry boutz itz and just be yourself... girls always like that ;)
    just hold ur head up high when u get to school and do not worry about it.

    Please need you advice about this guy?

    well i found out he was cheating on me with one of my old friends. so i broke it off and everything (this is the second time he has done this) and now hes still emailing me saying hes sorry blablabla and still wants my friendship. but i dont want it though because how is there any way i can still trust him a third time? and he keeps on emailing me and stuff and its getting really annoying...i bet hes doing the same thing to the other girl to try and get her back too.

    should i just finish it forever with this guy?? cause i really think i should.

    hopefully this is understandable to everyone lol :)

    please need your advice!Please need you advice about this guy?
    From experience with the EXACT same thing, just cut him out of your life entirely. It'll be hard, because you're hurt and you have feelings left for him still, but you'll be so much happier with someone who actually loves you and respects you enough not to cheat on you.

    Eventually he'll stop calling and trying to get back on your good side because he'll realize he screwed up and that you don't want him any more. Save yourself the headache and anymore heart ache and just block him from any way he can contact you and pretend like he died.Please need you advice about this guy?
    Let him go...

    Most misunderstood fact of cheaters...

    They aren't attracted to the other PERSON, they are attracted to the OTHER person. No matter who they are with, there will always be that OTHER person. Even if they leave and go to the one they cheated with, they are not content, they will go find another ';OTHER';.

    Cheaters are like smokers, they never ';quit'; , they always have the urge, and they either just don't have one for a while or get better at hiding the habit.
    fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me... fool me three times I am just a plain idiot.... girl once a cheater always a cheater.. there are plenty of fish in the sea go look for yours and tell him to leave you alone!
    just ignore him
    well it sounds like you already kinda answered your own question....but from a guys perspective...i think you should just finish it with him for good...i know guys that do this all the time...and they just play these girls until they get some...and then move on when new meat comes to town....especially if you already gave him a 2nd sounds like its time to move on
    You can't trust him. Period. Move on. Stop talking to him. Stop reading his stupid emails. Stop letting him treat you like a dumb chick who's too stupid to find a decent guy. You're not.
    ';Once a cheater, always a cheater!'; Enough said!! Move on!!
    I'm glad you see how bad he is for you.

    I think you should definitely move on! There are much better guys out there. :)
    u should break up with him u should not beg somebody to love u. you dont need a boy to make your life nice
    of course. u dont trust him right?

    Do not take him back. He is a player. Do not believe what he says. He cheated on you twice, that's enough.

    And I to believe he's emailing the other girl also. You don't need baggage like that.
    Simple. If you want to be with a cheater then GO FOR IT.

    However if you want a trustworthy relationship then start by being NOT DEPENDENT on another person.

    You sound desparate for attention.

    Learn to be happy by yourself.
    You should tell him how you feel.If he's cheated on you twice then he's really not worth it.Just end it between you two.It will turn out for the better.
    The truth is, this guy already finished with you twice. But for some reason, you have low self-esteem and think that he's the best you can do.

    He WILL cheat again. Will it be on you? Listen to ';Before He Cheats'; and then answer your own question.
    Go with your instinct. It's usually right. Finish it.
    i thnk u should tell him {nicely} to back off. u obviously cant trust this guy and u gave him a 2nd chance already. next time he e-mails tell him to take a hike!!!
    i don't think you should forgive him because it's the second time he's done this

    if you think it's for the best, break-up
    he is pathetic!!! dont e-mail him bak! stop tokin 2 him period! he is a jerk and u cant trust him!!!!!!
    End it for good.... This sounds all too familiar to me, I have been in that situation more than once, and those type of guys NEVER change no matter what they say. And, if your old friend is still your friend I would cut that tie as well, friends do NOT do those kinds of things to friends and she is just as much to blame as him. As far as continuing any friendship with him... the answer would be no. He has betrayed you in a very hurtful and dishonest way, this tells me that he will also cross his friends. Cut all ties with him and the girl. As far as your email goes, I know on yahoo email you can block certain people from emailing you, click on options and you will find it.

    Hope this helps!
    finish your relationship right there. you will certainly feel better as days gone by finding a new relationship.

    God bless
    Finish it. You trusted him twice and he destroyed it both times. If you keep trusting him, then he will keep walking all over you. Go find someone else. There are guys out there dying to be with you.
    You need to ask yourself what YOUR own worth you feel that you don't deserve a man who won't cheat on you. If you feel you can be on the ';backburner'; for a man, then get back with him. If you feel you deserve a good man, then realize he is NOT a MAN, he is a BOY, and doesn't deserve your time.

    I need some advice about exersize?

    how do i get to run longer how do i make myself run fast for at lease a minute or moreI need some advice about exersize?
    um... work your way up. on the first day, start with as much as you can go without dying.... then increase it by ten seconds a day until you make it up to where you wanna be.

    I need some advice about this guys! Please Help?

    Theres this guy that is my friend %26amp; we are pretty good friends. Well we kinda started flirting this summer on the phone %26amp; one thing lead to another. Than we told eachother that we liked eachother %26amp; than we started talking about sex! Well it all happend so fast. So we thought about it %26amp; changed are minds about having sex. I asked him if he really liked me %26amp; he sayed yes but like two weeks ago %26amp; not so much know because of this new girl he likes, he is not a player. But how do I get his attention back to me or get him to like me again?I need some advice about this guys! Please Help?
    Flirt with him some more. :P But if you are set on NOT having sex, don't use sex as an excuse to get him back. It's not worth it.

    Tell him that you still like him, very much. Tell him that you would like a relationship with the guy. :\ That's all I got for you. You can't force him to like you... that's not how the world works.I need some advice about this guys! Please Help?
    Well it sounds like this guys is done with you and you need to move on.

    But, you don't want to hear that, you wanna' hear how you can get him back.

    Well, to get him back may be impossible if he justs wants someone new. Some people aren't looking for someone to go steady with; they are just looking for someone to make them feel good. So, to get him and keep him you are gonna' have to do whatever he wants whenver he wants it.

    If you don't do it then he is obviously gonna' move on. This has already been evidenced by the fact that he did move on.

    I would suggest that you go and find someone that will put your needs ahead of his own. I would suggest that you also put his needs ahead of your own. I would also suggest that you find someone who wants you because he obviously doesn't. But, you don't wanna' hear that....
    Sounds to me like he is just after a girl who is willing to put out, forget him, he's a user and just wants a QF. He isn't a friend otherwise he wouldn't do this to you.
    Hang out with him more. Dont act like a slut because he will think of you as a slut and as a bootycall. Be nice and flirty and ';accidentelly'; run into him alot. Eventually he will get the idea
    Show him that you care about him. Just because he likes a new girl does not mean anything. He may not like her or she may get mad at him some point in time. Always be a friend to him no matter what coz oneday he will see you as the best thing in his life
    Show him your much better than this new girl. And also show him your a great girl for him as well, just dont seem desperate.

    Good luck!
    try growing up. i don't have time for kiddie ?s
    First of all if he really liked you like he said he did he wouldn't be messing around with another girl...think can't like someone today and like someone else tomorrow...if he had strong feelings for you he wouldn't care about no other chick..ok so please think about it, maybe you don't really like this guy and maybe its just physical attraction.
    sleep with him if he really likes you like he says it won't mess the friendship up and he won't even bother with the other girl
    LOL orgasm_donor.

    if he wants to move on to another person because you wont have sex with him you should dump him.
    oh believe me I'm a guy in your position, winning back a heart is pretty darn hard.
    well i think he liked that sex idea
    You probably should just talk to him about how you feel and see if he feels the same way. if he doesn't start paying you any attention then maybe he's not as interested as you thought. Good Luck
    One get a make over that will make him wish he would have said yes without thinking twice.Look for top of the line clothes, make up, hair style, ect.Make him want and make him beg like the dog he is.also if he has a girl friend and he acting like he don't know you.HE IS NOT FOR YOU.Would a real friend do that UH NO I THINK NOT!!Truthfully I think you know your better then that.I so hate it when men are this way because It makes you wonder what are they trying to prove.hope this helps
    Well one thing is for sure, do not ever think that throwing the sex out there will get you any different of a result. Youre young, and this exact same thing is going to happen 25-50 more times through out your young teen years. You're going to get puppy love broken heart and you're also going to dish it out. It may feel like the most crucial and important thing right now, but just stay cool, be happy and social and enjoy all of it. In 5 years would you like to look back and think... man... i wasted 5 years of my youth on this dumb guy that didnt work out? Or would you like to look back thinkin about all the fun you had meeting and dating different boys?
    Be unavailable. If you come accross too needy

    he will pull back further and possibly forever. Do

    not call him or seek him out in any way. It may take time but if he comes back, it will be for the right reasons.
  • art mask
  • 39 weeks pregnant, a lil nervous about something...advice please!?

    For the past two hours I've been feeling kind of faint, dizzy...queazy to the tummy and I've had diareah for 2 days. I have had a headache since 10 this thisnormal? Or should I be concerned?39 weeks pregnant, a lil nervous about something...advice please!?
    Pregnancy: When to Call Your Doctor

    Call your health care provider right away if you have:

    Unusual or severe cramping or abdominal pain

    Noticeable changes in your baby's movement after 28 weeks gestation (if you don't count 10 movements in 2 hours or less)

    Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath that seems to be getting worse

    Signs of premature labor including:

    -- Regular tightening or pain in the lower abdomen or back.

    -- Any bleeding in the second or third trimester.

    -- Fluid leak.

    -- Pressure in the pelvis or vagina.

    Also call your health care provider if you have any of the following conditions during pregnancy:

    A fever over 100掳 Fahrenheit

    Severe or persistent vomiting

    Severe diarrhea

    Fainting spells or dizziness

    Pain, burning or trouble urinating

    Unusual vaginal discharge

    Vaginal bleeding

    Swelling in your hands, fingers or face

    Blurred vision or spots before your eyes

    Sore, cracked or bleeding nipples

    Severe headaches

    Blurred vision

    Pain or cramping in your arms, legs or chest

    If you aren't sure if a symptom is serious, but you just don't feel like yourself, trust your instincts and call your provider. If there is a problem you will get prompt attention and if there isn't you will be reassured.

    Reviewed by The Cleveland Clinic Birthing Services and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.39 weeks pregnant, a lil nervous about something...advice please!?
    I would call your OB, you may just have a viral infection that is going around, but they can usually give you something to help ease all of the symptoms. Good luck and I hope you feel better!
    Diarrhea is normal before labor are probably fine and ready to deliver anytime...but if you are nervous call your MD/Midwife.
    sounds like you body is preparing itself for childbirth. Good luck to you. If you are really concerned call your doctor their advice is better than anything you will find here.
    You should call your OB. Could be the flu, could be dehydration if you've had diarrhea for 2 days, or could be major issue with your blood pressure....which has been known to suddenly skyrocket for some women in the last few days of pregnancy. If you don't feel like ';alarming'; people, go to a drug store or pharmacy where they have the arm band that takes your blood pressure. They're not 100% accurate but if something is out of whack, it will detect it.
    it may be the baby not liking some of the food youve been eating mabey a migraine but you can go to a nurse they might take a urine or blood sample or might give you a little medicine to take i dont think anything serious will happen :-) just make sure your not alone for alone for a long time if you are make sure you have a phone handy drink alot of water because of the diarihha it can dehydrate bad for you and your baby especially throwing up is perfectly normal and try to saty cool a lille sugar in some gingerale is good for your stomach too
    call your local hospital (midwife) they might ask u to go in for a check.
    You should call your doctor. It could be your blood pressure. Make sure you tell doctor everything!!
    Some of that is normal pregnancy and the rest may be your nerves from what is fixin to come up...Labor. I wouldn't worry about it unless you start bleeding or having severe pains.
    Make sure that everything is packed up. I have two babies and both were born before the doctors predicted.
    Your blood pressure might be going wonkie... I'd get it checked out.
    Your body are getting ready .. good luck!
    could be a tummy bug and then again it could be the beginning of labor. As long as you aren't getting dehydrated the best thing to do is try to relax and take some tylenol for the headache. Eat something with protein in it so that you have food in your tummy that will keep your blood sugars at a good level.
    its your body getting ready for the delivery.......bow movements start to change when its getting close because of the pressure
    You might wanna call your DR just to see if they want to check you out. For me diarrhea was one of the biggest indicators for labor. I had diarrhea for almost 2 days before I went into labor with my daughter. Good luck
    Go to the doctor.. you're over due... so you dont want run any risks...