Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need advice about female issues!?

My boyfriend and I have had sex while I was on my period. i know thats weird but anyways. My question is would having sex during that time throw off my MC or cause it to not come completely? Because now I have missed my period. It is more than a week late and I suspect I could be pregnant as well?! What is going on??? Anyone who knows something please help!?!?I need advice about female issues!?
I'm thinking you're stressed and that's what is throwing off your cycle. Take a test. If negative, let it go. Don't stress and take another. If positive, get used to the idea.

And contrary to popular belief, you cannot get pregnant anytime. The only way you can get pregnant during your period is if you have a very short cycle, like 21 days or so. If you have a regular 28-32 day one, you can't.I need advice about female issues!?
take a test
There are very few things which can throw off your menstrual cycle, travel through time zones, starvation, excessive exercise and pregnancy but not having sex during your period. Which is not as uncommon as you think. Women get pregnant during their periods all the time. Go get tested if you think you might be PG. It might not be too late for emergency contraception if you get down to Planned Parenthood with a quickness.
You can get pregnant at any time.
sometimes it stops your ';cycle'; till next time. get a pregnancy test just to be sure.
First of all you re not married ,secondly even if you were having sex while you are bleeding puts you both in danger of hell fire.Its an abomination for him to discover your ';fountain';look in the truth, that is to say the Bible.
Sperm can live 4 days inside, you are only ';safe'; 3 days (and very difficult to predict which days) therefore, you could be pregnant. But then again, maybe not. Use a condom next time?
you could very well be pregnant. of course, i would hope that if you were, you would keep it, or give it up for adoption and not abort.... you didnt use protection, that's not the baby's fault if your pregnant. good luck.
I have done this before myself. It may just throw off your cycle, but I don't think you can get pregnant while you are actually on your cycle (or should I say it is more difficult). You should be OK.

I need advice about coming out...?

okay, im 16 and bi-sexual

i haven't told my parents or friends and not sure if i should.

i hope my friends would be cool with it but i think my parents (especially my dad) would find it weird.

i was wondering if anyone had came out and had any advice?

ThanksI need advice about coming out...?
don't tell your family if you think there may be trouble

maybe start by telling a few chosen friends who you know you can trustI need advice about coming out...?
Hi there, personally I do not think your sexuality is any other persons business but your own and your partners, unless you intend to have sex in front of your friends and parents there is no reason why your sexuality is of any interest to them. I am bisexual and have been for over 30 years and my family do not know i am bisexual and neither do they need to know, its not hiding it or ashamed of it, being bisexual is as normal as being heterosexual and you wouldnt go and broadcast to your family that you are heterosexual would you, if they love you unconditionally there is no reason why your sexuality should affect them - What reason would there be to tell your friends what sex you sleep with, its only your business and that of your partner who is involved with you - so the simple answer is don't tell them its none of their business and there are so many homophoebics out there that it could be used as an excuse against you or to lose friends, what they dont know wont hurt them - or you...
Can I be Honesty? I do not advice you to do that now!

6 years ago,when I was 18 I decided to tell my mother I am Bi... well, I regret till today. Every time we argue, she throws it in my face. I am not saying my mother is wrong, I love her and I do understand her,even though I will never stop being Bi but it's been bothering me forever.

You are so young, and even though you really wanna do that, just wait some time. Don't need to tell people about it now. Wait till you have your own house, a good job so that you will have to answer only for yourself.

I am from Brazil,forgive me if I made any English mistake...but I hope you understood it!
Nobody who does not know you and your family really well can answer this. Some (rational) people accept gays and lesbians with no problem others are bigoted (irrational) and never underestimate how many ';closet homophobes'; are out there.

Once you come out you may be screwed for life so before you do make sure that you KNOW exactly what will happen.

I haven't personally come out, as i am straight, but i do think if they are your true friends they will respect your decision. Be prepared that they and your parents may be slightly shocked at first, but i'm sure they will get used to it and hopefully it wont even bother them.

A few of my friends are bi and now they've came out they seem happy, as they don't need to hide anything.

Best of luck.
if you dont think its important to tell them then dont it would save a couple friendships and alot of weirdness. your parents are less likely to understand then ur friends. so if theres a couple you trust then tell them. at first its completely weird and they probably wont want to talk about it.
Just do it. That's the only advice I can give. It seems so hard to do such, and I wish I had taken my own advice. I'm a full-blown lesbian and to this day, my parents don't believe me. With coming out, you have to know now that there WILL be people who dislike it. I have a lot of anxiety over the fear of being judged...but if you don't come out, you'll never meet that person for you, and that's the biggest mistake one could make.

It all depends on how well you know those people and how well they react to knews....especially these kind of news. The first people you might want to focus on telling is your parents. Because no matter what, your parents will always be there for you, even if it takes some time to get used to for them.

Your friends may be something you could tell, but not immediately, as they might not approve of it and they might make it difficult for you....especially because your all teenagers and lets face it, teengaers can be a ***** to anyone if they want to be. Teenagers can do some pretty nasty things to you if your not careful. Your best friend (if you have one) should be the only friend you'd be best telling.

You'll be fine and i hope everything works out. If you're not ready, then just wait. Patience is a vluable key. Plus, you've got a ways to go, so don't force yourself into such a stressful situation if you don't have to.

I need advice about girls?

Im at a young age 16 to be precise and will be going to college soon ive only ever had one girlfriend but that was from Friends help and was kinda set up for me but this time when i go to college i want to get a girlfriend all by myself with no help so could someone give me advice or tips on how to pull a girl thanksI need advice about girls?
you said you want a girlfriend all on your own. so why are you asking people, thatll still be getting help to a relationship.

anyway. just make friends figure out you interest find something in common, get to know each other. when you feel like your getting a vibe go ahead and ask this person on a date. no shame in it, just try. youll go no where if you just stand still and not take a stepI need advice about girls?
Well once u see the girl u like make friends with one of her girlfriends then ask her if her friend has a boyfriend if she dont have a boyfriend tell the other girl how much u like her friend and if she is willing to go out with u goodluck
Be yourself always, never lie and be their friend. There is always plenty of time so dont go for first base on your first date either!!!Goodluck.
you can always start by being friends

or just talk to a girl, just walk up and start a convo

or meet someone at a party or gathering

Need some advice about a coworker.?

but she is seeing someone else, so now i have decided to distance myself from her because it's pointless to maintain any type of relationship with her unless it is a working one. But since i've become distant she seems upset by this, now i don't know what to do.Need some advice about a coworker.?
its a always want what you cant have kind of deal...shes selfish wants her cake and eat it too

i wouldnt be to concerned about how upset she is..because obviously if she missed you sooo much, she would break up with her dude for you..but shes not...she has her relationship with him

and if he leaves her, ok well she likes you so now she can have you

point blank dont be someone elses priority when your only an option to them, this girl knows what shes doing, dont be the deserve to be #1Need some advice about a coworker.?
You need to come forward with your feelings. I have always believed honesty is the best policy. This is where you find out how you really feel and how she really feels. Just come to her with the truth and talk it out.
it is okay to be close friend, it not always about dating, just be friends.
Stay friends. Maybe when the boyfriend is out of the picture, you can make your move.
Were you close friends before? I think she might be missing that. Stay close, but not in bed.
ever just tried talking to her and asking
Maybe she got upset because she thought you where her friend and all of a sudden you stop talking to her, I really think you need to be there at least as a friend, because you never know her relationship might not work and she'll see you where the one that was always there for her.

I need help with some advice about my relationship and my new friend...can anyone help me with some advice?

my boyfriends name is nick and we've been going out since Sept. and my new friend's namd is drew. we've been friends since june and well, now he's puttin the moves on me and i really like him almost in a relationship why. but what about nick. i mean yea, nick and i have 50/50 in common and dont always understand each other. we dont comunicate as well as me and drew do. but nick feels that he's so into me that he has already proposed to me (he wants to marry me!!!) and he's only 15. nick is 15 and almost 16, im 16 (33 more days till im 17), and drew is 18 and has his own appartment. drew is so much more machore and we comunicate much better, but he lives about 2 to 4 hours away distance relationship scares me a little but when im 18 i can move in with him) and he's 18...nick is 15 almost 16 (he's a year and a half younger than me), we dont totally comunicate that well, we dont have to much in common, and im just not sure about him anymore...what should i do? and who do i pick?I need help with some advice about my relationship and my new friend...can anyone help me with some advice?
Sounds like you answered your own question. Communication is so important and if you guys can't talk to one another, that will be a problem later on. To me, I hear that you really like this guy, but he is far away. Take it slow and keep him as a friend, but keep looking around for guys that you can have real conversations with. If it is meant to be, it will be, and Drew will wait for you.

Best of luck to you!I need help with some advice about my relationship and my new friend...can anyone help me with some advice?
Honey, since this is like a love triangle thing, i would suggest you take some time off to think. You could still be friends with both of them, but since you think you like Drew better, why dont you tell Nick that.. communication is the key here. If i were you though, I would be just friends with both of them and take my pick later! Good luck! Keep smiling and enjoy ur teen years.. after all, you dont wanna be tied down to just ONE relationship right now, do you?
machore? Stick with the younger guy, he is at your level.

Also, just because you and Drew communicate well now, doesnt mean that you would do it as a couple.
listen to your heart and your head. it sounds to me like its sayin drew! remember trust is important. if you can't trust him than why bother! but nick, sounds like you are over that and shouldn't lead him on.
  • lips
  • Girlz help! Need advice about......?

    Well theres this girl. We have a few classes together and we know each other. We sort of hang out at lunch but thats about it. In class we flirt and I really like her. I think she likes me but I don't know.

    I want to make a move but am too scared. Is there any ways I can slowly hook up with her(We are in 7th grade btw)?Girlz help! Need advice about......?
    Well if you guys flirt in class, you can do something like passing her a note asking if she wasnts to hang out or go to the movies over the weekend. theres two other things u HAVE to do also. 1. joke around with her when she says things like ';i love chocolate'; (random) smile and joke around by saying eww chocolate, 2. compliment the little things such as her shirt or hair or eyesor even handwriting. it always works, i hope i can help !Girlz help! Need advice about......?
    Well, as long as you treat her with respect, and dont treat her like dirt,

    then let things fall into place, neer rush things because then you seem to eager and too desperate.

    i suggest just being yourself and playing it by ear, and then once you have a good feeling shes into you, talk to her. Being a girl I know that when a guy is brave and honest and comes right out about his feelings, its muuch better then waiting around to hear from the grape vine wether or not he lieks you, %26amp; if you wait to long to talk to her, youll lose out !!

    goood luck!
    dont do it slowly go straight for her then ask her out (always at the begining of class no idea why) but if your are nervous (i would call you a frak if you wernt) just keep telling yourself that life is short i got to engoy it e-mail me for any other questions

    p.s. i really need this best answer
    Omg I have the same problem (but I like a guy) well you could ask her friends to ask her if you likes you or ask one of you friends to say '; hey do you like*insert name here* you just seem like you might .. or just ask her I don't thinks she'll make fun of you for liking her
    heck if you like her and she likes you go for it the worst that can happen is shell say no and you can be friends and then gradually become more than that over time
    well just step up the flirting a notch.. girls definitly love flirtng and if u step it up shell get the hint then if she keeps flirting back ask her to hang out after school like to a baseball game or somthing casual.. it want make it to much pressure!!!
    If you're too shy to do it in person, use IMing or messaging to ask her to the movies, out with a group of friends, or to an amusement park.

    Good luck :)
    try to talk to her more, invite a group to hang out and invite her

    or take your chances and ask her out

    you will never know unless you try:)
    Ask her to go with you to the movies :)
    talk to her, :)

    tell her you like her.

    and ask her to a movie or something.

    I need some advice about boys.....?

    a bunch of boys tease me at school. does that mean that they like me, or are they just being mean?I have a bunch of guy friends, and the other ones that never talk to me, tease me. PLEASE HLEP!I need some advice about boys.....?
    boys always tease girls. they dont usually mean it in a mean way. they might like you, but all in all, they mean no harmI need some advice about boys.....?
    It could be either way they like you or they are just being would depend on how they tease you and what age you are

    Usually though, if they are giving you a lot of attention and trying to make you laugh or smile even when they are teasing then they like you
    It could mean that they like you, especially if you are young. If they are being flat out mean to you, then they probably don't though. If they are just messing around with you in a more friendly way, they are probably into you.
    it depends on what they say and why they say it. Usually a group of guys dont gang up and tease a girl. Guys get together and are mean sometimes. So it all depends on what is said.
    immature boys
    it depends if it's like flirty teasing or if they are just being mean and trying to hurt your feelings. if it really bugs you then just tell them to stop, they'll understand.
    Don't worry about the boys teasing you. Just have fun.....if you ignore them they will eventually stop. Boys can be stupid!

    I Need Some Advice About...?

    I Found Some Contacts And Was Wondering If These Would Be Reliable Because They're So Cheap-- Please Be Truthful I Don't Want To Go Blind Or Something Because Of These:;cPath=5%26amp;products_id=11I Need Some Advice About...?
    if you use lenses correctly they wont damage your eyes. but if these lenses aren't soft enough. there can be some scratching of the eye. it doesn't mean you'll go blind. but If you want to wear circle lens to make your eyes bigger for fashion w.e go ahead. you would be wearing them day in day out. and your eyes will be rubbed sore or red if you constantly used them, Natural Eyes are beautiful, you don't need unnaturally coloured circled lenses to make them look less beautifulI Need Some Advice About...?
    1. 2 lenses for 30 bucks. That's a rip off. You could get a 3 month supply for 40 at Walmart.

    2. I have never used them so I wouldn't know but I would buy it in a store so I know what I am getting.
    i honestly wouldn't order colored contacts of the internet because you don't know what stuff it's made out of or whatever. It's better to go to a professional and get them from them.

    it's better to pay with money than with your eyes.
    im not from america but in the uk you can get cheap contacts online and iv heard there just as good as the expensive ones.

    i'd advise you ask an eye doctor or something..

    because i have contacts %26amp; if there's something wrong with them they can really screw up your eyes.
    I would just go to your eye doctor.

    He can find specific ones made for you.

    Just in case(:

    I seriously need advice about boys. why is it that they are so into you one minute...and the not the next?

    so i met this guy at work. he's military and i'm a watress. he's 5 years older than me. he told his friends how hot i was he told them where i worked and that he wanted a relationship with me. but the one day we hang out and i end up having sex with him. all of a sudden we don't talk much. he says its nothing i did. he said that it might sound cliche but its all him that he's just been thinking. but he won't tell me what he was thinking about...finally i was just like you know what when you realise we did nothing wrong gimme a call. i told him i was attracted to him and to come around fast.

    why are men like this?I seriously need advice about boys. why is it that they are so into you one minute...and the not the next?

    This guy is in the military, do you think part of this is about conquest?

    You want a relationship, he wants sex. He's getting what he wants, when he needs more, he'll come back around.

    Not trying to be rude, just what it seems to me.

    LuckI seriously need advice about boys. why is it that they are so into you one minute...and the not the next?
    guys change their minds about girls like they change thier underwear. i went through the same problem i just played it off like nothing happened
    Not all men are like that. Unfortunately, you didn't met the good one. If I were you I will not go to bed in my first date. Some guys like a woman with dignity and has respect for herself.
    Men like a challenge. By having sex with him this early on, you have removed the challenge.Next time around, try holding off for awhile.
    Well it depends on the guy. If I stopped talking to you it would probably be because you're being annoying or complaining about everything... or because you want me to be only with you 24/7... but honestly it depends on the person. Maybe if you don't drive him nuts then it will all be good.
    If you are very attractive, you have the choice of all the men who pass thru, and can hold out for whatever you want. If all you want is sex with a cute guy, and fast, that's all you'll get.

    Sounds like you just pick all the guys who are just like you, then complain about it. They don't grow up because they don't have to. No expectations.
    Men are like hunters. When they are going after something, they will try very hard to get it. Once they got it, the fun is over, and they lose interest.

    The lesson is... Don't have sex with the next man... until you are married to him. Otherwise, he will surely lose interest also.
    it's all about the pencil and the pencil sharpener for the hunters young padawan
    cause men can be assholes. but i think after he got what he wanted, there was no reason to be with you any more. Sorry, thats just the way it is sometimes. Its better that you were not with him anyway
    It is a true saying that the chase is always better than the catch you never give a man what he wants until you are sure he is under your spell. A man only wants a girl with self respect.
    because men are pigs. He got what he wanted and has now moved on to new and other exciting things. Other hot girls.

    Yeah, guys suck!!
    because men like the hunt. and when you give it to them to early... the hunt is over. and moves on to the next thing.

    I need some advice about an email?

    anyways here it is, what do you think i should say to him??

    anyways, i wanted to run something by you seeing how you are somebody who's seen me from the outside. i just had yet another promising relationship crash and burn before it ever really got off the ground. big deal, right? well, its what she said. she told me the exact thing that you did. she said that she liked me, just didnt have time for a relationship. well, i know when you said it, it was more or less to protect my feelings, and i understand. I've gotta think that this girl said it thinking the same thing. but, it got me thinking. is there something seriously wrong with me that i just cant see? how can people be so interested in me in the beginning, and get turned off so quickly when i'm always the same person. you said one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me when you told me that what you liked about me was that i was always myself, never acting different depending on the situation. I'd have to say that i agree with that, so this whole relationship deal has me kind of stumped. i was wondering if you had any insight as to what i could be doing (or not doing). keep in mind that none of this is a ';dig'; at you because of what never happend between us. i respect you and your opinion, thats why im asking. I need to do something because this is getting to be too much heartbreak too often. thanks in advance!

    ~NolanI need some advice about an email?
    Is this question directed at a particular person or is it for everyone to answer?

    I kind of felt that by reading it I was intruding on your private business.

    What exactly is it we can tell you?

    *want to help but a little confused*I need some advice about an email?
    If I'm understanding your question correctly, it sounds like this person's relationships are ';crashing'; because they rush into them too quickly. Perhaps you, or whoever you are talking about needs to get to know people better before they jump into being a couple. A lot of relationships die when people start getting to know each other and find they have little in common - and that's nobody's fault - it's just a mismatch of people.

    that is kinda loaded but a very nice email.

    He sounds like a great guy...are you sure you cant make sometime for him NOW?

    okay well to answer your question (and if your friends read your 'yahoo answers' he might appreciate it if you removed his name!)

    if there was something about him that made you want to run from him, is it something that you could tell him that he can realistically change.

    For example, if he acts like a bisexual, that is probably not something that he can change, however, if is breath generally stinks, he could change that, so I would tell him the former but not the latter.

    If there is really nothing you can think of (depending on how old he is) you can tell him that there really is Nothing that you can think of and that 2 or even 4 women should not make him change who he is and that if he respects your opinion then he has to trust you that he is a great person and that the problem was with you (and this other chick) and not him. (This will cheer him up since your opinion seems to mean a great deal to him).


    I am speechless at what an awesome guy this sounds like!
    Be true to him.He is hurting coz its becoming a trend for girls to like him and then soon after get out of the relationship.Tell him and be precise.It will give an insight into himself.sometimes the problem is with us the girls and the guy ends up blaming himself.

    So if you really liked him,you got to be honest.if there's that one thing that he does that puts off the gals let him know.In the long run it is for his own good.
    Try answering his letter by telling him the truth.
    uhhhh, the truth? Only you can answer your own question. What were you thinking when you told him that you ';didn't have time for a relationship?'; Is he 600lbs. with a giant wart on his nose and gorilla hair all over his body? Why DID you tell him that? Were you just not interested? Just be honest with him....nicely. There is someone for everyone. (even a 600lb. guy with a giant wart on his nose and gorilla hair all over his body) I truly believe there is. So just because he might not have turned your crank or this other chicks crank that just dissed him, there is someone out there who will think he is the greatest thing since George Clooney! My point? Be easy but be truthful reminding him that there is someone for him. My daddy always used to tell me, ';Honey, you might have to kiss a lot of toads b4 you find your handsome prince.';
    Ok to may understanding this guy is bummed about girls not wanting to be in a relationship with him. I think his problem is that he gets too serious too soon and that can scare some people off. Alot of people have commitment issues, a fear of being tied down to one person. Sometimes when a guy comes on to strong it can scare you, and make you think something is wrong with him. The best thing to tell him is that he should not be so easy to give his heart, not realizing that lots of people have commitment issues(fear of being in a relationship) some b/c they are scared to give their heart to another b/c that leaves them vulnerable and some people dont like being that vulnerable, like me for one.
    well, perhaps your comment to your friend makes him believe that all people should like him to act/react the same way all the time for all situations. that doesnt seem very forward moving or thinking. maybe you like him the way he is so that you can keep a friendship with him and not gain friendlier feelings for him.

    he may have particular habits that arent apparent in the letter.

    he sounds, well, experience tells me he's too forgiving and too hard on himself. I hope he finds someone worthy. :)
    I mean this with kindness --- for one thing you are a poor communicator as I have read what you wrote three times and still do not know what advise you're requesting, about what, towards whom.

    Question ?i need advice about a younger guy?

    i am 33 and i made out with a 23 year old no sex was involved he kept kissing me and ooing and awwin and said how much i turn him on but the funny thing is i believe him by the way he was so gentle and sweet and just kept kissin me with so much passion the weird thing is that he has hidden that he was even attracted to me until yesterday when i touched his back and he turned around and kissed me,but my question is him being so young do you think he really knows what he wants and if he really liked me would he act on it or just let it slide do guys his age actually have feeelings of really likng someone and i don't mean a crush?Question ?i need advice about a younger guy?
    A guy of 23 can still have feelings and be in love; he sounds like he is very passionate for you. Either way it sounds like a sweet deal.Question ?i need advice about a younger guy?
    Honey, even guys as young as 16 can really love someone - It just depends on their maturity level. You know this guy better than any of us, I would say go with your gut feeling (aka ';women's intution';). And honestly I don't think 23 is too young, if anything I think it is way hot! I would definitely go for it if you think it's what your looking for....
    your best bet is to just screw his brains out.
    He just needs ut honey pot
    guys that are 23 are usually just horney....i should know im 24 and i always date guys older than me for that reason...u are probably a hot 33 and maybe hes in lust...either it baby ur 33 and hes 23 make him ur trophy
  • lips
  • I need some advice about a friend...?

    Basically, I think that my friend is going to go out and mess around with this one guy... I totally understand and respect that it is her choice if she wants to lose her virginity and deal with whatever consequences may come, but I know the type of guy that he is, and she will get very hurt by him. He's one to talk, and she'd get the reputation of a sl*ut even if she was only with him once. I've tried to explain this to her, but she just doesn't seem to get it.

    Please give me any advice on what I can do to convince her that this guy is not the person she should be losing her virginity to. I love her too much to see her keep getting hurt.

    Oh and telling her parents wouldn't do any good, she would find a way to sneak out, so please don't suggest anything like that.I need some advice about a friend...?
    If your friend doesnt want to listen to you then you cant do anything more. she has to learn things the hard way. you can keep on talking to her that this guy doesnt deserve her and that her virginity isnt something she can take back, but in the end it is she who'll make the decision. pray that she be enlightened to think straight, i will too. good luck!I need some advice about a friend...?
    stop cockblocking

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    If you have some things to support or prove what you think about him, let her know. If she is still stubborn, then let her go. She will get what she deserve.
    Ask her why she wants him and then tell her that what she wants to do is slutty. The truth hurts, but your friend will survive.
    just ignore it or do what your heart tells you
    and if you try to stop her she will say you want her man so let her go and be there for her when she comes in...
    How old is this girl? and if she is going to do it anyhow no matter how hard you try - just make sure she knows to be smart and use protection!
    sometimes you just have to let people learn the hard way. i had to do that with my friend and now she's pregnant and she's going to marry the father. she's to young to have to deal with it. but she makes her bed and now she has to lie in it.
    Well she would hate you so this suggestion is just for laughs but you could start talking to her about a gross disease that ';she has'; around him. Tell him it's not contagious. ahahahhahaha
    well sweetie i know it is a hard thing to see someone make a mistake before they can even make it. but sometimes if you know that she is not willing to listen to reason you just have to let her learn from her own mistakes.

    I need some advice about moving...?

    I am getting a divorce and just had back surgery....I will be taking my daughter at least 9 hours away from our home state. I have NO money saved up and I plan on getting a job before I leave, and doing some online work to raise cash. When August comes, Im gonna just pack up what I didnt sell, and roll on out. I intend to have a place to move to before I go...Any thoughts on this? Advice? Support? Think Im crazy? Let me knowI need some advice about moving...?
    sounds like you have a you aren't crazy......go make a new life for you and your daughterI need some advice about moving...?
    Don't move your daughter away from her father.
    Sometimes a geographical change is just what the doctor ordered. And then sometimes it does not work. Good luck in your life.
    Well why r you leaving like that. It sounds like your scare of your soon to be ex husband. Yeah I guess if your getting a job i think you will be fine....just make sure you have about 5000 in cash that way in case you cannot get a job right away you have some money.

    I need your advice about a guy?

    In a lapse of judgment, I gave a guy my number after only talking to him for a couple minutes. Just so you know, I 'm usually smarter than that and I don't do this.

    I don't know him at all. Again, I only talked to him for a couple minutes. He keeps calling me (at least twice a day). What should I do?

    I need your advice about a guy?
    Tell him that you aren't interested in him, and that you are sorry. If he need you to, tell him that you know some other people that may like him. Make sure you don't sound rude or mean, but nice and sympathetic. he probably thinks you like him, so you need to say that you don'tI need your advice about a guy?
    If you like him then let him talk to you. But i can see you probably don't like him in that way. You could tell him you have a boyfriend, or you could be straight with him and tell him that you are only interested in being friends (maybe not even that) and that a relationship will not work out.
    he try to get a date with you.

    just tell him that your busy.

    Advice about VW Polo 52' (Problem with VW Dealership) Am I being ripped off?

    I have a polo 1.2 3cylinder 52' plate.

    I had my timing chain done 18 months ago at the local VW dealership-costing æ‹¢450. Since then it hasn't been right.

    I was on the motorway 5 weeks ago and my oil light came on, then the car lost power and died! I called the AA and the guy said it was the timing chain. I rang the dealership and they said if i could get it to them they would look. I got the car to them and the garage rang me saying that it was looking like the timing chain, but if not they would have to charge me 2 hours labour. so obviously i agreed.

    I had a call a few days later saying its not the timing chain and they want æ‹¢250 cost for looking at it! its not in a better state than it was 5 weeks ago. they are saying it is a spark plug fault, which i find unbelievable and impossible.

    Are they trying to get out of fixing a fault that is under guarantee? any advice would be gratefully received!

    Is æ‹¢250 labour charge for looking acceptable? should I pay it? where do i stand? help!!Advice about VW Polo 52' (Problem with VW Dealership) Am I being ripped off?
    Your mistake here was in taking your car to a VW dealer.

    A VW dealer is there to sell you a new VW, but you should NEVER take your car to a main dealer for servicing, it's just a complete rip off.

    Firstly, I wouldn't expect to be changing a timing chain on a 'quality' five year old car - at that point, I would have negotiated a discount via VW customer services, or had the chain replaced elsewhere (at around æ‹¢120 - æ‹¢150).

    The next bit confuses me: If the AA chap (unprompted, I assume) told you it was a timing chain issue, the garage also said it was a timing chain issue, but it turned out to be a spark plug, then they are most certainly taking the piss.

    I'm not surprised at a æ‹¢250 bill from the dealer, I suspect this is just parts %26amp; labour for the current alleged fault, so ask them to physically point out what they've replaced. Does the part look new?

    I don't know how much you know about cars, but the diagnosis of a failed timing chain would be pretty straightforward: The timing chain connects the crankshaft of the engine (the main rotating part that turns, sending power to the gearbox) to the camshaft (which operates the valves). A quick visual inspection through the oil filler cap would show whether the camshaft turns as the crankshaft is turned, I assume both the AA man %26amp; the VW garage would have done this first, seemingly confirming a failed timing chain. Any fault with a spark plug or coil wouldn't exhibit this behaviour.

    SO, I am assuming that they have actually diagnosed a failed timing chain AGAIN %26amp; replaced it. The æ‹¢250 is to try %26amp; recoup their losses.

    The best way to double check is to take the car to a good independent garage %26amp; ask them, in their opinion, what work has been carried out. They can tell by signs of disturbed fixings, new gaskets, etc.

    And finally, if you find a nice friendly INDEPENDENT garage, use them rather than the 'Dick Turpin' dealerships.

    Good luck!Advice about VW Polo 52' (Problem with VW Dealership) Am I being ripped off?
    Ask them by writing to them to put it all in writing, what is wrong and to provide a cost breakdown for the fix. When they ask why, advise them that the written word is the most acceptable evidence in a court of law. I suspect they will be only too glad to talk to you about sorting your probs quickly and at a fair price.
    Sounds like a quick solicitor letter and also make sure you keep all evidence, times of calls , conversations etc.Why did you wait 18mths if you knew it wasnt right. Ask also what is their hourly labour rate, seems dear æ‹¢125 / hour to me.
    For 2 hours Labour, you are being ripped off. Contact the trading standards about thisand ask them to speak to the garage about this extortion. better still, contact Watchdog on the telly. There is too much of this going on with dalerships.
    contact vw customer services and lodge a complaint
    Reading between the lines.

    I assume you and not the Garage have the car now.

    You verbally agreed to 2 hrs Labour charges to determine a suspected fault which subsequently proved negative.

    Have you got any paperwork ?? 1.Have you or can you obtain a copy of the AA attendance report (explain to them your reasons for wanting it- they may advise you free of charge)

    2 Have you got an itemised Bill from the Garage.

    Does this æ‹¢250 include a verbal agreement to supply and fit parts found to be faulty?

    My inclination would be : Write and inform them you are happy to pay the agreed 2hrs Labour (out of touch but 35/40æ‹¢ per hour wouldnt surprise me) but are unhappy with their subsequent repair.Tell them you have taken advice from an independent engineer and should they wish to take the matter further etc...

    Such is the nature of the initial breakage that severe damage can be caused to the engine thats not readily apparent at the time - as you say its not ben right since.

    Sorry cant be of more help. Good Luck.

    Advice about wicca please.?

    I am very interested in becoming a practicing Wicca but as i understand most wiccans are raised with that religion and so its easy to learn, ive read all about self dedication ceremonies and have alot of info about becoming a Wicca but can anyone tell me if there is a community or such that i can join for help and advice so that i can move forward, i feel like im stuck right now.

    thanks.Advice about wicca please.?
    Merry Meet,

    If you are interested about learning Wicca and/or Witchcraft here are a few legitimate sources to glean knowledge from. First being Witchvox at Here you will gain knowledge through fellowship with other of like mind and knowledge through the countless articles posted. If this is not enough one could look into getting online training through the Sacred Mists at… or OZ Wicca at , both are pretty decent for learning the Craft on the Web.

    Also if you are close enough to a group that specializes in education and development like the SCWF try and join them even if it’s on a limited capacity. Ultimately, study, study and then study some more. Find all you can and definitely cross reference whenever possible, this way you can get the best out of all you learn.

    I also suggest that you get your hands on Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin and/or The Circle Within by Dianne Sylvan. Both of these books are very good reading and both will give you some deeper insight to the Craft and how it relates to you. Also you cannot go wrong with anything by Scott Cunningham.

    If you are a teen, I suggest Elements of Witchcraft: Natural Magick for Teens by Ellen Dugan. Teen Witch by Silver Ravenwolf is also good. But neither is completely accurate, but they will help you out.

    Ultimately, study as much as you need to before deciding that you are Wiccan. Find those near you who are reputable and knowledgeable. Also stay away from those who are playing Wicca if you are serious about the religion and the craft, they will only slow you down and/or mislead you. Also, read all the books you can the good ones as well as the bad ones.

    Remember, you are the one that decides who’s a good or bad author not someone else because every author in my belief has something to offer, all you have to do is ignore the information that is not accurate. Oh and when the opportunity raises cross reference the information learned for accuracy.

    I hope my blurp helps out.

    Blessed Be

    NyjhAdvice about wicca please.?
    okay same with any religion though for christians it would be easier to learn about bible stories because your parents always speak of them and all.

    If you want you can email me and i can help you on your path i can give you basics but after that its critical u find ur own path.

    Get a scott c. book highly reccommended since many cites are falsely stating info.
    If you have a lot of information already, I would suggest you do a google on ';(your community) and Wicca';. I don't know what will happen, but since Wiccan isn't listed in phone book, I don't know. Also, if you have any women's bookstores in your town, you could check there.
    People may be able to help you from the link below.

    It's usually good just to research around you. On the internet or looking for groups in your local area.

    Eclectic Heretic: Why womens book stores specifically? Wicca is a mixed religion.
    Most Wiccans were not raised Wiccan.
    Any religion can be learned. It's just a matter of accepting the belief structure, learning the rules and rituals, then play acting them all out.

    Whether you SHOULD adopt a religion is a different question.
    If you're looking for a Wiccan community to join, try the official JK Rowling book club.
    Becoming a wiccan is not the right choice. You need to say no to religions %26amp; say yes to Jesus. He is the answer!

    Advice about this guy! help me!?

    Recently, and unexpectedly, I saw a guy I liked for over a year. I messaged him and told him how it was a surprise to have seen him for so long, since our college class ended. Now the feelings I had for this guy have come back, and I want to get to know him better.

    Another thing is, that my cousin knew for how long I liked him, and now she has messaged and been talking to him. She never told me that, and I found out from the guy I like, that she messaged him first. I do not know about that they have been talking about. I don't dare to ask.

    At the moment, I am not even talking to my cousin, but this has upset me because she knows how much I liked this guy. I can't confront her, because she is very problematic. We are both in our 20s, and the guy is 22. I gave up one him before, but now I can't.

    Me and this guy have been messaging back and fourth, but have been very brief. But I want to talk to him more and get to know him better. How would I go about in talking to him more? What could I ask him? He wrote to me yesterday, about the two computer classes he is currently taking. What could I say to that? I need advice. Advice about this guy! help me!?
    ...... better start with a casual talk.Advice about this guy! help me!?
    It is really typical that another woman would try and get with a man they knew you liked. Try talking about the future and share yall's plans. If yall are near each other .. why not go out for a drink? A good way to break the ice is to do that or some fun date. Try and plan a really fun and nice date for you both and try and get your cousin out of the picture. This way, you won't have to talk to her and still get the man you want.

    Best of luck!

  • lips
  • Advice about getting a tattoo done?

    I am considering getting a tattoo done in the uk tomorrow.I am of legal age. What do i need to look out for? Iv found one place which seems to have good atrists

    They seem to have decent standard of hygiene they have a steralization room and a big tattoo room. My worry is around the needles and stuff.

    Not sure what too expect.

    Do you think it would cost alot to have this tattoo done on my lower back?

    Also another important question do they tattoo the outline and then fill in the color at a later date or is it all done there and then when getting a color tattoo done?.Advice about getting a tattoo done?
    I don't know about the price, but I have a multicolored butterfly with 420 under it on the small of my back, and they did the whole thing on the same night. The outline took the longest, but the coloring in was quick, and I actually didn't feel it. Mine was 180, but it depends on how much detail you want and how much labor/artistry your artist has to do.Advice about getting a tattoo done?
    First of all tattoos do cost some bit of money but are worth it in the end thats if you regret it.

    Theres nothing really to worry about i was nervous and was jumping up and down like a idiot, the only bit what hurt was when they first went over the print then when they go over it again, it just feels numb. I feel as if i need another one already like a addiction :-P.

    Good Luck..

    i have two getting a 3rd...that tattoo might be a little pricey but not too bad...I'm not going to lie it is very nerve-wrecking the 1st time...but really its hardly hurts its more of an annoying tingle than anything...and the do everything all at the same time depending on the if you were to get a full back piece or a sleeve they would split it into separate days...generally they outline in black then they go back in and color
    It depends on how your skin reacts to the outline. I have 8 but the last one I got I had to do in two sessions because my skin reacted to the outline. I had to wait for the outline to heal before going to get the color added. That one cost me $200 here in the US. Best of luck!
    everyone I have talked to with a tattoo regrets it. I'm not sure of the cost for one but i do no it is some $3,000 to remove it. and I've also heard it hurts all lot, especially when you do not have all lot of fat in that area.

    Advice about this traffic violation (read below)?

    So I had to drive my friend to a pawn shop. I get to a four way intersection. I brake and I notice the traffic lights in front of me were covered and out. I treated it like a four way stop sign and turned left. A split second later a cop pulls up behind me.

    She notified me that I turned left on a red light. At first I was confused but after she left and I drove back, I noticed that there was a pair of lights before the intersection that were working that I suppose were meant to replace the non-working ones, but I had not seen it (because I braked too late and was right underneath the light). The rest of the intersection had at least one working light so I can see the cop's point.

    Point being, I got confused at an intersection and acted on a gut feeling. I got a $90 fine and probably 2 points on my license. Would showing up to court, pleading guilty with explanation help? or should I just pay the fine and move on?Advice about this traffic violation (read below)?
    Pay the fine, when you fight the DA they get mad. They also have the info from the officer and your stupidity isn't a good excuse. They will look at you like your an idiot if you try to fight it. Svae yourself the time and just pay the fine. Then take the defensive driving course and they will remove up to 4 points on your license.

    Advice about a guy who kinda turned me down... Long Sorry!?

    I'm a flight attendant. Last year, I had an incredible trip with an amazing Pilot.

    I've been flying for 4 years and have never had so much fun with a pilot before, in a platonic way. Even he said he had an great time even tho the trip was full of problems.

    After I left the airport, I was so mad at myself for not saying something to him about how I was feeling. A few days later, I left a note in his box at work telling him I'm glad we got to fly together %26amp; if he ever wanted to hang out, to give me a call. A few days later, I saw him on MySpace %26amp; it says he's in a relationship. I send him a message %26amp; tell him sorry %26amp; just to ignore my note. He wrote me back %26amp; said that he was dating someone back in his home town %26amp; they couldn't see other people. I haven't seen him since this back in September. On Sunday, I'm flying %26amp; I know for a fact I'll see him in the crew room. I'm terrified.

    Should I be completely embarassed? Should I say something or ignore him? I am still crazy about him!Advice about a guy who kinda turned me down... Long Sorry!?'s obvious he's in a relationship and doesn't like you enough to dump his current girlfriend

    if you had a super time hanging out as friends, that means nothing to him but friendship.......unlike how you as a woman view it

    I would be embarresed about sending him a ';sorry ignore my note'; comment. You told him, you were blunt enough that he could figure out you liked him and you didn't know he had a girlfriend. Never apologize for that, I surely don't apologize for hitting on a woman with a bf......she has no ring on her finger and how am I supposed to know. Now act like nothing is different(your a woman, your good at it naturally) and move it on.

    If you fly into Houston, give me a hollar and show you how lame pilots are.Advice about a guy who kinda turned me down... Long Sorry!?
    Dont be embarrassed, that note you left didn't indicate you wanted him more than a friend.
    Just act normal. Be friendly, and just think of him as a friend. If you two do become friends, and he ends up breaking up with his girlfriend, you would be in a very good position. But until then, just smile and say hi.
    no, it was an honest mistake and you handled it like a lady. He seems as if he's a good guy. I would say hi when you see him and tell him that you don't want him to think you are forward or anything but that he is just a fun person to travel with. Put the ball in his court.
    Just pretend like nothing happened, and that doesn't mean either saying something or ignoring him.
    I wouldn't worry about it. If he brings it up, just say that was in the past. I'd try to find out if he is still after another girl, if not, jump right in and send some IOIs (Indicators of interest). Do talk to him though, just say ';Hey, it's been awhile since we talked, what's been keeping you busy?'; and generate a normal conversation.
    yes you are crazy,, for even thinking abt this ! wow have morals dear! you are a homewreaker ! you know good and well he is on a realtionship.... why bother,,, if you do see him again ask him you want to see his wife's picture! and say it aload! learn from the mistake and move forward! i think stewartests are very sexy !
    Just be yourself. As far as you know he may have just broken up with his girlfriend.
    don't worry about it, i am sure he isn't worried about it. Plus when you act like it is no big deal what so ever only two things can happen: one he acts just as casual, or two he will try to get with you because there is nothing i guy wants more than something he can't have.

    Advice about my baby and bestfriend?

    my best friend had a preemie baby only a couple months ago she had over 9 months to find a job and get ready for this baby but she failed to do so and her boy friend hasn't had a job in almost a year and he already has two kids so that right there kind of gave me a fill to what kind of guy he is he basically doesnt take care of business hes a dead beat but my friend is just o so inlove with him and claims hes trying. but anyway the baby is born neither one of them still hasn't gotten a job. I see them real often they never had the baby it was always with her mom and the times she did bring the baby around the baby was just straight pissy she didn't smell fresh never fed. it was plenty of times where they all spent the night and her and her boyfriend wouldn't get up till 1 in the afternoon the baby hasn't been woke to be fed or even changed. to me the baby wasnt getting taken care of. but then this pass week the baby passed away i was so crushed i kinda had guilt bc i knew something like this would happened. so since neither one of them had jobs they couldnt pay for the wake or funeral there parents did. so she had been staying at my place since it happened i know ppl grieve differently but she didnt seem to upset for the lost it seemed to have hit me harder. so her mom was making plans for the wake and funeral and we had to be there at 1 we were an hr late bc she was messing around she had gotten up late she was taking her time at the mall it was really upsetting to me bc i felt once again she is not taking care of business. then the next day she was late to the babies wake I was there and so was everybody else and we were just sitting there waiting for her and her boyfriend once again late. she just seem so irresponsible and everything else and now a baby is gone and she could have been taken care of better in the months she was here. so now she asked me if her and her boyfriend could come stay with me until they get back on there feet but i mean they had plenty of time to do that before the baby came while the baby was here and it did not get done and still neither one of them had been looking for a job. and i have a baby on the way shell be here soon and i stay in a little one bedroom apt. one side is telling me no bc every since i had my apt ppl have just been staying with me and my long term boyfriend and i really would want my own place to us when my baby comes home. then i feel like i should help bc she is my best friend and she just lost her baby but i really do feel she isn't trying then shes adding on by wanting her boyfriend to come stay to so i dont know what to do!!!!!!!Advice about my baby and bestfriend?
    Hey Girl!

    The woman you're describing as your ';best friend';, if I am reading this thing correctly,

    1. Doesn't have a job and doesn't even have plans to get one

    2. Her boyfriend doesn't either and just sponges off of her (and whatever other luckless woman he managed to knock up)

    3. These parents were so indifferent to their baby's welfare that they palmed her off on others and didn't really seem to care when she died.

    These are not friends to you. In fact, they are lousy excuses for human beings and are leeches. DO NOT let them stay with you or they will be leeches with you, too, especially if you yourself are expecting and you and your boyfriend want a place. Economic times are tough for everyone but with these creeps around, it'll get a whole lot tougher for you two!

    Best of luck.Advice about my baby and bestfriend?
    they hella stupid
    I am very sorry that your friend had such a devastating loss. However her current situation is one that will only get worse because of their inability to care for themselves. You have a new little life that will be dependant upon you for EVERYTHING. She deserves to have a safe, stable loving environment to grow in. Your friend also may not be able to handle the mental strain of watching your baby thrive day after day in your home. You should tell her that you love her and will help anyway you can EXCEPT her moving in, or giving anything that you might need for your own child. Let her know that you HAVE to put your baby first, and that you can not have more responsibilty heaped upon you at this time. The stress of having them there could even effect your pregnancy. Guide them to the nearest welfare office and wish them well, but please think of your own baby. You've seen first hand what can happen when that baby is not made the priority. Good luck.
    Honestly , it sounds like your friend is not a ';true friend';, you really should take a good look at your ';so called best friend'; and her true intentions. If you fall for the ';game'; I am sure this friend will take you for a ride $$$$ wise and in the end there will be no friendship .

    If she is old enough to have a boyfriend and to be making babies she should be old enough to take care of herself. Send them to the government for money/roof and help, its not your duty.
    Don't do it !!!

    Just tell her sorry, you'd really like to help her out but you really don't have the room. You are about to have your own baby. You can't have her and her boyfriend stay with you. Think about this.

    1. she didn't do right with her life when she had a major responsibility- to take care of her baby, so she definitely won't have the desire to be responsible now.

    2. do you want this trifling girl around your boyfriend. I don't know whether you trust her in that area but if she didn't have morals when it care to her own child than why would she have any for you.

    And last but not least,

    3. there may be a slight chance that there may be tension or jealousy in your home once YOUR baby is born, due to the fact that she just lost her baby.

    Advice about moving on with family?

    To cut a very long story short i have been with my husband for 6 years, and he was married previously and has a daughter. we also have 2 children. my hubby has some health problems resulting from a brain injury he suffered as a child which make him very vulnerable emotionally and he needs a lot of support from those close to him. after splitting from his former wife he moved to his home town (about 2 hour drive) and we met a year later. his daughter was then 3. i came on the scene at a really hard time, with my husband very depressed and his former wife taking advantage of his vulnerablities to get back at him. Although she petitioned a devorce she continued to try to get back with him, leaving messages about him ruining his daughters life by breaking up her family etc. After we got together this got worse and she made it hard for him to see his child. For the past 6 years I have supported him to fight and fight for proper contact. His daughter couldnt speak on the phone because apparently she has a phobia of it, but at one point we were sending fortnightly letters/cards to her for 3 years with no response. we never gave up, and eventually his former wife agreed to let us go down and see her when she was 7, but wanted us to wait 9 more months. My husband agreed but then suddenly she changed her mind and out of the blue took him to court to try to get a cessation of all contact order. this court process took 2 years and was so draining emotionally as my husband does not have the ability to deal with this sort of stress alone. The court recognised 'implacable hostility' and ordered contact where the mother was not to be involved in any contact because of her attitude. But by now she was 9 years old and it became apparent it was too late at these visits. I was not allowed at these visits and so my husband had to go alone. She told him face to face she did not want to see him and wanted to give his christmas presents back etc. She sent him a card too saying she had a new dad now and that she hated him and wanted him to leave her alone. She had been well and truly turned against him. My husband had only ever sent loving things to her, he even sent games she could play with her mums new partner because he didnt want her to feel she had to choose. He struggled immensly with the visits and began to get very down. I was finding it harder and harder to support him as we had got ourselves into financial debt to see the court case through, and lack of child care was making court appearances difficult, especially as each one was a 4 hour train journey each way. Our 4 year old was also picking up on things and becoming upset. His former wife refused to speak to him at all during proceedings which was so frustrating as we just hoped to talk things through and sort things out positively.

    Eventually my husband agreed to not push contact, but did not want a cessation of contact order in place. He still hopes she will want to come and find him in her own time. Although this is now 'over' in a sense, I feel completely exhausted and so sad for my husband. He hasnt deserved any of this, and I cant believe a mother would manipulate her child to the point where she is upset through bitterness (as cafcass suggested). I dont know what to do with my feelings, it feels like we have been fighting and fighting for years, and I always believed if we kept going long enough she would come round but I couldnt have been more wrong. I feel sad that I have 'lost' the first few years of time with my own children because so much emotion was being poured into his daughter (letters, emails etc). I feel so lost and tired and just dont know what to do with myself. Has anyone else been through this sort of thing? It feels like all the effort has been pointless and I feel really sad it has ended this wayAdvice about moving on with family?
    Well dont be.

    You two hold your heads up high and look yourself in the eye in the mirror and know that you have done all that is humanly possible to keep contact with a very vulnerable child. You can do no more.

    Not a single second of your trial to see her has been wasted.

    The thing to do now is to write everything that you did and why in a long letter. Tell her how much she is loved and that one day it is hoped that she will come and find you. Tell her that if it had not been for her mother's ministrations then contact would have been there all the time. Let her know that no matter how many years go by that you will always be there, the door will always be open.

    Then lodge this letter with solicitors so that it can be forwarded on to her when she becomes 18. What she then does is up to her.

    It is depressing that your husband has been treated this way by his ex wife and sometimes there is just no explanation of why they do it - where the logic is.

    But you cannot blame yourselves - you have both done all you can.

    What you must now do is make up for lost time and make sure that you both give the attention to your children that has been a bit lacking of late. Make your own family feel valued and wanted.

    Explain to them as they grow up about their father's first daughter but be careful not to be disparaging about the first wife - for they WILL repeat that one day. Let them grow up with the attitude that they will welcome this first daughter if ever she comes knocking on the door.

    Whatever you do - dont blame the daughter he can no longer see.

    She is but a child who has been cruelly manipulated.

    I think the courts were incredibly cruel in that they would not let you see the girl as well - her mother has another partner and he has involvement with this child - so why shouldnt you?

    Life can be very hard sometimes - but you both have acted absolutely correctly and out of love and you have no need to let this bury you beneath the weight of its injustice.

    Support your husband and keep him hopeful. And just pray for the miracle of her picking up the phone one day and asking to come and see you.

    I truly hope it all works out - for all of you.Advice about moving on with family?
    hiya, you are a angel, not a lot of women would do what you have done.but you have got to close the book on her now,and hope when she is 16yrs,she will have a mind of her own and look for her and your hubby have got to put every think into your children,and hope they have not beem affected with all that they have missed out are a loving family, and now is the time you start looking ahead,and having a great fun loving, loving time together,with nothink standing in your way.its sad about his daughter,but if she chooses to listen to her mum,when she gets older,there is nothink you can do about it.its her loss.she will be of age,were she should have her own who knows she might look her dad can only hope she does.if not then there is nothink you can do about it. your children need you know.good luck.xx
    I just wanted to say Pooh Bear's answer was spot on. Take her advice. It's awful that another mother can choose to use their child as an emotional part of her game. You have done everything you can. Maybe you would benefit from having some kind of counselling. I don't know where you live, but something like Relate in the UK can do family counselling.

    Good luck

    Advice about High School?

    I will be going into high school next year (freshman). I don't know which classes to take or what to expect. People tell me to get involved and join lots of activities and clubs, but I don't know which ones to take. I like volleyball, but I'm not the best. I am good enough to make a team, but not as good as some of the people I know. I also am thinking about dance line, but I'm not really passionate about dance. I also like acting, so maybe drama club? But it seems like a lot of weird people are in drama club. I am kind of shy, so i don't do good around weird people. lol. Also give me advice about high school. For instance, if you could go back in time to your freshman year, what would you do differently knowing what you know now? Please help!!!!Advice about High School?
    get into leadership its a great way to get involved and get know people from many groups in the school
  • new eyeshadow
  • Advice about this boy?

    I've known this boy for almost four years know,

    We got really close to each other a lot. But every time, something happens and we stop talking.

    I hadn't been talking to him for about a year now, it's was a shame because i really liked him, and i thought about him too.

    A few weeks ago, he text me, saying that he'll always be there for me even if we don't talk anymore.

    I replied. And then for about two weeks we got really close, closer than i've ever felt to him.

    we text each other all the time. He talked about how much he loved me and how much he wanted to see me,

    one time he said, 'You're amazing, i can't describe how special you really are to me, i love you so much, i never want to let you go baby.'

    I reaaally loved him.

    And then he stopped talking to me, he didn't even want to look at me,

    I have no idea what made him change his mind about me, it's just upsetting. I asked him about it, and he said, 'nothing's changed' And then reluctantly told me he loves me.

    I don't know what to do anymore. Please help.Advice about this boy?
    Ok, this is another thing were guys are confusing to girls and girls are confusing to guys.

    Most likely he wasnt playing games. like what ruined me and megans relationship (as bff's) was when her best girl friend said to me how much megans dislikes me and how she will never be with me.

    that made me sad and made me not want to talk to her. but i still cried and i still do about her. now i am trying to be with her because i love her. i want to be with her and i think 1 of the following things has happend...

    Someone said u dislike or hate him.

    Someone said u think he is really anoying

    He thinks u dont want to talk to him so he is giving ur space

    He is just so sad he cant talk to you becaue he doesent want to make it worse (what ever IT is)

    Doesent like u anymore

    Or he could be playing game s(dought it but its possible)

    Now those are some ideas. that is kinda listed in order the i beleave to dont beleave.

    but i say ask him to go to the movies or just to hang out. if he says im busy say, how about on wednessday? then when u hang out talk to him and tell him you really love him and tell him how u feel about that hole not looking at u thing. He will proboly understand and then ask him why that happend.

    hope it helpedAdvice about this boy?
    sorry love but i think your wasting your time as it seems to me at least if he had a real romantic interest in you you would not have to chase him . you also mention he has a girlfriend . of course he respects you and treats you like a friend . dont hold your breath . you should get on with your life their are lots of guys out their enough for every girl so dont waste your time chasing moonbeams good luck .
    Maybe he just wants attention. Leave him to it and he'll come running back 2 u. Just don't let him mess with your mind cos seems like either:

    A) He's p i s s e d off at you for some reason or that you've upset him

    B) He's playing games to mess with your mind.

    Maybe he wants u to tell him how u feel.

    Just be honest and say it how it is and see what he says.

    I think he is playing games with ya. You don't need that.

    I need some advice about moving...?

    I am getting a divorce and just had back surgery....I will be taking my daughter at least 9 hours away from our home state. I have NO money saved up and I plan on getting a job before I leave, and doing some online work to raise cash. When August comes, Im gonna just pack up what I didnt sell, and roll on out. I intend to have a place to move to before I go...Any thoughts on this? Advice? Support? Think Im crazy? Let me knowI need some advice about moving...?
    sounds like you have a you aren't crazy......go make a new life for you and your daughterI need some advice about moving...?
    Don't move your daughter away from her father.
    Sometimes a geographical change is just what the doctor ordered. And then sometimes it does not work. Good luck in your life.
    Well why r you leaving like that. It sounds like your scare of your soon to be ex husband. Yeah I guess if your getting a job i think you will be fine....just make sure you have about 5000 in cash that way in case you cannot get a job right away you have some money.

    I need your advice about a guy?

    In a lapse of judgment, I gave a guy my number after only talking to him for a couple minutes. Just so you know, I 'm usually smarter than that and I don't do this.

    I don't know him at all. Again, I only talked to him for a couple minutes. He keeps calling me (at least twice a day). What should I do?

    I need your advice about a guy?
    Tell him that you aren't interested in him, and that you are sorry. If he need you to, tell him that you know some other people that may like him. Make sure you don't sound rude or mean, but nice and sympathetic. he probably thinks you like him, so you need to say that you don'tI need your advice about a guy?
    If you like him then let him talk to you. But i can see you probably don't like him in that way. You could tell him you have a boyfriend, or you could be straight with him and tell him that you are only interested in being friends (maybe not even that) and that a relationship will not work out.
    he try to get a date with you.

    just tell him that your busy.

    I need some advice about a girl i realy like but so far i havent talked to?

    I always find that the girls i like are the ones that have no interest in me i need some advice on how to talk to this one because im sick and tired of going out with people i dont find very interesting at all.I need some advice about a girl i realy like but so far i havent talked to?
    i think u should just be yourself. if she is really worth your liking, then there is a chance she might like you too. Be confident, because that is one thing that girls always fall for. if u find her an interesting person, talk to her about something u think she'll want to talk about. show her u want to get to know her and like her as a person. and if shes right for u, it'll happen :)I need some advice about a girl i realy like but so far i havent talked to? a little romeo. Leave her a flower with a note ';from a secret admirer';. guess its a first step and take it from there.
    Go up to her and just talk to her. Muster up some courage and DO IT!! Girls like guys who have the b@lls to say something. Buy her a single flower, not a rose, but something pretty, and say to her, ';I saw this today and thought of you, so I had to buy it for you';... see her reaction then!!!

    Good luck!
    ok i used to have the same problem. this is what i found. Just be Proud of you. be exactly who you are and let everyone know that your proud of it. don't be afraid to talk to anyone. just go up and talk. even if it's just saying hey and asking how she is... i'm telling you most women like a confident man so that's what you have to be. hope it helps a little. let me know how things work out.

    I need your advice about my mother's problem.....?

    My mother is 75 and since I remember she used to provoke jeoulsy between her children to force them to do things that she wanted....For example if my brother wouldn't study she would tell him how my sister was good at school.and if my sister was not obeying what she wanted she would tell her how wise and mature my brother was and if I was naughty she would tell how my brother and sister were and would never do such a things I were doing.....well the result is that none of the children have good relationship with each other and of course with her now....although she was a wonderful mother and was very caring and had sacrifised everything in her life for the sake of her children....even now when she wants something from me she does the same thing she first admires my brother or my sister in front of me because of what she desires and then she asks me what she wants me to do.she is old and fragile now what can I do when I get angry with this?I need your advice about my mother's problem.....?
    Do we know each other ?You are describing my mom to boot.They are manipulators.Do only what you can for herI need your advice about my mother's problem.....?
    My grandmother is that way. I thought about it one day and I came to this conclusion: She probably ain't gonna change and I'll just have to accept it. As hard as that sounds, ya know, she's in her golden years and I wouldn't want her to leave me on bad terms. Don't let this put a cleft between you all. Try to focus more on the good times with each other.
    Forgive %26amp; forget it it's in the past.Deal with it %26amp; move on.
    “And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], ';uff,'; and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.” [Quran 17: 23]

    “And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents. His mother carried him, [increasing her] in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the [final] destination.” [Quran 31:14]

    “…No mother should be harmed through her child, and no father through his child…” [Quran 2: 233]

    ';…My Lord and Sustainer! Be kind and have mercy on them as they cherished, nurtured and sustained me in childhood.” [Quran 17: 24]

    Once a companion asked the Prophet as to whom he should show more kindness. The Prophet replied: ';Your mother.'; He asked who comes next and the Prophet again replied: ';Your mother.'; He asked the Prophet yet again who comes next. The Prophet replied: “Your mother.'; When the companion asked for the fourth time, only then did the Prophet reply: ';Your father.';
    Start comparing her to other mothers who would never do such a thing.
    Since you already knew your mother from the very first start I suggest you just keep it astride and don't get jealous and pityful, remember your mom is already in his twilight years any moment or time now she will be called by our maker. So there will be no more mom to talk too or see.

    Just imagine the good things you two do when you are still a child, regardless of what she does to any of your sister or brother, she is just a good story teller to make each and every one of you to move on and strive hard in this life. In other words she challenge you all to think for yourself because in the end she will be gone and will be just brothers and sisters, that is what's life is all about. Think positive not just dwell on the past, we can never returned to the past but definitely look up for the future. Will you still dwell in the past?
    She learnt how to manipulate you all and it worked! You should do only what you can since you already know that this is her method of getting things done. There is no point in being jealous or trying to outdo your siblings, you're all adults with your own lives so it's petty to let it carry on. If you get angry with her about it, instead of blowing up or sulking, just laugh and say in a jocular way that you learnt long ago that she tries to 'trick' you into doing things and then say what you are able to do and will do depending on her request. She may not do it next time...
    what can you do? except dont repeat the cycle with your own children ..we learn from our experiences and i bet your kids will have a great relationship with eachother but they will resent you for other reasons ,no one is a perfect parent and there are no model children ..thank your mom for doing her best and hope that you can do yours...and think of all the great things she told your siblings about you......learn to forgive

    I need some advice about my Doctor.....?

    At my last appt. he didn't check me or anything and told me he'd see me in a week. Then I went to schedule and they did it for 3 weeks! I am 38 weeks pregnant now! I will not see him until the week after my due date. He doesn't even have another Dr taking his patients. They said if I have a problem go to the hospital. I am so angry. I have had complications with my hips/back and pelvis area and he just keeps giving me pain meds. I am in SO much pain, nothing is working and he didn't even care! I was induced with my 1st one and I would like to be induced with this one because I have been measuring big this entire time and he said I am just going to have a big baby, but then he never gave me a ultrasound. What do I do? I would just go into the hospital but everytime I do that they say they need to speak with my DR. I don't understand they leave me in a situation I have no control over. What do I do at this point? I was having pains yesterday but didn't even have a Dr to call... so II need some advice about my Doctor.....?
    sounds like you should make a complaint against this doctor. What he is doing is not right. You should be getting an u/s if they say it's going to be a big baby b/c you might need a c-section.I need some advice about my Doctor.....?
    Where is your doctor, on vaction or something. They have to have an oncall doctor. If you have problems call the office, they will get you to someone.
    well first off I think you should NOT be on any pain meds

    this is not natural.

    Second you DO just need to tough it out.

    If the doctor isn't there then the doctor in the hospital delivers the baby.

    Honestly your the only one who actually NEEDS to be there to push the baby out

    As far as measurements, they mean nothing

    I was told my baby would be 10 pounds or more but he was only 7lbs

    my sister inlaw was told the same thing and her baby was only 5 lbs

    As far as induction? Why would you want to force your baby out early, wait and when your doctor comes back you will be full term and then the induction will be fine.

    And from your message it seems you have been running to the hospital quite a bit, so your familiar now that they agree with your doctor.

    My suggestion is this, think about your baby first

    then think about YOU.

    Having babies hurts, being pregnant hurts, being a mother hurts, I have 3 of them its painful

    But I suck it up , I tough it out for my baby's health

    I fractured my tailbone and pelvis and took NO pain meds

    and delivered naturally.

    I am not saying your faking your pain, but i am saying that everything you put into your body goes into the baby

    after he/she is delivered she could go thru withdrawl symptoms, unless your breastfeeding , in which case you will continue to give her the pain meds via breast milk

    Something to think about.

    Good luck

    Call other Dr's office and ask their advice. Some are wary of taking on a patient so far along but it's extenuating circumstances. If that doesnt work, go to the ER, tell them you dont have a doctor, you've never seen a doctor during your pregnancy and you need help.
    Oh My goodness! I feel so bad for you! I would be so furious! I don't know what I would do, that is so unprofessional and they should see you every week in the last part of your pregnancy! What was the reason they gave? I know I would not be comfortable with him delivering my child, thats for sure! I would call another doctor and tell them your situation, maybe someone will be compassionate enough to help you out. You need an ultrasound to check the baby's weight, to check and see if he's head down, and they need to check if you are dilated! Is there another hospital in your area? Good luck and I am so sorry you are in this situation.
    Find a different doc. Call a new doc's office and explain your situation, I am sure you will find one who will see you immediately. I can't believe he hasn't given you an ultrasound at all. What kind of doc is he?
    I would be VERY angry too! I am sorry that this has happened to you. If the pain gets to bad go to the ER they can not refuse to see you especially once you tell them your doctor is unreachable. I thought that doctors had to have an on-call doctor for situations like this.
    that is crazy. at this point your dr should most certainly be on top of your care. why did they schedule you for 3 weeks out??? i would demand an earlier appt. no longer than a week. and demand answers about the size of your baby, the ultrasound, etc. and what the best route for you at this point would be (whether it be induction, a section or what). i dont understand some of these drs i hear about on here. i am so sorry you are having so much trouble with yours.
    I was shocked to read about your situation!I would call my insurance company tell them everything and they should refer you to another OB.No ultra sounds???Isn't he afraid of a lawsuit?
    If there is any other ob/gyn in town or a different hospital, call them and explain your problem. You need to be seen by a competent professional and it you are being treated this way, so may other women using your current doctor. If there's not another doctor, check and see if there's a midwife. Anything would be better than this kind of treatment.

    Good luck!
    I would definitely call your doctors nurse. I think it's absolutely CRAZY that he would leave with no other doctor on call to see you! I would let her know that you are not ok with the fact that you are in so much pain and there is no doctor to see and ask for a referral for TODAY! If she tells you to go the the ER I would refuse and tell her that you are not hanging up the phone until you have a referral.

    Very Best Wishes!
    #1 an ultrasound is no more accurate then a clinical assessment (from palpating the baby) to determine fetal weight in the latter half of pregnancy.

    #2 Most moms measure 2cm bigger their second pregnancy, its not a big deal and it doesn't mean you are having a big baby.

    #3 A doctor or OB has no training in assisting you with your back/hip/pelvic pain. He should have referred you to a physical or occupational therapist. As he didn't you can still get relief from seeing a chiropractor. For a list of a few trained in prenatal care:

    #4 Just guessing but by ';check you'; you mean he didn't check for dilation and effacement of the cervix. Dilation and effacement are extremely poor predictors of labour. And even if they weren't what difference would it make? Whether he said you had 2 days left or 2 weeks left wouldn't change the fact that your baby will come when your baby is ready.

    I am sorry but the fact of the matter is nobody has much control over pregnancy. We can pretend, we can run all sorts of prenatal tests to make us feel like we do but we don't. We can also treat pregnancy like a disease and over-manage it and put both mom and baby at risk. Inductions are risky in and of themselves, but they also tend to lead to even more interventions that are worse.

    If you are really concerned go to the hospital and demand treatment, but you can't force any doctor to do something they consider unethical and many would consider an unneeded induction to be unethical. They can check your baby's heart rate and give you a second opinion on fetal size (which can be off by as much as 2lbs both through ultrasounds and clinical examination). If you are very lucky they might get a physiotherapist down to show you some exercises, but that's about it.
    I would make an appointment with another doctor. Tell him the situation and your concerns. If anything, you could get checked out. Maybe a second opinion. Remember, you hired your doctor to see to your care. You can also fire him. If you are not comfortable with him, then find someone else.

    If you are having pains or need to be checked out, don't be afraid to go to the hospital if you feel the need to. Better to be cautious than to ignore these things.

    If you go to the hospital and feel that you are not getting the treatment you need, ask to speak to the patient advocate. Their job is to hear your concerns and try to resolve the issue.
    If your doctor has seen you your entire pregnancy then I am sure that he/she has a good reason for this. If everything is healthy there is really no reason to see you this close to the end, seeing you after your due date makes sense to see where's the baby and see if he/she can get things moving. If you really want to see the doctor sooner, start having sex that helped get things moving for both of our pregnancies. Congrats you will meet your baby soon!
    It sounds like you are fixing to go into labor to me. I would say to go to a different doctor and completely explain the situation and tell them that you have not had an ultasound. What kind of insurance do you have (medicaid, tricare, etc.) first of all? Normally you will have to call the insurance company and ask to swtich doctors, and if they ask you why so far into your pregnancy then explain to them what has been going on and don't leave anything out. Hope this helps.
  • new eyeshadow
  • I Need Some Advice About This Boy Please!!!?

    I like my friends brother. during the school year i got to know my friends older borther cuz he was in a lot?

    of my classes. he was nice, funny and always helped me with homework. his sister-my friend-is a year younger than us.shes a really good friend cuz we both play a sport so we're together a lot. 1 day i told her i liked her brother she said hes weird and has never had a girlfriend and is like anti-girlfriend or something, she didnt really know how to explain him. i think hes just shy or doesnt know how to ask a girl out or something like that. anyways now thats its summer he has been away at camp and i havent seen/talked to him. really want him as my boyfriend, but i think that would be so awkword around my friend, (i think she thinks i dont like him anymore cuz she talks about him alot and doesnt ask if i like him anymore). a few days ago i told some1 i liked him and they're like ohh!! hes so cute, hes the nicest person ever you gotta do it!! everyone says that but idk what toI Need Some Advice About This Boy Please!!!?
    Remember your friend first because she was there first. But if you really like him and don't make it uncomfortable for your friend then go for it. Just be honest with your friend, him, and yourself. Take it slow aswell never rush into things.I Need Some Advice About This Boy Please!!!?
    I did not get u wat do wanna say???
    Well me i'm not an expert in this type of situation my situation is so different but why would your friend hate you for something like that i mean if one of my younger friends liked my brother i wouldn't mind hey as long as my brother is happy it's cool with me and as long as my friend treats hiim right the only reason your friend would hate is if she allready had someone in mind to setup her brother with or she really doesn't likes you as a friend and pretends to be your friend or maybe she would get jealous that you would spent more time with her brother if you were his girlfriend then spending time quality with your younger friend.
    If you dont want your friend to hate you, and people already know you like her brother, then you just need to be honest with her and say, hey. I still like your brother.

    I mean, not many people would be immature enough to do something psychotic like end a friendship over a truthful statment like that. and as for getting him to ask a girl out, you might be the kind of girl he is trying to avoid, that standard mentality.

    You see, you just talked about getting him to ask you out. Maybe he is like me, and wouldnt ever want to date a girl not independent enough to ask the guy out for a change. :)

    Ask your sister about him, why he doesnt like girls. He might just be fed up with the overwhelmingly typical type of girl in todays world.
    My advice, is to just follow whatever your heart tells you!
    go up and ask then talk to him if you friend thinks its okay........the worst thing that could happen is well he could not like you........
    Well.....hes like me,i never really asked a girl out kinda shy.....i think it would be easier if you girls gave us guys some hints...its hard to make a move on you girls if you always make it seem like you dont notice us,what i think you should do is say hi to that guy...if not then he'll probly be like me and not even bother with you EVER. So im just sayin its worth a shot =D
    Let's make it real simple--do you REALLY like this guy? Then offer to be his girlfriend, tell him how you feel and be straight-forward.

    If you care more about your friendship than him, then don't bother. You're only going to hurt him and you and your friend by making a lame attempt at a relationship. He's not worth your time if you can't give it to him.

    Good luck!
    i think you should first tell your friend you still like her brother regardless of how anti girfriend she says he is if she is your true friend she will not hate you then you should talk to him go for it hes probably just shy and needs you to make the first move...good luck!
    Clear it with your friend first. Tell her point blank that you like him and are interested in a relationship. Tell her you want an honest answer as to how she feels about it. Tell her that you will respect her wishes, because your friendship is the most important to you because boys come and go, and friendship is what truly last. With all that said, make sure she understands how much you actually like him. When you get her honest answer, listen to her. If she is ok with it, go for it. If she is not, then respect her wishes. There are tons of guys at your school, I'm sure, and that is nothing compared to the world that's full of them. Odds are, ten years down the road, you will have no relationship with him, however, there's a great chance you %26amp; her will still be friends. Good Luck!
    just tell her the truth if shes your friend you should be able to talk to her.if she gets mad then shes not a real friend.

    you cant help how ya feel but what you do about says who you are.

    first of all change your retarded looking avatar its distracting my thinking
    i think you should get to know him better first. ask your friend before asking him. if you get to know him better you might be able to tell if he likes you or not that's how i did it! but I'm pretty much real straight forward..... and ummm... good luck...... yeah i feel weird telling someone that =/

    Im 12 i need random advice please about anything?

    treat others the way you would want to be treated. do not spread rumors . be a nice young lady with values and morals so you will grow up to be a nice young lady. don't follow what other kids are doing your age if you don't feel comfortable. that means in dating to. . Join clubs or sports keeps you active and out of trouble. and don't find trouble when trouble comes your way walk the other way.

    be good to your parents and be a loving soul.Im 12 i need random advice please about anything?
    Be kind to your mother, always wear clean underwear and bring an umbrella if its going to rain - with a career as an archaeologist google the schools name and see if its got a good reputation with the subject, there could be a better one a bit further away than you are looking for, but its worthwhile in the end because you will learn more :)Im 12 i need random advice please about anything?
    some advice stay in school an dont listen to any of your friends when they want to ditch or go do drugs dont cut skool cuz u will get behind or end up dropping out if you get carried away by bad influence so stay in school and get your sellf a goal and a career
    When you go into colder regions, don't eat yellow snow! Oh, and carrer and geting is spelled career and getting! There, random advice!
    Ok, remember to stay in your books. In others words don't be so easy to stray with friends and do what they want you to do. Thats it. Enjoy.
    stop eating garbage.


    learn something that you will be able to make money doing.

    life goes by faster and faster with each day that passes.

    don't get knocked up.
    The best advice I can give you.. if you are 12.. don't come into this forum... read a book,, play a game... talk to your parents.

    Yahoo answers is not the place for twelve year olds. Honest!
    here's some advice!..... don't ask for random advice on answers.... :D
    Never draw to an inside straight.
    Limit what you will do for a free T shirt.