Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need advice about this guy.?

umm.......ok, here it goes.

what do u say 2 a guy that u dont really know 2 start a conversation ??? he knows that i think hes cute nd he supposively toldd my friend that i was pretty. what should i say. i dont really talk 2 guys that i dont know, i get shy. but what should i say ??? i dont really have experience in this as u can tell, lolz.I need advice about this guy.?
Aww, that is really cute!! I mean, at least he thinks you are pretty. Just be yourself. smile a lot around him and ocassionally walk past in a confident way to take his attention. Last but not least, just be patient. Only fate can tell.I need advice about this guy.?
just ask him if he knows to answer to something.......that should start off a conversation.
How 'bout that local sports team?


With a name like 'punk rocker' you're obviously into music, so why not find out what kind of bands he is into.
talk about what he likes..say hi first then mention something he LOVES
well if hes in classes u cud ask for the hw or something or ask if he has this certain teacher and stuff, also u can start IMing him and just like saying thinggss
greatest line ever to start a conversation:

';Hey, Whats Up?';
talk about your friend that he told. start off with a casual hi how are you. smile and listen actions and eye contact go along way
simple answer dont men r supposed to do all the chasing dont make it easy for him he should b the aggressor you should b a challenge dont make it easy plus if u do it this way over time u'll get to see if he really likes you if a mans not interested he wont bother so dont make it easy because by u making it easy for him you'r also making urself easy (no disrespect)
okay maybe u should ask hi stuff like what he likes and then u can ask him the question or ask him to dinner.
Start a normal conversation eg how was you holidays and then be your self
well if i were you i would tell your friend to tell himmm that you want him to talk to YOU. if your shy you dont wanna mess stuff up! and if this guy told your friend your pretty he must have some attraction to you, so if he knew you wanted him to talk to you he most definetly would. good luck!!

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