Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need serious advice about ......???

SPLIT ENDS HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I need serious advice about ......???
First what you should know is hair is not alive BUT there is a difference between moisturized, trimmed, smooth feeling, strong hair with no split ends and hair that looks and feels dry, is brittle and breaking, and has lots of split ends.

Second, what is healthy hair? Healthy hair has the right amount of protein and moisture in it and the outer layer of the cuticle ';shingles'; lies down which, in turn, protects the inner layers of hair strands from damage, like say straightening everyday. When the outer cuticles are not moisturized and coated with conditioner the outer ';shingles'; stand out and and hair is dry, dull, and rough.

To find out if your hair is healthy there are 3 easy tests.

1. Hold a strand between your hands and pull. If it snaps dully without stretching at all, you have a moisture problem. Do deep conditioning treatments. If it stretches really long without a pop you have a protein problem. You need to do more protein treatments. The perfect balance is a hair strand that stretches a little and breaks with a loud pop.

2. You can also tell if your hair is not getting enough moisture. Put a strand in a bowl of water. If it floats, your good, if it sinks right away that means it's too porous and absorbs water too quickly becuase it's dry. Of course as I've explained ';dry'; hair is not really ';dry'; it just means the outer layer is standing up and the water can fill into the inner layer of the strand (like a sponge) pulling the hair down into the water. You need to condition everytime you shampoo, apply a leave in conditioner before straightening and DC every two weeks or so.

3. Simple: split ends. End of the hair strand looks like a Y. If you do not get these trimmed immediately they can move up the shaft. Visible sign of damaged hair and simplest test.

If your hair all over is ';dead'; or fried you need mutiple protein treatments and deep conditioning treatment. Nothing can fully repair damaged strands the protein will just coat the cracks in hair, temporarily stopping breakage (which is why you need multiple treatments) and deep conditioning is more a preventive measure rather than a restorative measure. Once hair is completely fried (split ends up shaft, brittle, rough to the touch, straw-like texture) nothing repairs it but cutting it off. It doesn't sounds like you hair has reached that point yet.

It may be close though so my biggest tip? Stop straightening hair so much and before you do apply a heat protectant. Also always have a leave in conditioner in your strands to protect hair from UV rays, styling, elements, fabrics, heat, etc.I need serious advice about ......???
visit the following sites

I definitely recommend the last website because this one specifies what you need to do to instantly remove split ends.

As a natural stylist, I recommend that you apply jojoba oils on your ends every night and braid your hair into four sections. Cover your hair with a silk or satin scarf. Spray with extra virgin olive oil in the morning.
just get a haircut.

I used to have really horrible split ends. My hair was literally about 3 or 4 inches away from my butt and my split ends went all the way to around my boobs. I got my hair cut down to my shoulders and it looks sooo much better now. The styles better and plus it just looks way healthier than before.
I think that you should get a haircut, maybe a trim or something!

or you could use some hair products like pantene or garnier...

also, stop straightening your hair and blowdrying it and stuff

dont wash it everyday, i know it sounds gross but i screws up your hair.....

Good luck!
i don't know baby , i'm italian and i not understand

but i 'll give the star
Yeah just gett a little trim

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