Thursday, December 31, 2009

Advice about this boy?

I've known this boy for almost four years know,

We got really close to each other a lot. But every time, something happens and we stop talking.

I hadn't been talking to him for about a year now, it's was a shame because i really liked him, and i thought about him too.

A few weeks ago, he text me, saying that he'll always be there for me even if we don't talk anymore.

I replied. And then for about two weeks we got really close, closer than i've ever felt to him.

we text each other all the time. He talked about how much he loved me and how much he wanted to see me,

one time he said, 'You're amazing, i can't describe how special you really are to me, i love you so much, i never want to let you go baby.'

I reaaally loved him.

And then he stopped talking to me, he didn't even want to look at me,

I have no idea what made him change his mind about me, it's just upsetting. I asked him about it, and he said, 'nothing's changed' And then reluctantly told me he loves me.

I don't know what to do anymore. Please help.Advice about this boy?
Ok, this is another thing were guys are confusing to girls and girls are confusing to guys.

Most likely he wasnt playing games. like what ruined me and megans relationship (as bff's) was when her best girl friend said to me how much megans dislikes me and how she will never be with me.

that made me sad and made me not want to talk to her. but i still cried and i still do about her. now i am trying to be with her because i love her. i want to be with her and i think 1 of the following things has happend...

Someone said u dislike or hate him.

Someone said u think he is really anoying

He thinks u dont want to talk to him so he is giving ur space

He is just so sad he cant talk to you becaue he doesent want to make it worse (what ever IT is)

Doesent like u anymore

Or he could be playing game s(dought it but its possible)

Now those are some ideas. that is kinda listed in order the i beleave to dont beleave.

but i say ask him to go to the movies or just to hang out. if he says im busy say, how about on wednessday? then when u hang out talk to him and tell him you really love him and tell him how u feel about that hole not looking at u thing. He will proboly understand and then ask him why that happend.

hope it helpedAdvice about this boy?
sorry love but i think your wasting your time as it seems to me at least if he had a real romantic interest in you you would not have to chase him . you also mention he has a girlfriend . of course he respects you and treats you like a friend . dont hold your breath . you should get on with your life their are lots of guys out their enough for every girl so dont waste your time chasing moonbeams good luck .
Maybe he just wants attention. Leave him to it and he'll come running back 2 u. Just don't let him mess with your mind cos seems like either:

A) He's p i s s e d off at you for some reason or that you've upset him

B) He's playing games to mess with your mind.

Maybe he wants u to tell him how u feel.

Just be honest and say it how it is and see what he says.

I think he is playing games with ya. You don't need that.

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