Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need some advice about.... Just read more inside please?

Okay so my mom keeps asking me about sex like have me and my boyfriend of a year had sex yet, we have kinda a lot but i am scared to tell her, she knows im sexually active but not with him, i just don't want her to ask wat im doing and where im going all the time, im 18 and everything but still she stills wants wats best for me, She has also noticed that i havent had my period in a while, i know im not pregnant and have no idea why im not having it its been about 3 monthes. I just don't really know wat to do. I know i should probably go to a docter but what else, I guess i just need some advice. ThanksNeed some advice about.... Just read more inside please?
Your mom cares for you but is a bit over protecturate of you(sorry but somethingiswrongwith thekeyboard....)Need some advice about.... Just read more inside please?
Lack of a period is a medical issue. It could be serious. Having sex with a boyfriend is not an issue unless someone makes it one. If you're 18, its none of your mom's business unless it affects her.

Finally, spell the word ';What'; with an H after the W. ';Wat'; is not a word.
just tell her youir an adult any way and see a docter for your own good
Wow-talk to your mom. You need to get to the Doctor and find out whats going on. If she already knows you're sexually active, and you're 18, what's the big deal? You need her help and possibly her support. Trust her.
If your mom already knows you've been sexually active in the past, she probably already knows you've had sex with your bf of a year. If you dont want 20 questions, then set her straight. Tell her yes you are having sex and yes you are using protection and your being responsible. Just make sure you live up to your word and make sure you are using protection and being responsible. 3 months is a long time for the adverage 18 year old to go without a period, but i dont know if your a training althete or if your massively stressed, all things that could trigger a delay in your period. If your questioning the big P word, get a home pregnancy test. If you dont feel you got the best answer... then you need to see a doc, just to check out that everything is ok with your girlie plumbing
First go to the doctor and then tell your mom.I think your mom already knows that u had sex with him, but she just wants you to tell her. Just go to the doc or get a home pregnancy test , and tell your mom about it.

Good luck =D
Tell the truth... once you lie you have to keep covering it up with another and another etc.... yes, you are 18.. the adult thing to do is tell her what's really going on... plus she might be able to take you to the doctors about your no show problem...

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