Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need some advice about moving...?

I am getting a divorce and just had back surgery....I will be taking my daughter at least 9 hours away from our home state. I have NO money saved up and I plan on getting a job before I leave, and doing some online work to raise cash. When August comes, Im gonna just pack up what I didnt sell, and roll on out. I intend to have a place to move to before I go...Any thoughts on this? Advice? Support? Think Im crazy? Let me knowI need some advice about moving...?
sounds like you have a you aren't crazy......go make a new life for you and your daughterI need some advice about moving...?
Don't move your daughter away from her father.
Sometimes a geographical change is just what the doctor ordered. And then sometimes it does not work. Good luck in your life.
Well why r you leaving like that. It sounds like your scare of your soon to be ex husband. Yeah I guess if your getting a job i think you will be fine....just make sure you have about 5000 in cash that way in case you cannot get a job right away you have some money.

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