Thursday, December 31, 2009

Girlz help! Need advice about......?

Well theres this girl. We have a few classes together and we know each other. We sort of hang out at lunch but thats about it. In class we flirt and I really like her. I think she likes me but I don't know.

I want to make a move but am too scared. Is there any ways I can slowly hook up with her(We are in 7th grade btw)?Girlz help! Need advice about......?
Well if you guys flirt in class, you can do something like passing her a note asking if she wasnts to hang out or go to the movies over the weekend. theres two other things u HAVE to do also. 1. joke around with her when she says things like ';i love chocolate'; (random) smile and joke around by saying eww chocolate, 2. compliment the little things such as her shirt or hair or eyesor even handwriting. it always works, i hope i can help !Girlz help! Need advice about......?
Well, as long as you treat her with respect, and dont treat her like dirt,

then let things fall into place, neer rush things because then you seem to eager and too desperate.

i suggest just being yourself and playing it by ear, and then once you have a good feeling shes into you, talk to her. Being a girl I know that when a guy is brave and honest and comes right out about his feelings, its muuch better then waiting around to hear from the grape vine wether or not he lieks you, %26amp; if you wait to long to talk to her, youll lose out !!

goood luck!
dont do it slowly go straight for her then ask her out (always at the begining of class no idea why) but if your are nervous (i would call you a frak if you wernt) just keep telling yourself that life is short i got to engoy it e-mail me for any other questions

p.s. i really need this best answer
Omg I have the same problem (but I like a guy) well you could ask her friends to ask her if you likes you or ask one of you friends to say '; hey do you like*insert name here* you just seem like you might .. or just ask her I don't thinks she'll make fun of you for liking her
heck if you like her and she likes you go for it the worst that can happen is shell say no and you can be friends and then gradually become more than that over time
well just step up the flirting a notch.. girls definitly love flirtng and if u step it up shell get the hint then if she keeps flirting back ask her to hang out after school like to a baseball game or somthing casual.. it want make it to much pressure!!!
If you're too shy to do it in person, use IMing or messaging to ask her to the movies, out with a group of friends, or to an amusement park.

Good luck :)
try to talk to her more, invite a group to hang out and invite her

or take your chances and ask her out

you will never know unless you try:)
Ask her to go with you to the movies :)
talk to her, :)

tell her you like her.

and ask her to a movie or something.

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