Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need advice about coming out...?

okay, im 16 and bi-sexual

i haven't told my parents or friends and not sure if i should.

i hope my friends would be cool with it but i think my parents (especially my dad) would find it weird.

i was wondering if anyone had came out and had any advice?

ThanksI need advice about coming out...?
don't tell your family if you think there may be trouble

maybe start by telling a few chosen friends who you know you can trustI need advice about coming out...?
Hi there, personally I do not think your sexuality is any other persons business but your own and your partners, unless you intend to have sex in front of your friends and parents there is no reason why your sexuality is of any interest to them. I am bisexual and have been for over 30 years and my family do not know i am bisexual and neither do they need to know, its not hiding it or ashamed of it, being bisexual is as normal as being heterosexual and you wouldnt go and broadcast to your family that you are heterosexual would you, if they love you unconditionally there is no reason why your sexuality should affect them - What reason would there be to tell your friends what sex you sleep with, its only your business and that of your partner who is involved with you - so the simple answer is don't tell them its none of their business and there are so many homophoebics out there that it could be used as an excuse against you or to lose friends, what they dont know wont hurt them - or you...
Can I be Honesty? I do not advice you to do that now!

6 years ago,when I was 18 I decided to tell my mother I am Bi... well, I regret till today. Every time we argue, she throws it in my face. I am not saying my mother is wrong, I love her and I do understand her,even though I will never stop being Bi but it's been bothering me forever.

You are so young, and even though you really wanna do that, just wait some time. Don't need to tell people about it now. Wait till you have your own house, a good job so that you will have to answer only for yourself.

I am from Brazil,forgive me if I made any English mistake...but I hope you understood it!
Nobody who does not know you and your family really well can answer this. Some (rational) people accept gays and lesbians with no problem others are bigoted (irrational) and never underestimate how many ';closet homophobes'; are out there.

Once you come out you may be screwed for life so before you do make sure that you KNOW exactly what will happen.

I haven't personally come out, as i am straight, but i do think if they are your true friends they will respect your decision. Be prepared that they and your parents may be slightly shocked at first, but i'm sure they will get used to it and hopefully it wont even bother them.

A few of my friends are bi and now they've came out they seem happy, as they don't need to hide anything.

Best of luck.
if you dont think its important to tell them then dont it would save a couple friendships and alot of weirdness. your parents are less likely to understand then ur friends. so if theres a couple you trust then tell them. at first its completely weird and they probably wont want to talk about it.
Just do it. That's the only advice I can give. It seems so hard to do such, and I wish I had taken my own advice. I'm a full-blown lesbian and to this day, my parents don't believe me. With coming out, you have to know now that there WILL be people who dislike it. I have a lot of anxiety over the fear of being judged...but if you don't come out, you'll never meet that person for you, and that's the biggest mistake one could make.

It all depends on how well you know those people and how well they react to knews....especially these kind of news. The first people you might want to focus on telling is your parents. Because no matter what, your parents will always be there for you, even if it takes some time to get used to for them.

Your friends may be something you could tell, but not immediately, as they might not approve of it and they might make it difficult for you....especially because your all teenagers and lets face it, teengaers can be a ***** to anyone if they want to be. Teenagers can do some pretty nasty things to you if your not careful. Your best friend (if you have one) should be the only friend you'd be best telling.

You'll be fine and i hope everything works out. If you're not ready, then just wait. Patience is a vluable key. Plus, you've got a ways to go, so don't force yourself into such a stressful situation if you don't have to.

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