Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need some advice about my older sister.?

Ok so im 28 preggo's with my 4th child. I have an oler sister who is 32. Ok I have a hrad time getting along with her, she i dont know were to start I have been living in the same house for 3 years and this last december she los her home because she didnt want to pay the bills and spent all her money on crap. And in the 3 months that they stayed here with us the messed up our home so bad, half of my dish waher is in the back yard, 3 broken bed room doors holes in walls. My childrens rooms were o messy that I could not walk in 4 year old sons pellow were out side in the rain... I have a 400$ broken computer, she broke the mirror on my when I told her about the puter i told her we really do not know who broke it s we were not going to sk for any $ nd she starts screaming at me saying that by say what i jsut said was blaming her nd her kids.. what do i do I tried talking to her and it only gets worse im always in the wrong, i dont want any thing to do with her ?????I need some advice about my older sister.?
It seems to me your sister lacks respect and she is teaching the children disrespect.You certainly don't want that to rub off on your children.

Look sometimes the worst thing you can do for someone is help them.Especially when they refuse to be responsible for their own life and actions.She is grown woman and should know how to take care of herself.

It is like this someone asks you for a 5 dollar you loan them the money..After sometime it becomes a habit seems like you are always giving them that 5 dollars and to top it off never getting it back.

Your sister has some issues that are not yours to take on.

I am sure her presence has caused alot of tension in your household.She may not be hurting your children physically but she is hurting them in other ways.Would you let the neighborhood bully take out his/her anger on your family and your household?Sometimes the neighborhood bully has a familiar face.

Do yourself a favor.An act of love for your sister and your family....Tell her it is time for her to move out and be out in a week and stand your ground!

How she manages to move is not your problem.I need some advice about my older sister.?
Whoa. Sounds like you're in over your head. You need to have a serious talk with your sister; you don't need that additional stress of her living with you, especially when you already have four kids of your own to worry about. If she doesn't clean up her act and try to get a job after you talk with her, you need to kick her out. By age 32, she should learn some responsibility. Call it ';tough love'; if you will, but it's the right thing to do.
I think it's time for her to get her own place.
kick her out........?
I find that the best way to go is to let her hit bottom. If she feels like somebody is going to be there, then she might not feel to compelled to change. It is your life and your house. Do what you want. I know she is family, but sometimes the best kind of love is the tough. Give her a set date to get her orders straight, make her move out, and make sure you stick to it. She might not like it at this time, but in the future, she will appreciate it.
Get her a boyfriend that will let her move in with him.

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