Sunday, December 27, 2009

TTC for the 1st time, any tips or advice? Very confused about ovalution as don't keep track of period dates!?

Last period began 5th of this month til the 9th, usually get period first few days of each month, not sure if i have a 28 or 30 day cycle!! Any tips or advice would be much appericated!TTC for the 1st time, any tips or advice? Very confused about ovalution as don't keep track of period dates!?
It would be good if you could figure out your cycle so that you can know when you ovulate. If you have a 28 day cycle, your fertile time will be from the 16th to the 21st of this month. If you have a 30 day cycle, your fertile time will be from the 18th to the 23rd. So it would probably be best to start BD on the 16th and go through the 23rd since you're not really sure. If you do figure out your cycles, you can use the ovulation calculator at to help you figure out your fertile time.

A lot of people say to have sex every other day, instead of every day, to let the sperm build up and all that. My husband and I just make sure it's at least 24 hours apart, if we do end up doing it every day.

If you want to, you can lay with your rear on a pillow and your feet up for about 30 minutes after sex, so that you can have gravity on your side. :) But some people say that doesn't really help, because any sperm that does come out is probably not very good. So that part is up to you.

Anyway, I hope this helps and that you get your BFP soon! AF is due for me tomorrow, and I think she's going to come, but I still have a little hope that I'll get a BFP!TTC for the 1st time, any tips or advice? Very confused about ovalution as don't keep track of period dates!?
Hi for the 1st month of trying I used Ovulation sticks which gives you a positive around the days you are Ovulating but I didnt fall pregnant. 2nd month of trying we just did it every other day after my period finished for about 2 1/2 weeks and I found out last wed that I am pregnant,around 5 weeks! what I would say is dont think about it to much and just do it as much as you can and hope for the best, just have fun and it will happen :)
Sperm lives in the body up to 5 days.

You should just have sex every other day.

That way you will always have a nice supply of sperm inside you waiting for whenever you ovulate.

Also take supplements (both of you- try sanatogen)

Eat healthily.

Dont smoke or drink much.

Good luck!
Start docking ur period dates, basal temps and ovulation days. and don't have sex too often.. like the women above said.. every other day is fine. Too often and the sperm count will just lower pointlessly. And the sperm survive for like 3-5 days anyhow.
Hey i would suggest you start tracking your period, i use this website: it's free and really helps! It also explains everything to you!

Good Luck

Baby dust to you!

TTC 20 Months now
have sex every day, or at least every second day start taking folic acid - just relax and have fun with it!
  • jane iredale
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