Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need advice about a friend badly?

mii friend started dating this guy who right from the begining i felt there was sumthin rong with

and now all he does is say thats shes his property or that shes a **** and that he wants to make her life a living hell one night

and then the next day says srry and shes is forgiving him everytime but then calls the next night crying terribly with whut he is saying to herr

she sneaks out to his house without tellin her parents where she is goin and leaves me to deal with them

how do i explain to her that hes just not right

that she deserves better and make her listen to mee...Need advice about a friend badly?
How old is your friend? Sounds like she's not real smart or has low self esteem issues. If she's underage an sneaking out- tell her you will not cover for her. You don't want to be an accomplice to the abuser. You may even think about getting her some help- she's in trouble!Need advice about a friend badly?
Well you have to understand that firstly you should tell her. Be ready for any response because she might just not agree with you or she might agree but still stay with him. everybodys not the same unfortunatley and some people sta in abusive situations as a friend tell her warn her but trough this process of her gaining strength and her eyes being open dont leave her side
tell her straight out how you feel and let me tell you she is not going to happy about it but then you are being a good friend because a good friend protects the other and not stand by while somebody is hurting them even it is emotionally.. don't cover for her when she sneaks out because if she gets caught you also get in trouble. if you don't like the guy don't help her out by covering for her. tell her that you are not covering for her and if she continues to do so tell her that you would tell her is going to be tough but you are her friend and have her best interest at heart she might not be happy with your decision or actions but she would eventually realize that you were just looking out for her. if the guy is already acting like this it means that the only road the relationship is going is toward an abusive one...why not stop it before it happens and it goes to far.
The best thing you can do is to pray for her and for her friend...the prayer can help us all a lot!

Take very good care!
you shouldnt cover for her and the only way she will learn is through time, she will eventually see what an *** hole he is!!

good luck!
Unfortunately you can't tell her anything she doesn't already know. It is just that she isn't ready to admit to herself that her boyfriend emotionally abuses her yet. You can listen and let her know that you are there for her but you will no longer lie to her parents for her. She needs a true friend let her know that she has found one in you by not passing judgment. However if you think her boyfriend becomes increasingly violent let her parents or other trusted adults know immediately.
Keep trying to tell her, but sometimes people need to learn lessons on their own. Be there for her and keep trying to make her realize he is not good for her. Do not be harsh because you will push her away.

He is a prick you are not, she will learn.

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