Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need advice about basic highschool stuff?

well, i guess i'm just going througha phase. that phase when you're around 17, and nothing can be good enough. i want to be prettier, smarter, more athletic, all around better... and i hate this. i don't know why i've been in this phase lately.

i've been comparing myself to other girls.. i never do that.

i get jealous really easily.

i'm very veryyy competitive.

i hate being this way.. i'm really not a materialistic or greedy person whatsoever.. i think i just feel a lot of pressure from my surroundings? does that make sense?

anyways, i'm looking for a way to ';find my center'; figure out WHO i am exactly, and stop worrying about other people and what they're like!

i need some way to make me feel better about myself and stop comparing myself to every other girl out there. please help me!!! also, i know i'm not ugly, dumb, or unathletic.. but i just keep comparing myself to others.. i have no idea why haha.Need advice about basic highschool stuff?
I'm 27 y.o. now but I remember being 17. I wasn't skinny enough, pretty enough, blah blah blah blah. Now that I'm older I will give you this bit of advice; What you are going through is normal, but the best way to get around it is to focus on other things than yourself. Volunteer for people that are less fortunate, get a hobby that doesn't involve competition (it just makes YOU happy), and remember that you won't be 17 forever and all of this will be behind you. Good LuckNeed advice about basic highschool stuff?
well you just really need to look yourself in the mirror and just be happy for who you really are. im normally a positive person so its easier for me but im not the ';prettiest'; girl in school so in another way its hard. when you look out in the school and see others just think of how the ';preps'; ';goths'; ';punks'; or whatever just think their lives arent as good as they make it out to be. and dont worry your phase will pass.
  • jane iredale
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