Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need advice about female issues!?

My boyfriend and I have had sex while I was on my period. i know thats weird but anyways. My question is would having sex during that time throw off my MC or cause it to not come completely? Because now I have missed my period. It is more than a week late and I suspect I could be pregnant as well?! What is going on??? Anyone who knows something please help!?!?I need advice about female issues!?
I'm thinking you're stressed and that's what is throwing off your cycle. Take a test. If negative, let it go. Don't stress and take another. If positive, get used to the idea.

And contrary to popular belief, you cannot get pregnant anytime. The only way you can get pregnant during your period is if you have a very short cycle, like 21 days or so. If you have a regular 28-32 day one, you can't.I need advice about female issues!?
take a test
There are very few things which can throw off your menstrual cycle, travel through time zones, starvation, excessive exercise and pregnancy but not having sex during your period. Which is not as uncommon as you think. Women get pregnant during their periods all the time. Go get tested if you think you might be PG. It might not be too late for emergency contraception if you get down to Planned Parenthood with a quickness.
You can get pregnant at any time.
sometimes it stops your ';cycle'; till next time. get a pregnancy test just to be sure.
First of all you re not married ,secondly even if you were having sex while you are bleeding puts you both in danger of hell fire.Its an abomination for him to discover your ';fountain';look in the truth, that is to say the Bible.
Sperm can live 4 days inside, you are only ';safe'; 3 days (and very difficult to predict which days) therefore, you could be pregnant. But then again, maybe not. Use a condom next time?
you could very well be pregnant. of course, i would hope that if you were, you would keep it, or give it up for adoption and not abort.... you didnt use protection, that's not the baby's fault if your pregnant. good luck.
I have done this before myself. It may just throw off your cycle, but I don't think you can get pregnant while you are actually on your cycle (or should I say it is more difficult). You should be OK.

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