Thursday, December 31, 2009

I Need Some Advice About This Boy Please!!!?

I like my friends brother. during the school year i got to know my friends older borther cuz he was in a lot?

of my classes. he was nice, funny and always helped me with homework. his sister-my friend-is a year younger than us.shes a really good friend cuz we both play a sport so we're together a lot. 1 day i told her i liked her brother she said hes weird and has never had a girlfriend and is like anti-girlfriend or something, she didnt really know how to explain him. i think hes just shy or doesnt know how to ask a girl out or something like that. anyways now thats its summer he has been away at camp and i havent seen/talked to him. really want him as my boyfriend, but i think that would be so awkword around my friend, (i think she thinks i dont like him anymore cuz she talks about him alot and doesnt ask if i like him anymore). a few days ago i told some1 i liked him and they're like ohh!! hes so cute, hes the nicest person ever you gotta do it!! everyone says that but idk what toI Need Some Advice About This Boy Please!!!?
Remember your friend first because she was there first. But if you really like him and don't make it uncomfortable for your friend then go for it. Just be honest with your friend, him, and yourself. Take it slow aswell never rush into things.I Need Some Advice About This Boy Please!!!?
I did not get u wat do wanna say???
Well me i'm not an expert in this type of situation my situation is so different but why would your friend hate you for something like that i mean if one of my younger friends liked my brother i wouldn't mind hey as long as my brother is happy it's cool with me and as long as my friend treats hiim right the only reason your friend would hate is if she allready had someone in mind to setup her brother with or she really doesn't likes you as a friend and pretends to be your friend or maybe she would get jealous that you would spent more time with her brother if you were his girlfriend then spending time quality with your younger friend.
If you dont want your friend to hate you, and people already know you like her brother, then you just need to be honest with her and say, hey. I still like your brother.

I mean, not many people would be immature enough to do something psychotic like end a friendship over a truthful statment like that. and as for getting him to ask a girl out, you might be the kind of girl he is trying to avoid, that standard mentality.

You see, you just talked about getting him to ask you out. Maybe he is like me, and wouldnt ever want to date a girl not independent enough to ask the guy out for a change. :)

Ask your sister about him, why he doesnt like girls. He might just be fed up with the overwhelmingly typical type of girl in todays world.
My advice, is to just follow whatever your heart tells you!
go up and ask then talk to him if you friend thinks its okay........the worst thing that could happen is well he could not like you........
Well.....hes like me,i never really asked a girl out kinda shy.....i think it would be easier if you girls gave us guys some hints...its hard to make a move on you girls if you always make it seem like you dont notice us,what i think you should do is say hi to that guy...if not then he'll probly be like me and not even bother with you EVER. So im just sayin its worth a shot =D
Let's make it real simple--do you REALLY like this guy? Then offer to be his girlfriend, tell him how you feel and be straight-forward.

If you care more about your friendship than him, then don't bother. You're only going to hurt him and you and your friend by making a lame attempt at a relationship. He's not worth your time if you can't give it to him.

Good luck!
i think you should first tell your friend you still like her brother regardless of how anti girfriend she says he is if she is your true friend she will not hate you then you should talk to him go for it hes probably just shy and needs you to make the first move...good luck!
Clear it with your friend first. Tell her point blank that you like him and are interested in a relationship. Tell her you want an honest answer as to how she feels about it. Tell her that you will respect her wishes, because your friendship is the most important to you because boys come and go, and friendship is what truly last. With all that said, make sure she understands how much you actually like him. When you get her honest answer, listen to her. If she is ok with it, go for it. If she is not, then respect her wishes. There are tons of guys at your school, I'm sure, and that is nothing compared to the world that's full of them. Odds are, ten years down the road, you will have no relationship with him, however, there's a great chance you %26amp; her will still be friends. Good Luck!
just tell her the truth if shes your friend you should be able to talk to her.if she gets mad then shes not a real friend.

you cant help how ya feel but what you do about says who you are.

first of all change your retarded looking avatar its distracting my thinking
i think you should get to know him better first. ask your friend before asking him. if you get to know him better you might be able to tell if he likes you or not that's how i did it! but I'm pretty much real straight forward..... and ummm... good luck...... yeah i feel weird telling someone that =/

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