Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need advice about my ex-boyfriend!!? PLZZ HELP!?

We dated for six months and I broke up with him a little over a year ago. When I broke up with him, I asked if we could still be friends. He said no, but added that in time, maybe we could. I figured a year would be long enough. However, I saw him at a party recently and he left immediately upon seeing me (without saying anything). Does he hate me? Or what is going on?I need advice about my ex-boyfriend!!? PLZZ HELP!?
To quote Austin Powers, ';that train has sailed,'; He wants nothing more to do with you. Chalk it up to experience and move on.I need advice about my ex-boyfriend!!? PLZZ HELP!?
he duzn't hate u, it's jst so hard 4 him 2 c u. it hurts him and maybe he duzn't think u ment it about being friends. u need 2 actually talk 2 him, give him a note or sumthing if u dont want 2 do it 2 his face.
sometimes situations with ex's are nasty, if he doesn't want to see you or be friends with you, then let him be, you don't want him as a friend if he's going to be bitter like that.
u broke up with him...

he doesnt hate u... he just doesnt wanna talk or see u anymore...

answer mine???
Sounds like it was painful for him to see you cuz he has not gotten over you. He doesnt hate you. He loves you. He just had to leave cuz it hurt him. Guys make no sense but he didnt want to see you with other guys at the party and stuff.
  • jane iredale
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