Thursday, December 31, 2009

Advice about my baby and bestfriend?

my best friend had a preemie baby only a couple months ago she had over 9 months to find a job and get ready for this baby but she failed to do so and her boy friend hasn't had a job in almost a year and he already has two kids so that right there kind of gave me a fill to what kind of guy he is he basically doesnt take care of business hes a dead beat but my friend is just o so inlove with him and claims hes trying. but anyway the baby is born neither one of them still hasn't gotten a job. I see them real often they never had the baby it was always with her mom and the times she did bring the baby around the baby was just straight pissy she didn't smell fresh never fed. it was plenty of times where they all spent the night and her and her boyfriend wouldn't get up till 1 in the afternoon the baby hasn't been woke to be fed or even changed. to me the baby wasnt getting taken care of. but then this pass week the baby passed away i was so crushed i kinda had guilt bc i knew something like this would happened. so since neither one of them had jobs they couldnt pay for the wake or funeral there parents did. so she had been staying at my place since it happened i know ppl grieve differently but she didnt seem to upset for the lost it seemed to have hit me harder. so her mom was making plans for the wake and funeral and we had to be there at 1 we were an hr late bc she was messing around she had gotten up late she was taking her time at the mall it was really upsetting to me bc i felt once again she is not taking care of business. then the next day she was late to the babies wake I was there and so was everybody else and we were just sitting there waiting for her and her boyfriend once again late. she just seem so irresponsible and everything else and now a baby is gone and she could have been taken care of better in the months she was here. so now she asked me if her and her boyfriend could come stay with me until they get back on there feet but i mean they had plenty of time to do that before the baby came while the baby was here and it did not get done and still neither one of them had been looking for a job. and i have a baby on the way shell be here soon and i stay in a little one bedroom apt. one side is telling me no bc every since i had my apt ppl have just been staying with me and my long term boyfriend and i really would want my own place to us when my baby comes home. then i feel like i should help bc she is my best friend and she just lost her baby but i really do feel she isn't trying then shes adding on by wanting her boyfriend to come stay to so i dont know what to do!!!!!!!Advice about my baby and bestfriend?
Hey Girl!

The woman you're describing as your ';best friend';, if I am reading this thing correctly,

1. Doesn't have a job and doesn't even have plans to get one

2. Her boyfriend doesn't either and just sponges off of her (and whatever other luckless woman he managed to knock up)

3. These parents were so indifferent to their baby's welfare that they palmed her off on others and didn't really seem to care when she died.

These are not friends to you. In fact, they are lousy excuses for human beings and are leeches. DO NOT let them stay with you or they will be leeches with you, too, especially if you yourself are expecting and you and your boyfriend want a place. Economic times are tough for everyone but with these creeps around, it'll get a whole lot tougher for you two!

Best of luck.Advice about my baby and bestfriend?
they hella stupid
I am very sorry that your friend had such a devastating loss. However her current situation is one that will only get worse because of their inability to care for themselves. You have a new little life that will be dependant upon you for EVERYTHING. She deserves to have a safe, stable loving environment to grow in. Your friend also may not be able to handle the mental strain of watching your baby thrive day after day in your home. You should tell her that you love her and will help anyway you can EXCEPT her moving in, or giving anything that you might need for your own child. Let her know that you HAVE to put your baby first, and that you can not have more responsibilty heaped upon you at this time. The stress of having them there could even effect your pregnancy. Guide them to the nearest welfare office and wish them well, but please think of your own baby. You've seen first hand what can happen when that baby is not made the priority. Good luck.
Honestly , it sounds like your friend is not a ';true friend';, you really should take a good look at your ';so called best friend'; and her true intentions. If you fall for the ';game'; I am sure this friend will take you for a ride $$$$ wise and in the end there will be no friendship .

If she is old enough to have a boyfriend and to be making babies she should be old enough to take care of herself. Send them to the government for money/roof and help, its not your duty.
Don't do it !!!

Just tell her sorry, you'd really like to help her out but you really don't have the room. You are about to have your own baby. You can't have her and her boyfriend stay with you. Think about this.

1. she didn't do right with her life when she had a major responsibility- to take care of her baby, so she definitely won't have the desire to be responsible now.

2. do you want this trifling girl around your boyfriend. I don't know whether you trust her in that area but if she didn't have morals when it care to her own child than why would she have any for you.

And last but not least,

3. there may be a slight chance that there may be tension or jealousy in your home once YOUR baby is born, due to the fact that she just lost her baby.

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